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Excellent Niagara musky G2G


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Well, another musky season has come to an end with our annual G2G on the Upper Niagara and we had the best turnout ever with 15 guys.


Myself, squid, Rizzo & his bud, Wayne, Terry, Aile Goby, Fishmaster, Sonny, (Jen met us for supper) Percher, Biteme, Adam (Reefhawg) Corvette, jwl and walleyemen....I think that's everyone.


We all met at the ramp before sunrise yesterday morning, cleared away some ice, and launched the boats. The weather was fantastic, with alot of sun and very respectable temps for mid-December. A bit of snow in the morning, but it only lasted a few minutes and the sun was out again.


We fished the river for 8 hours and then all met back at the marina at 4:00 and got the boats loaded on the trailers


As mentioned in another thread, there were a couple fish caught in jwl & Rizzo's boats, and then the big fish of the day went to my old fish'n bud Adam with a beautiful fat 49 incher right at the end of the day just as he was getting ready to head for the ramp........WTG pal, she was a real beaut !!


There was a pic taken of Adams fish, maybe it'll be posted


Once the boats were loaded, we headed into Fort Erie where we had a fantastic supper at a restaurant recommended by jwl, then packed it all up, said our goodbyes to each other and proclaimed the 2008 musky season officially over.


Definetely one of the best OFC G2G's we've ever had, and for those of you who couldn't make it this year for whatever reason, we'll be doing it again next December on the last Saturday before the 15th, so book your spot now ;)


Thanks to everyone who came out this year and it was great to see another successful trip.

Edited by lew
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Good to see you again Lew and thanks for the update. Although I knew i couldn't make the supper, my partner Shawn told me part way through the day he needed to leave by two for his in-laws Christmas party...needless to say that didn't happen, here's hoping they forgive him (and me as I had the car keys!). I didn't even see Adam there but I'm excited to see his fish, that was great news to read this Sunday morning. Although my fish wasn't that long (low 40's???) it sure was fat. At 49 inches I'd imagine Adam's was a real beaut, hopefully someone will post a photo

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Thanks for planting the bug in the first place Lew. The day went off great, everyone chipped in to make sure the ramp was useable for the day, all boats went in pretty smooth besides the usual winter things like being frozen to trailers, and a couple extra seconds to warm up..but all of us that use our boats in the winter know that this is to be expected.


It was great to be part of the musky G2G where there where actually fish caught :clapping: And nice to top it off with a big hot meal at the end of the day. Glad to hear that everyone who travelled got home safely. I will definately set aside that date next season to do it all over again!

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What a great day on the water, even though we didn't get a hook up, getting out there was what it was all about!


Meeting everyone and spending time doing what we all enjoy... Here are some pics from the day!










Afterwards we all got together at Green Acres Family Restaurant in Fort Erie on Highway #3, what a great place to grab a meal that will fill you up!






Seeing as we didn't catch fish eatting fish was just as good, specially with great company!



Steve and Bernadette

(Fishmaster and Jen)

Edited by Fishmaster
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Thanks for the invite Lew !!! Took a lot of "considering" to haul a perfectly clean boat outside into 4 feet of snow... road grim and the lot... but I won't hesitate next year. Had a great time... trip home got a tad dicey from Barrie on Northward (almost found a ditch) but todays +3C was perfect to wash her back off and tuck her away inside.


Great meeting all the new "faces" and seeing old friends again. We had a few moments of excitement.. but none of them resulted in a fish in the boat. One was a fish for Jose... but the one that spooled my 700 B.. was a snag! lol Amazing how fast you can peel 1000 feet of line in a 6MPH current!


Thanks everyone that cleared the ramp... glad I could donate at least one bag of sand/salt mix to the effort, without hurting my back! lol

Edited by irishfield
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Thanks guys and I'm happy to hear everbody enjoyed themselves, it was an excellent day, and thank you Steve for posting those pictures, I forgot to take any myself. :lol:


The picture of Adam's 49 incher is on dough boy 99's camera, but I don't know if he wants it posted here or not.

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It was an awesome day out there. Though we did not catch any muskies, did see some beautiful homes though. It was nice to meet new faces, Steve, Jack, Jen and Doug. Adam's friend too. Oh and Aile Goby. Until next year folks!! Keep the lines tight.


it was a great time for me as well getting to meet some of the hardcore nut jobs from this board too...awesome to see the way everyone kicks in together to make the day run as smooth as possible, and make the best of it out there!!!!


I was planning on doing a bit of last day action today but the rain and winds reallyt sucked here so me and my buddy called it off at about 10 this morning..gotta wait until next year now..and you can definately count me in for the G2G,I will practice up a little next year...we went 1 for 4 in the area I chose to fish..not bad considering that was my first trip out for muskies on the river for 2008...main thing is I got my partner for the day in on some action :Gonefishing:


I think I am still full from dinner :lol:

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them pics say it all looks like agreat time was had I got caught up on alot of show watching and heck today I unpakced the boat for the season that was a sad chore but I had to do it. Now all the baits are away waiting for teh winter hook sharpening chore to begin the plans are in the works for june 6th already to bad I could not fish this last weekend it is always a great time in late Dec when no one else is there but the musky nuts. Congratz again on a great outting to ya all

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