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Hail to the Gov Gen.


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You know we all whine about the Gov't but what Michel Jean (SP) our Gov General did with the seal heart was right on.


She did not buckle under P3TA pressure and had a chunk of raw seal heart.


I don' do this often but she gets a lot of my respect and real big Atta Girl.


Way to go



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That was great to see. As soon as the P3TA characters win against the seal clubbers, they'll be coming after the sportfishing crowd. We are already on their list, but not yet top priority. Did you see their protests in the U.S.? They were telling people not to buy Canadian Maple syrup in order to protest the seal hunt.

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The Media out West here have realized she is better than a Figure Head. First she stopped the three Idiots from Ruining the Country, and now she Basically told the Europeans to mind their own Buisness when it comes to Canadian Culture. Including Killing and eating Seals. BANG ON

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I have to agree. Having said that regardless of what you think about the seal hunt and/or the politics of it - I think the fact that she respects the culture of the people of this country enough to eat raw seal says a lot about the character of this woman. Hats off.

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I have nothing against the natives hunting and eating seals. But the Harp Seal clubbing being called a 'hunt' is ridiculous. If you walked around and mashed fish over the head you would not call it fishing.

There is a giant difference between the seals the Innuit eat and the harp seals of the East Coast. One has nothing to do with the other.

Killing Harp Seals is part of why our cod stocks disappeared. Harp seals eat predators of cod 10X more often than they eat cod, which if you know how to break it down, the Harp seals saved 30 cod for each one they ate.

The EU did not 'get in our business'. They just said they were not buying the pelts anymore. It is their right.

Good. I am tired of subsidizing idiotic harvest practices. It was costing Canadian tax payers millions of dollars each year to have our Coast Guard ice breakers help the 'hunters' get to their quarry. We have far more pressing economic concerns now.

You would not support the Coast Guard doing it for commercial fishers would you??


Now the Gov Gen is the representative of the Queen. The Queen has made her opinion clear on the east coast Harp Seals. However, the GG's timing on the matter served to appear acceptance on the harp seal harvest, when in fact it was not the intention. She will likely be answering to the Queen for her poor timing.

The Harp Seal pups were not harvested for their meat, but for their pelts...the flesh was left to waste.

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I have nothing against the natives hunting and eating seals. But the Harp Seal clubbing being called a 'hunt' is ridiculous. If you walked around and mashed fish over the head you would not call it fishing.

There is a giant difference between the seals the Innuit eat and the harp seals of the East Coast. One has nothing to do with the other.

Killing Harp Seals is part of why our cod stocks disappeared. Harp seals eat predators of cod 10X more often than they eat cod, which if you know how to break it down, the Harp seals saved 30 cod for each one they ate.

The EU did not 'get in our business'. They just said they were not buying the pelts anymore. It is their right.

Good. I am tired of subsidizing idiotic harvest practices. It was costing Canadian tax payers millions of dollars each year to have our Coast Guard ice breakers help the 'hunters' get to their quarry. We have far more pressing economic concerns now.

You would not support the Coast Guard doing it for commercial fishers would you??


Now the Gov Gen is the representative of the Queen. The Queen has made her opinion clear on the east coast Harp Seals. However, the GG's timing on the matter served to appear acceptance on the harp seal harvest, when in fact it was not the intention. She will likely be answering to the Queen for her poor timing.

The Harp Seal pups were not harvested for their meat, but for their pelts...the flesh was left to waste.

As a Newfoundlander who has participated in the seal hunt, and someone who's family still does, I must say you are way off base. Seems all your info comes from the P3TA videos of the seal hunt which are from a different era. Seals are not clubbed these days. Nor are the young harvested. They are shot, mature seals only and all flesh must be harvested. Also, coming from a long, long line of cod fisherman, I have seen the damage seals do to the cod. They eat the liver only. Which predator of the cod does the seal harvest? It's not the seal harvest that has caused the demise of the cod fishery, it was the Federal 'scientists' who allowed the large quotas for the draggers what not only harvested millions of tonnes of fish but raped the sea bed, left ghost nets, and dumped quota fish and any by-catch. The fishermen told the govt. for years that the cod were getting smaller and fewer, but they would not listen. In my honest opinion, you are very intelligent and have many good points on a lot of topics on this board. But please get the facts straight on the seal hunt before spieling.



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I don't know Rick---It appears P3TA was the ones drawing ties between the GG, the Inuit and the east coast seal harvest.


At face value I believe the GG was being respectful of the Inuit tradition and good on her.


I believe many board members here would hesitate a raw taste of seal heart---She's got jam.


I am honest and believe the east coast seal harvest to be just as part of our Canadian heritage as any of our Ontario hunting and fishing.


We don't want to look to closely at other parts of our dealings with animals cause in My opinion some killing of horses for their flesh makes the seal hunt look like a childrens t-ball game--just fewer celebs involved.



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As a Newfoundlander who has participated in the seal hunt, and someone who's family still does, I must say you are way off base. Seems all your info comes from the P3TA videos of the seal hunt which are from a different era. Seals are not clubbed these days. Nor are the young harvested. They are shot, mature seals only and all flesh must be harvested. Also, coming from a long, long line of cod fisherman, I have seen the damage seals do to the cod. They eat the liver only. Which predator of the cod does the seal harvest? It's not the seal harvest that has caused the demise of the cod fishery, it was the Federal 'scientists' who allowed the large quotas for the draggers what not only harvested millions of tonnes of fish but raped the sea bed, left ghost nets, and dumped quota fish and any by-catch. The fishermen told the govt. for years that the cod were getting smaller and fewer, but they would not listen. In my honest opinion, you are very intelligent and have many good points on a lot of topics on this board. But please get the facts straight on the seal hunt before spieling.



The young are absolutely harvested. The white coats are not..but a young pup sheds its white coat at about 2 to 3 weeks of age...usually within 48 hours. So over the weekend a seal pup goes from off limits to legal. Seals are still clubbed with the hackapic. Shooting often damages the pelt. The adults escape too quickly. Check the harvest numbers from the DFO...while only 50,000 seals were harvested this year, the vast majority are always young of the year.

The cod demise was entirely of our making, however human induced imbalance in the hunter/prey population ALWAYS negatively affects the prey.

Why would the DFO refuse to allow neutral third party observation and recording of the harvest if it had nothing to hide? Why have hundreds of charges been laid against these guys for illegal killings?

I do not get any info from either the pro or anti side. They both have their own agenda. I have read the DFO reports and come to my own conclusions.

I am against my tax dollars subsidizing an unsustainable practice...one that nearly the entire world is opposed to, costs us millions of dollars and which generates less than 6,000 temporary jobs.

I'd much rather see my tax dollars be used to buy out the licenses and retrain and send these guys to school if they wish. It is no different than shark finning...an irresponsible waste of a natural resource. The harvest of any animal for only a minor portion of their carcass is not acceptable use in ANY resource plan.


This is not what the Innuit do. They use as much of the seal as possible...inluding the pelt, flesh, tendons, and even the bones. They understand the balance far better than we do.

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The young are absolutely harvested. The white coats are not..but a young pup sheds its white coat at about 2 to 3 weeks of age...usually within 48 hours. So over the weekend a seal pup goes from off limits to legal. Seals are still clubbed with the hackapic. Shooting often damages the pelt. The adults escape too quickly. Check the harvest numbers from the DFO...while only 50,000 seals were harvested this year, the vast majority are always young of the year.

The cod demise was entirely of our making, however human induced imbalance in the hunter/prey population ALWAYS negatively affects the prey.

Why would the DFO refuse to allow neutral third party observation and recording of the harvest if it had nothing to hide? Why have hundreds of charges been laid against these guys for illegal killings?

I do not get any info from either the pro or anti side. They both have their own agenda. I have read the DFO reports and come to my own conclusions.

I am against my tax dollars subsidizing an unsustainable practice...one that nearly the entire world is opposed to, costs us millions of dollars and which generates less than 6,000 temporary jobs.

I'd much rather see my tax dollars be used to buy out the licenses and retrain and send these guys to school if they wish. It is no different than shark finning...an irresponsible waste of a natural resource. The harvest of any animal for only a minor portion of their carcass is not acceptable use in ANY resource plan.


This is not what the Innuit do. They use as much of the seal as possible...inluding the pelt, flesh, tendons, and even the bones. They understand the balance far better than we do.



Don't you have a Green Peace meeting to attend or something?



Rick OBanion Posted Today, 07:39 PM

I have nothing against the natives hunting and eating seals. But the Harp Seal clubbing being called a 'hunt' is ridiculous. If you walked around and mashed fish over the head you would not call it fishing.

There is a giant difference between the seals the Innuit eat and the harp seals of the East Coast. One has nothing to do with the other.

Killing Harp Seals is part of why our cod stocks disappeared. Harp seals eat predators of cod 10X more often than they eat cod, which if you know how to break it down, the Harp seals saved 30 cod for each one they ate.

The EU did not 'get in our business'. They just said they were not buying the pelts anymore. It is their right.

Good. I am tired of subsidizing idiotic harvest practices. It was costing Canadian tax payers millions of dollars each year to have our Coast Guard ice breakers help the 'hunters' get to their quarry. We have far more pressing economic concerns now.

You would not support the Coast Guard doing it for commercial fishers would you??


Now the Gov Gen is the representative of the Queen. The Queen has made her opinion clear on the east coast Harp Seals. However, the GG's timing on the matter served to appear acceptance on the harp seal harvest, when in fact it was not the intention. She will likely be answering to the Queen for her poor timing.

The Harp Seal pups were not harvested for their meat, but for their pelts...the flesh was left to waste.


No, it's not the Harp Seal decline that's responsible for the Cod fishery collapse... it's the 9 zillion Maritimers with the attitude of " we better get them before someone else does"... they rape the resourse, and then sit around and cry and blame it on everything and everyone else except themselves when the resourse is gone... typical commercial fishermen!!!... I hate those buggers!!! :angry:


Mmmmmmmmmmmm!... rotting baby Harp Seal Flesh!!!! :P

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No, it's not the Harp Seal decline that's responsible for the Cod fishery collapse... it's the 9 zillion Maritimers with the attitude of " we better get them before someone else does"... they rape the resourse, and then sit around and cry and blame it on everything and everyone else except themselves when the resourse is gone... typical commercial fishermen!!!... I hate those buggers!!! :angry:


Mmmmmmmmmmmm!... rotting baby Harp Seal Flesh!!!! :P

Spoken like a true American. The Maritimers didn't own the big commercial draggers. There are roughlt only half a million of us on the island at a time. And speaking of self demise...go buy a new Dodge Ram diesel pick-up. Oh wait, we can't. Good place for our tax dollars to go though...

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Did you see their protests in the U.S.? They were telling people not to buy Canadian Maple syrup in order to protest the seal hunt.


Never heard that here and I have never seen Canadian Maple syrup sold here as we have so much of our own local maple syrup made right here in NY. I LOVE REAL maple syrup especially on vanilla ice cream...........mmmmmgood......

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I think Rex Murphy said it best in last nights news cast. Video is not available yet, but here's the transcript. Way ta go GG!


Seal of Disapproval

Rex Murphy Point of View

May 28, 2009


So the Governor General goes to Rankin Inlet, goes on a seal hunt, participates in an Inuit feast, and - from some quarters - gets ripped for her "stupidity" and her "immorality."


Those words are insolent and ignorant: only someone imperiously smug could describe Michaëlle Jean's participation in the feast - and the explicit and implicit respect for the people that her participation signaled - as either stupid or immoral.


It's fast becoming undebatable that the smartest, best thing Paul Martin did as Prime Minister was his appointment of Michaëlle Jean as Governor General. She can swoosh into an NAC gala with the best of the 'fashionistas,' chat with President Obama in prefect ease, and sit comfortably on the ground in a track suit, wielding a ulu, and sample the uncooked heart of that night's dish of fresh seal.


It's "disgusting," cried some - including the P3TA brigade, who enroll such luminaries as Pamela Anderson among their house philosophers, and who have made such "tasteful" comparisons as animal farming to the Holocaust. They actually ran a "Holocaust on your Plate" campaign. Disgusting is a word P3TA and Pamela have lost the right to use.


Actually the Governor General was a model of deep courtesy in her actions and visit. How much we talk the talk of "diversity," "respect for traditions," and regard for aboriginal peoples. Yet here we have the head of state of Canada - not just flitting by, but staying over, participating, mixing in depth with the people of the far north. The response? We have all sorts of superior people calling her "too bizarre," citing her actions as "bloodlust," "Neanderthal," "offensive" and insulting her as stupid and immoral.


Stand back a little from those descriptions, and it is impossible not to see that - effectively - that's what they're calling the Inuit. It was their feast, their practices, their customs - and Michaëlle Jean was their guest. I guess, then, the claim to recognize diversity, to respect the traditions of "others" doesn't extend, for the Governor General's mainly animal rights critics, to the Inuit. That "diversity" is a "diversity" too far.


She helped to skin a seal. She ate a portion of raw seal heart. Ooh, disgusting. Well, it isn't to those who have been doing so for generations. It isn't for those who find a living in hunting seals. It isn't for those living in some of the remotest, harshest places on the planet, and who are patronized every second day for their "wonderful culture" - except when someone from the outside actually comes to visit and participates in that wonderful culture.


The people of the North - or the east coast - are not telling the European Union what to eat, or caterwauling about "rack of lamb" on the menus of the rest of the world. No, it is always some superior sensitive souls down south - aided by Hollywood dimbells - who seek to impose their progressive view of the world on those far less comfortable and far less well off.


The Governor General should be given one of her own medals for this. In an age when you can't get a politician to say a clear thing to save his life - or do something, for once, without ambiguity - her participation, and endorsement, this week of an ancient, diverse culture, is a act of exceptional and clear bravery. She knew the whirlwind she'd kick up, and she didn't step back from it.


She actually liked the people she was visiting; more, she respected them and showed her respect by action.


Good for her.


For The National, I'm Rex Murphy.

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Mr. Murphy hit the nail of the head in my opinion.


This wasn't about endorsement of the seal hunt at all. A welcome change that a senior Govt official would practice what is preached versus do as I say not what I do.


Something like this will go a long way in building relations between Ottawa and the Inuit.


In my opinion an increasingly rare good news story for the Canadian Govt.

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I think Rex Murphy said it best in last nights news cast. Video is not available yet, but here's the transcript. Way ta go GG!


Seal of Disapproval

Rex Murphy Point of View

May 28, 2009


So the Governor General goes to Rankin Inlet, goes on a seal hunt, participates in an Inuit feast, and - from some quarters - gets ripped for her "stupidity" and her "immorality."


Those words are insolent and ignorant: only someone imperiously smug could describe Michaëlle Jean's participation in the feast - and the explicit and implicit respect for the people that her participation signaled - as either stupid or immoral.


It's fast becoming undebatable that the smartest, best thing Paul Martin did as Prime Minister was his appointment of Michaëlle Jean as Governor General. She can swoosh into an NAC gala with the best of the 'fashionistas,' chat with President Obama in prefect ease, and sit comfortably on the ground in a track suit, wielding a ulu, and sample the uncooked heart of that night's dish of fresh seal.


It's "disgusting," cried some - including the P3TA brigade, who enroll such luminaries as Pamela Anderson among their house philosophers, and who have made such "tasteful" comparisons as animal farming to the Holocaust. They actually ran a "Holocaust on your Plate" campaign. Disgusting is a word P3TA and Pamela have lost the right to use.


Actually the Governor General was a model of deep courtesy in her actions and visit. How much we talk the talk of "diversity," "respect for traditions," and regard for aboriginal peoples. Yet here we have the head of state of Canada - not just flitting by, but staying over, participating, mixing in depth with the people of the far north. The response? We have all sorts of superior people calling her "too bizarre," citing her actions as "bloodlust," "Neanderthal," "offensive" and insulting her as stupid and immoral.


Stand back a little from those descriptions, and it is impossible not to see that - effectively - that's what they're calling the Inuit. It was their feast, their practices, their customs - and Michaëlle Jean was their guest. I guess, then, the claim to recognize diversity, to respect the traditions of "others" doesn't extend, for the Governor General's mainly animal rights critics, to the Inuit. That "diversity" is a "diversity" too far.


She helped to skin a seal. She ate a portion of raw seal heart. Ooh, disgusting. Well, it isn't to those who have been doing so for generations. It isn't for those who find a living in hunting seals. It isn't for those living in some of the remotest, harshest places on the planet, and who are patronized every second day for their "wonderful culture" - except when someone from the outside actually comes to visit and participates in that wonderful culture.


The people of the North - or the east coast - are not telling the European Union what to eat, or caterwauling about "rack of lamb" on the menus of the rest of the world. No, it is always some superior sensitive souls down south - aided by Hollywood dimbells - who seek to impose their progressive view of the world on those far less comfortable and far less well off.


The Governor General should be given one of her own medals for this. In an age when you can't get a politician to say a clear thing to save his life - or do something, for once, without ambiguity - her participation, and endorsement, this week of an ancient, diverse culture, is a act of exceptional and clear bravery. She knew the whirlwind she'd kick up, and she didn't step back from it.


She actually liked the people she was visiting; more, she respected them and showed her respect by action.


Good for her.


For The National, I'm Rex Murphy.



Well Rex is a little more long winded than I am but I think we're saying the same thing---he is quite the wordsmith.


My thoughts on P3TA are that there are no boundaries when it come to getting attention---they will do the most outlandish things for free press--much like this issue.


I always take one step back when it comes to any group that is so certain that their point of view is the right one and everyone else should get in line---Self righteousness has gotten the world into more trouble than any single issue.


Back to P3TA--they are a one issue marketing team---tearing at the heartstrings of the too busy to be informed crowd--all's we need is a baby animal to cry on que.


It's the same theory as Michelin having babies in their tire commercials---Don't you know that you don't love your children unless you have Michelins.


Well It's not Rex worthy but that's my Take


Meat eating Painter


(Message to P3TA--I like my steak rare)

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No, it's not the Harp Seal decline that's responsible for the Cod fishery collapse... it's the 9 zillion Maritimers with the attitude of " we better get them before someone else does"... they rape the resourse, and then sit around and cry and blame it on everything and everyone else except themselves when the resourse is gone... typical commercial fishermen!!!... I hate those buggers!!!


Easy there Dog

they be serious fighting words!

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