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Been thinking about this and just wondering ,how much it would work.

Ok lets start.



1) Pick up trucks.

We all know they have gone out of thier way to try and put the biggest, baddest out there.

Lets say they try this.

Put out one big mother hauler. 8 cyl,(Gas or deisel your choice)and max it out and pimp it out.Leather seats,auto tranny,GPS ,electric all around,full disc brakes and 4x4. Im sure I,ll miss some options but you get my jest.

One luxury truck per manufacure. You can replace truck with SUV. But only one.


2)Now make a full size P/U,with eithera 6 or 8 cyl. Basic. Auto or manual tranny. Come with, 4 wheel drive,disc brake all around. Nothing more. If you want a cd player you go and buy it somewhere else. Yes you have to roll the windows down by hand.LOL



3) One small P/U. One body frame/chassie. No options ,just basic. 4-6 cyl.Again, manual or auto tranny.


Now mid size.

One van,same as the samll truck(no 4x4),but you have a choice between a 4 or six cyl. Basic. Like above.


And for the little cars. You have a choice, mini station wagon or compact car, with a 4-6 cyl. Basic.



Guess what Im trying to say is,if they make one for the haulers(ones that have big trailers/boats )and the rest for us that want to save on the price of gas,this to me,is the way to go.

This is for the Big 3 only. If you want luxury extream,there are others out there that can give you what you want.


Call me :w00t: ,but this is what I feel they need to do. Way to many options and upgrades. If they would just build basic,then Im sure they would save money.



BACK TO BASICS ;):canadian:




Ok, now you can shoot me down. :wallbash:

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Well I'll definitely have to agree when it comes to frivolous options, carpets, they get dirty, use rubber floors like the basic ones, after all, it's not like you're sitting on the floor, power seats, hmm, little too lazy to adjust manually...dual heat zones, suck it up and compromize. :whistling:

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My 97 pu is plane jane. And it,s a 5 speed with no options(even got that rubber mat FM)lol. It comes as plain as can be. Might explain why it has been a low maintenance truck. Yeah I even roll down the windows.



I got no problem with that.

Gets me to ,A,B ,C.

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How about having to show a legitimate need to buy a pickup truck or suv? Like towing a camper, boat, ect. Parking lot at work used to be full of them and the only thing most people hauled was their BFA! People bought them for safety? So they would survive a crash they might cause? eg 4500lbs of pickup or suv into a 2500lbs of car?


If the thinking is they can make 6 to 9 thousand per copy does it make sense to build anything else if there is a demand? Got to remember these are good business men? They have to show the stock holders profits to get a raise? Keep their jobs? Or do they?


Nationalize our health care, remove that burden of fully funded employer health care, establish a payroll tax of 2% of your hourly wage deducted from your pay and matched by the employer. Immediately deport any illegal alien that goes to the hospital with a non covered injury or illness instead of the taxpayers continuing to fund them.


Lots of people here work under the table and have no insurance coverage, drives up the cost for everyone, including the companies that still provide full employer coverage.


LOL I like Stren you like Trilene? Limited selection? People aren`t bright enough to realize it might be in their own best interests? I had a Chevy Astro van (wifes car) 10 mile drive to work, and a chevette (my ride) 28 mile drive to work but I am just cheap! Didn`t need to full size vehicles, didn`t need anything bigger to pull my boat or utility trailer. Need a fancy ride to park in the lot at work for 12 to 15 hours a day?


All I need in a car is automatic transmission(now) power steering (now) power brakes and a AM/FM radio, instead they take a 10k car and put 8k worth of options on it, and call it a low end model?


Non Union? I have trusted my employers to make good decisions about as much as I trust my politicians, any of them! The decisions may have been in their best interests but certainly not in mine.


A lot more complicated, politics involved and things left to certain power bases with their own special interests. Hard to tell which is right, both sides may be to a certain extent but won`t be satisfied unless it is their way? Auto plants are a lot better than 30 years ago, but the Ford plant in Brookpark here used to have 12,000 employees and now less than 2,000, they got the hint?


Over all the whole thing is smelly, from Wall Street to the Auto Companies, mostly driven by greed. LOL and the line for bail outs may get longer.

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My 97 pu is plane jane. And it,s a 5 speed with no options(even got that rubber mat FM)lol. It comes as plain as can be. Might explain why it has been a low maintenance truck. Yeah I even roll down the windows.



I got no problem with that.

Gets me to ,A,B ,C.


Custom fender though......

Edited by irishfield
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Yep plain Jane all the way, plain pick ups, 14ft tinnies, 9.9hp motors, fiberglass rods and zebco 202's don't need anything fancier than that



I guess while were at it we could all dress and eat the same too

Edited by Whopper
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With all joking aside


Speak your mind.



Theres got to be a simpler way.


Have we become this lazy we cant even roll down a simple window? Even use a key, to unlock our doors?


And ya,ll wonder why you all pay what you do, for the new rides.

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We bailed out Wall Street to save the economy, but if you look at the figures in the link was it wise? And we can deny the Auto companies? Just my take is the only suits some people should wear are striped ones?




Key words In 1980, CEOs were paid 40 times the average worker. Today, they are paid 600 times more.


No way to tell what is right or wrong for the common citizens? Our politicians went along for this ride and it seems to be a long one.


Projection here is another 8 million home foreclosures here in the next 4 years, and 40% of the people getting modified home loans will again be foreclosed on? We need to keep people working.

Edited by OhioFisherman
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Projection here is another 8 million home foreclosures here in the next 4 years, and 40% of the people getting modified home loans will again be foreclosed on? We need to keep people working.


It has to start with making things less costly/affordable then,would you not agree?

Im not going as far as saying food stamps and all that.

Just make it so that,everyone can work,have what they need. Man, I have a hard time saying/communicating with a key board.


We as a society, most have gone way beyond our reach.

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Have we become this lazy we cant even roll down a simple window? Even use a key, to unlock our doors?


Not lazy dude, we got busier. How can you expect me to eat, drink, shave, send text messages and flip off the people who honk over my liberal use of multiple lanes and also operate a manual crank window at the same time? :P


BTW, I've been in some nice trucks (Navigators, Sequoias, Escalade) as a passenger and though I could never afford it, if I could I would, and that's sorta the right of those that can afford it in our society, isn't it?



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hand crank on my truck thank you, nothin worse then opening an electric window in -30 weather and not being able to close it again, (if ur able to open it at all)


when i specified that to the salesman he looked at me funny and said "why would you want that?" i said cause i'm not that lazy, and he got insulted.....oops


what burnt me was to get a sliding rear window i HAD to get semi tint windows, jerk0ff$


maybe they should join the big 3 together and have 1 truck like u say with all the optins, and one without, and thats it, 4x4 shouldnt be an option but required :thumbsup_anim:

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BTW, I've been in some nice trucks (Navigators, Sequoias, Escalade) as a passenger and though I could never afford it, if I could I would, and that's sorta the right of those that can afford it in our society, isn't it?


Hey Charles

I have been in some of them too(helpping out with launching)

Man they are sweet,but are they really needed?????? Guess if yer posh (sp?) yeah I guess you do.

A basic full size pick up with a cap, would be suffisint for any angler,weather he be a common sport fisher or a tournment angler.


How can you expect me to eat, drink, shave, send text messages and flip off the people


You do know those things are against the law right? LOL J/K

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Couple things come to mind on this Brian. First of all the option list was a way for the salesmen/women to up their commission. Secondly the plain vehicles were a hard sell (at least they were anyway). I once worked for a dealership and up until recently not much changed.

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Keep the government out of the mix. Let free market take over.

:lol::lol: Haven't you learned anything. Your so called free market got us into this mess.

The second thing is the "free market" is just as much crap as Marx's communist utopia. It does not work. I have personal real world experience with this and believe a "free market" sucks. I dug this up from a post I made on another forum.

Have any of you experienced or seen a "free market"? I have and the results were bad for everybody. I work in the sign business and have been involved with portable signs. Those are the tempory signs used by businesses to advertise generally on the side of the road. They are supposed to be used for a short period of time and then taken down. Here is what happened here.These type of signs were a new thing here about fifteen years ago. One company, the one I am currently working for was one of the first to offer them to businesses. After awhile the city of Hamilton tried to regulate then by passing some by-laws. The guy I currently work for took the city to court and got an injunction against the by-law. The city did not want to spend any more money on this and so there were no laws governing the use of these signs. It was now a defacto free market. In a few years this was the result.

The company I work for basically quit doing portables in Hamilton because prices spiralled downward and it was no longer profitable. They never made back any of the money they spent on lawyers.

There were so many portable signs out there that they were virtually useless as advertising media. They were so crowded together that nobody could read them. The merchants only used them because they were cheap so everyone had one out and they didn't want to lose their spot. Everybody that could slap some boards together had a portable sign business and plenty went out of business. They left their junkie signs sitting there. Some merchants bought their own portable signs. These deteriorated and became derelics because there was no maintainance done on them. Property managers and landlords either banned their use or let their tenants do what ever they wanted. Certain sections of the city really started to look like crap. The result of a completely free market was bad news for everyone. The city looked like hell. Merchants spent money on advertising that provided no return. Portable sign companies had large numbers of signs that made no profit and they could not get rid of them do to the money they had tied up in their inventory of signs and letters. The company that I work for ( the one that created the free market) did business in other cities and towns that had by-laws regulating portable signs. And guess what? The business thrived in a regulated market and has greatly expanded into other aspects of the sign and graphic business. The city of Hamilton, where I live has passed new sign by-laws and the mess is being cleaned up. The sign business I work for is doing more business in the city. At a profit. This is the real world that I have worked in for the last ten years. So much for "free markets" I say you can keep em. Laissez faire business died a hundred years ago and I hope it stays buried.

Edited by hammercarp
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Couple things come to mind on this Brian. First of all the option list was a way for the salesmen/women to up their commission. Secondly the plain vehicles were a hard sell (at least they were anyway). I once worked for a dealership and up until recently not much changed.


Maybe the times will change Bernie. They got to,how long can we go along with this?

Take boats these days.

They come basic then they say, you can get this, and that ,then all of a sudden,that and this, become another 4 thou dollars. If we went out and bought the additions later on, and on sale,we save.


Did you know, they want 1200 bucks for a CD player as an upgrade at the dealership? what the heck is that?


Yep,commision. :whistling:

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We as a society, most have gone way beyond our reach?


Brian I don`t disagree with that, but who set the example? Since 1980 most workers pay has been lucky to double? What could possibly make these CEO`s think their pay should go up by such a vast amount? It is the same for the Auto industry and most other businesses here.



Connie I tend to disagree, better to hire the cops before the crime spree? Some one should have stepped in long before now, but political contributions can be blinding? I don`t have any answers, Washington seems to put out some lame ones.


I don`t like the bailouts, the reasons given for them even less, and the concept of a CEO making more than the President of this country less than that.


Never saw the need for a fancy car or boat, a roof over my families head that was paid for was Mission Accomplished! Only reason I won`t buy a stick shift now is cars don`t shift as well with out using the clutch as trucks, and my left leg has a mind of it`s own.


Like anything different opinions, and I can`t and won`t say mine is right, just my view better more are living comfortably than the chosen few. I may have to much also? But it`s paid for and I never thought I was worth more than the guy working next to me, the cop or fireman, heck even the trash dude.


Already told the wife when I croak no suit, burn my butt on some old pallets in the back field and have a pig roast and a couple kegs! I don`t need the beer either. At that point dry might be a good thing?

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Already told the wife when I croak no suit, burn my butt on some old pallets in the back field and have a pig roast and a couple kegs!



Yep,how much can that cost.LOL


and my left leg has a mind of it`s own.


I wont even start to ask about that.LOL


Thanks Paul for the replies.


Holly crapolla HammerCarp,thats a post and a half.

Not sure it,s what I meant/looking for,but holly molly.Good points.


All I wanted to know is,if the big three built basic and just one big one, would it be better?




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