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Public Sector Salary Disclosure 2009


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Police and fire have been more prevalent on the list due to overtime and and crazy arbitration decisons.


Provincial arbitrators awarded a select few fire services "retention" pay. They were losing quality fire fighters to other services and professions (like EMT). In order to retain the people in those jobs, pay was increased. Unfortunately, ALL fire services wanted wage parity and when it came to collective bargaining time, the unions held out, but kept working. Well, in a lot of cases, the collective agreements went to arbitration and they were awarded retention pay even though retention was not an issue. The arbitrators reasoned that all fire professionals should get paid similarly across the province. The smaller municipalities were essentially forced into paying "big city" wages.


Well, the police got hold of the same concept, but theirs is called "recognition pay." They get certain increments depending on how many years they have been with the force. The reasoning here was that if you pay people more, they are more likely to stay on longer and not retire as early, being able to train up and comers. Thing is, they argued that oficers were retiring early, but they weren't. Again, the decision came down in a large centre, by an arbitrator but was extended in many circumstances to police services across the province.


Don't know much about the nursing situation.


What I can say is that many of the people in the categories above make the list due to one thing - Overtime. Overtime is a systematic problem in my opinion. When people are making 20-50% of their base wage as overtime over the course of a year there is a problem - it just can't be healthly and points to a systematic problem that needs to be addressed by management. Not sure why these people are working so much OT, but a lot are making more than their managers and even Chiefs, which is absurd.


Anyway, I'm not here to say if they are "worth" the money as I haven't done the job, but they are necessary and I appreciate the work they do.

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some of these fireman who work the 7 shifts a month (i think that's how many it is) have worked with me on the side because they have so much spare time. At least the ones I have met are NOT exercising or waxing the truck at 3 a.m.! They sleep. And they are clearly motivated people because they have a 2nd job on their days off! Personally, I would not want someone trying to save my family if they've been up over 24 hours. I fail to see any advantage to this system, other than the employee who gets to sleep on the job and have 20-something days off a month. Due to the risk of the job they should definitely be compensated well, but doesn't being awake more than 24 hours make a risky job even more risky?

Edited by Rizzo
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I think 24 hour shifts is just milking an already lucrative job.

Possibly I'm just jealous having to work 5 days a week.

I see no need of somebody making 100k a year taking a second job when there is almost 10% unemployment.


Dunno how this got to be about firefighters but this is my 2cents.


PS, there is a law limiting how long you can drive a truck without rest...why not for fighting fires?

Edited by Dara
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They take on a second job..Just to see how it feels to actually work for a living........... :stretcher:


That's just about the most ignorant god dammed remark I've ever seen posted on this board, but it seems typical coming from you.

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