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Anyone else finding it hard to be a hockey fan?


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Nope!!! I really start to watch and follow, just to see how far the leafs will actually fall....


and on Behalf of all the bruins fans out there i would like to thank Brian Burke for passing along the first overall pick to the bruins and thus continueing the tradition of the Losers Even After Forty Seasons!!

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Lets see--I'll probably get this quote wrong by Burke


Players need


Truculence (????)




MMMMM...should have mentioned---ability to score goals and keep it out of their net.


Tell ya what---I also followed the leafs---30 years of my life I'll never get back---After they traded--Wendel/Dave Andrychuk and Dougie it was time to say enough.


At the time --the Sens were up and coming---Players with something to prove and not just overpaid attendees with Muskoka cottages on the brain.


I hear all you leaf fans out there---BUT the healing will not begin till you admit there's a problem...Man I gotta stop watchin Dr. Phil.



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to me hockey is the toronto maple leafs

my hockey team isn't there anymore, so I quit watching/following hockey

most teams are owned by rich children who want the glory of a team and will pay big buck to make a winning team

the leafs are owned by the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan and they are there to make money, bottom line nothing else matters to them

they sell out the seats each year, they know they don't need a winning team to make the big profits


so yeah we need to get new owners...that will only happen when the start to lose money


or we need to boycott the leafs totally, the games, the tv, everything

email companies that buy season tickets and tell them you will boycott their produces if they buy the seats and what not



and like that will ever happen


so, hockey is not in my vocabulary anymore...a tear runs down my cheek............

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Guest Johnny Bass

I stop watchin the leafs when Quinn was the coach. Concentrated too much on offence and no defence. That is fun and dandy and makes for some exciting games but come playoff time, a team with no defense goes no where. We need defense. So many good goalies come to Toronto and start to stink.Why? No defence.


Try explaining that to the Ontario's teacher's pension plan. Winning team=more revenue. Simple as that.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

the leafs ceased to be a hockey team when it became too expensive for actual fans to go to games...

the franchise is now a cash cow for the teachers pension, and a status symbol/place to woo business clients for the "fans" attending the games. ever notice how many seats are empty after an intermission? it's 5 minutes into the period before they are full again!


i think the leafs should move to hamilton!

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..and a status symbol/place to woo business clients for the "fans" attending the games. ever notice how many seats are empty after an intermission? it's 5 minutes into the period before they are full again!


That's because they're still in line for the bathrooms!!!!! It's literally impossible to leave at the end of a period, go for a wizz and make it back to your seat in time for the next period.. let alone if get into a consession line as well.


Definately better watching games from home, and quite a bit cheaper!

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Even if all the Leaf fans boycotted and refused to go to the games, the building would still be full of fans cheering for the other team. I can't wait till Kessel is healthy and the Leafs are 0-20-1. Maybe he'll pull a Dany Heatley and demand a trade before even playing a game. I wouldn't blame him.

You know that if the Leafs first pick next year goes into the lottery draw it will come out first overall. As another Boston fan, thanks Burkie.

Hey by the way Manny Fernandez is still a free agent, ha ha.

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I get my fix from Minor Hockey these days. Much more entertaining and you don't have to watch a bunch of overpaid underachievers skating around for 60 minutes just going through the motions................

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Even if all the Leaf fans boycotted and refused to go to the games, the building would still be full of fans cheering for the other team. I can't wait till Kessel is healthy and the Leafs are 0-20-1. Maybe he'll pull a Dany Heatley and demand a trade before even playing a game. I wouldn't blame him.

You know that if the Leafs first pick next year goes into the lottery draw it will come out first overall. As another Boston fan, thanks Burkie.

Hey by the way Manny Fernandez is still a free agent, ha ha.


April 3, 2010..Boston in Toronto...i got tickets!! My first ever pro hockey game, after 28 yrs...the only sad thing is that i have to see the leafs play...ah well...i am going to heckle the crap out of kessel....i will be the guy behind the net with the massive sign, saying "thanks for the 1st overall".


I was hoping it would be a meaningful game....but i doubt it


I wouldnt send Manny there...just another scape goat for the fans to jump on.



Burke did what he said he wouldn't, traded first round picks for an over-rated player. Sad sad sad. I actually think they are worse this year than last year. Is that even possible..........


He's not an over-rated player, just he will have no body to feed him the puck...its not like the leafs have a savard like player...oh wait...stajan...hahhhaha

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I get my fix from Minor Hockey these days. Much more entertaining and you don't have to watch a bunch of overpaid underachievers skating around for 60 minutes just going through the motions................


I hear ya John, I started following OHL more last year aswell.


Hey the overpaid underachievers can have good games, especially near contract time and if their parents or a new "flame" are at the rink.

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Could you imagine if they "DID" have a wicked hockey team.... the teachers would get a pension waiver and retire at 45 with all the swag they would sell.


I saw a guy this morning with new Leafs Jacket on that said "13 time Stanley Cup Winners", I couldn't help but joke that the manufacturer signed a 10 year deal to make those jackets, cause it's not going to change anytime soon.

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Being a Habs fan has been difficult enough since '93, I can't imagine how Leafs fans get through the hockey season. As a Cowboys fan who has suffered a great deal since that same year, I've taken a new approach to following and watching my teams. Instead of focusing on the outcome, a win or a loss, I just look at each game as entertainment...something to enjoy for a short period of time each week that lets me escape from the real world.

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