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very big lake trout


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Guest ThisPlaceSucks


the only reason i said anything was because lake trout stocks are not very stable anywhere outside of lake superior, let alone lake ontario. i didn't want you guys to go all choronzy on me.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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Fish lake Ontario and youll see that the lake Trout population is thriving! I didnt know P3TA had an anglers club!!! let the guy enjoy his catch..... I know hes released a hell of alot more than hes kept thus he has done alot more for the fishery than most of you haters!!!! CONGRATS ON THE GREAT CATCH BUD!!!

Edited by bassassin
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Fish lake Ontario and youll see that the lake Trout population is thriving! I didnt know P3TA had an anglers club!!! let the guy enjoy his catch..... I know hes released a hell of alot more than hes kept thus he has done alot more for the fishery than most of you haters!!!! CONGRATS ON THE GREAT CATCH BUD!!!


Ok...lets take a couple of deep breaths here...nobody's hating....everyone is congratulating the guys for a remarkable catch.


Everyone on this board has there own ideals and moral, etc. on catch and release, and keepin....thats what makes this board great....and leave P3ta out of it...i really dislike that word.

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Thats a hog, congrats on that. BTW anyone actually target lake trout on L Ontario IMO there is no shortage of lakers what so ever. When you can get huge numbers in lakers in 1 trip to the niagara or the bar there seems to be no shortage down here near st.kitts

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What is p3ta or whatever was said earlier?


And is thing a forum for fighting and name calling with the catch and release advocates against the catch and killers?


I'm new here and if this is all I'm going to see here then perhaps it's not the place for me?

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What is p3ta or whatever was said earlier?


And is thing a forum for fighting and name calling with the catch and release advocates against the catch and killers?


I'm new here and if this is all I'm going to see here then perhaps it's not the place for me?


It's a wrap filled with many toppings, very tasty!

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the only reason i said anything was because lake trout stocks are not very stable anywhere outside of lake superior, let alone lake ontario.


I see you haven't fished Lake O recently. Geez, lots of comments from someone who has no idea what he's talking about!


Ask anyone who fishes Lake Ontario about the Lake Trout stocks...it sounds like you might be surprised.

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I have no problem with the guy keeping that fish. There's absolutely no shortage of lake trout in Lake Ontario, and virtually all of them came out of a hatchery to begin with.


MNR began stocking lake trout into Lake Ontario in 1971, dumping anywhere from 400,000 to over 1 million fish into the lake each year. Over the same period, New York has also stocked similar numbers of lake trout. Given that lakers can live to 25 or 30 years of age, the Lake O population could be as high as 15 - 20 million fish.


Both Ontario and New York have documented lake trout spawning sites where the eggs hatch and little fry emerge, but survival of these little guys is apparently very poor. Possible causes are said to include thiamine deficiency in eggs and fry, and predation of eggs by round gobies. But in the last 10 years both Ontario and NY have also found lower survival rates for stocked lake trout as well. The latest thinking is that the problem could really be high (and growing) chemical contaminant levels. Biologists have found high concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (also known as PBDEs) in Lake O lake trout in recent years. Whatever the cause, the outlook isn't good. From the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission's 2008 annual report: "The short-term outlook for restoring a self-sustaining population of lake trout in Lake Ontario at this time is poor."


That being the case, some guy bonking a big laker for the derby will have zero impact on the fishery, so where's the harm? Shoot, it could even help matters by drawing attention to the fact there really are some pretty big fish out there, and maybe its picture on the 'net and in a newspaper might encourage more people to go fishing. That will help the fishery more than anything else.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

As far as I'm concerned, it's none of my business, the fish is a legal catch, and thank you for showing it to us.


Craig_Ritchie, that's a good take on the situation.


It's human nature to attack or be afraid of others who succeed.


Thanks again for posting it.

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Great informative post Craig.


It serves as an excellent example to others to understand or learn about the matter before turning into a self proclaimed expert and spreading misinformation.


I like to think of our Lake Ontario Lake Trout as the Rodney Dangerfield trout :D


They really do get 'no respect'!


I'm hoping to catch one tonight, see you on the water.


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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

so by many OFC'ers standard's a hatchery dependent fishery is considered "thriving"?


i'm glad you folks are down on lake ontario!

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
I see you haven't fished Lake O recently. Geez, lots of comments from someone who has no idea what he's talking about!


Ask anyone who fishes Lake Ontario about the Lake Trout stocks...it sounds like you might be surprised.



i dont' claim to be an expert but fish dominate my personal and professional life. i'm not making things up.

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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That's a freakin beaut!! Nothing really wrong with keeping a fish like that outta lake O considering the unsuccessful reproduction issue and population of lake trout, plus it was a derby! I doubt anyone would let that thing go with first prize on the line. If it was a smaller lake I would be opposed to keeping it. Like Craig said, its good publicity and could get more people involved in the sport which will be better for the business and fisheries in the long run. Nice fish!

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Fish looks almost too fat. Is that common for bigger fish from Lake O?


I'd almost venture to guess thats a sterile female based on the sloppy stomach and seemingly too short length. The way the tail gets fat right away...


Nice fish anyways. Just reminds me of that 102lber from Athabasca



I suppose you're not familiar with Lake O!! Yes, the fish down here are fat! They grow big ad fast and fat from all the baitfish in the lake...


keep in mind that your sonar can go black from clouds of bait that are 80-100' in size from top to bottom! My rigger cables would vibrate as these clouds appeared as the alwives would bounce off the cable!


The lake is so rich with fish - I'll bet that laker is 1/3 maybe 1/4 the age of a similar sized laker from up north


BTW, apparently a 32lb+ fish was caught the week before!

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the only reason i said anything was because lake trout stocks are not very stable anywhere outside of lake superior, let alone lake ontario. i didn't want you guys to go all choronzy on me.



you really should do you research... lake o lakers fishery is a put-n-take... but some natural reproduction is occuring..

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I have no problem with the guy keeping that fish. There's absolutely no shortage of lake trout in Lake Ontario, and virtually all of them came out of a hatchery to begin with.


MNR began stocking lake trout into Lake Ontario in 1971, dumping anywhere from 400,000 to over 1 million fish into the lake each year. Over the same period, New York has also stocked similar numbers of lake trout. Given that lakers can live to 25 or 30 years of age, the Lake O population could be as high as 15 - 20 million fish.


Both Ontario and New York have documented lake trout spawning sites where the eggs hatch and little fry emerge, but survival of these little guys is apparently very poor. Possible causes are said to include thiamine deficiency in eggs and fry, and predation of eggs by round gobies. But in the last 10 years both Ontario and NY have also found lower survival rates for stocked lake trout as well. The latest thinking is that the problem could really be high (and growing) chemical contaminant levels. Biologists have found high concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (also known as PBDEs) in Lake O lake trout in recent years. Whatever the cause, the outlook isn't good. From the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission's 2008 annual report: "The short-term outlook for restoring a self-sustaining population of lake trout in Lake Ontario at this time is poor."


That being the case, some guy bonking a big laker for the derby will have zero impact on the fishery, so where's the harm? Shoot, it could even help matters by drawing attention to the fact there really are some pretty big fish out there, and maybe its picture on the 'net and in a newspaper might encourage more people to go fishing. That will help the fishery more than anything else.


Thant's inteesting cause I've read otherwise... contaminent levels have dropped overall since the 70's

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Get over it Dr

Its a put and take fishery with salmon and lakers and has been for two generations now. Until we find a way to repair the damage done to spawning areas it won't change.

The salmon are fewer..but that is the biggest Laker I have seen out of Lake O. Monster fish...tail reminds me of a triploid almost.

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Get over it Dr

Its a put and take fishery with salmon and lakers and has been for two generations now. Until we find a way to repair the damage done to spawning areas it won't change.

The salmon are fewer..but that is the biggest Laker I have seen out of Lake O. Monster fish...tail reminds me of a triploid almost.





Its one laker folks.......don't lose sleep over it!! I woulda bonked it too!!

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i dont' claim to be an expert but fish dominate my personal and professional life. i'm not making things up.




Well if you dont claim to be an expert then why make a comment about Superior being the only stable Lake trout population in Ontario?



There is no shortage of lakers in Lake O. Its nothing to go out target them and pick up 10-15 fish in a half day and its common to get fish above 15lbs.In Nov the Niagara river has 1000's and 1000's of lakers running the river to spawn, they become a pain when fishing for steelies!

They are never abused because no one wants to eat big lakers anyways. The Americans stock tons of them and they thrive on the bar with the abundance of bait.


The man in the pic releases more fish a year the most guys catch in two!!!

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