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They won't be the first ones to run out of money. Its going to be a huge issue in the US. The current economic crisis isn't just about credit card debt and housing crashes....the US tax-base is dependent on a raging economy and with it slowing (and shrinking) they are going to have some serious issues.


We're at the end of the beginning phase of this....just now getting into the meaty part. (unfortunately)

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Ha HA HA, That's so funny. They're either, on Fire, Running out of Water, going to end due to Earthquakes, now, they're all going to starve to Death


When is this Fear Mongering that the news are doing going to stop? Its like Listening to Jack saying that we are as bad as the depression. Didn't know our unemployment was in the 30s percent and thousands are climbing trains heading West. FEAR MONGERING, What a bunch of Morons. I think its about time that News actually investigated instead of writing crap that sells to gullible people. Maybe Markets might then stabilize.

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Wow, I'm getting married this year - and hearing crap like this isn't making me feel all that well!! I've heard the economy is supposedly going to be AS BAD as the "GREAT DEPRESSION" :s

:clapping: right there is the biggest problem some speculating piece of dung has brainwashed you into thinking its over for you ,live life and go with the flow

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I remember hearing a number on California`s economy, bigger than a lot of countries, I think Canada was ranked 10th in 2005 and California is right near there also. Nice job by the way!


A lot of problems out there now, spending problems, immigration problems, jobs loss, and the housing market. The government has been pretty stupid in my view, California has one of the, if not the largest illegal alien populations in the country. Most are low or no income, California has to provide education and health care to them, whether they can pay or not, number was like 3 to 5 million people? Not paying or paying very low taxes and receiving benefits that far out weighed them.


Housing market hit hard by defaults on home loans, crazy prices for homes out there. My brother lived outside San Diego during the later 70`s until about 1995? I bought a brand new home here in 75 for 28,500, he came home to visit and thought my yard was large, LOL 50X126? he paid 3 times as much for his home out there at the time. Falling property values? less revenue to the state.


Think the number I heard is a 40 Billion short fall for them? Roughly what it costs us for 4 months in Iraq? Big spending and tax cuts(income loss) gets you one thing, debt! It has been building for at least the last 8 years and has now reached the breaking point, all the states are hurting to some degree.


The trade policies were fool hardy? An initial boom as we shipped machinery and setup to receive imports? but revenues to state and the federal government dropped as higher paying manufacturing jobs were replaced by lower paying service industry jobs, and less of them.


Every county here in Ohio is looking at cutting services and layoffs, same with the state government, a lot of states have had their un-employment funds run out and are borrowing from the fed to maintain benefits. Same story across most of the country.


If the US has financial problems it is going to affect the rest of the world, we are the worlds largest market, and people aren`t buying.

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Guns and ammo check couple large bags of rice and some canned goods in the basement check. Only thing i need now is some precious metals in physical form for when inflation starts going through the roof shortly from all of this money they're printing. Oh ya did i mention i'm a bit of a pessimist on the whole economy situation right now....lol

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