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Muskie virgin no more


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We hit the lake around 5pm yesterday, and headed for a little cove we don't usually fish. Jeff seemed excited about this "new" spot, but I wasn't feeling too optimistic. A friend of mine passed away earlier this week, and I was having trouble getting excited about fish.


At any rate, since I figured nothing was happening anyway, I decided to throw out a bait I'd bought on a whim, but hadn't tried before. Enter a PowerBait Realistix 5" Power Jerkshad in pearl white. They've got a subtle pinkish sheen to them, which caught my eye.




Threw one on a weighted 4/0 hook, and over the side it went. Lots of little fish molested it, but nothing big enough to get at the hook. What the heck - if it's a panfish day, it's a panfish day. Grabbed a stinger hook, skinned it through the bait's tail, and threw it out again. This little bugger immediately stepped up to the plate. We couldn't believe it took a swipe at such a big dinner.




Umpteen little guys later, a bass showed up to remind us that the big hook actually worked.




Eventually, we moved off to drift a more familiar spot. Jeff, as usual, was running up and down the boat to switch lures every 3 minutes. Still in a lousy mood, and not really paying attention to the fishing, I kept absentmindedly throwing the jerkshad. Every few minutes, I'd say hello to a little perch or bluegill. Life as usual, until 7 o'clock rolled around.


I figured I'd hooked onto some really strong weeds, and sat still, waiting for them to give way. Ha. Next thing I know, my rod's bent in half, the drag is squawking, and I caught a brief glimpse of something big and greenish hitting the surface. Sitting crosslegged on the motor as usual, I didn't have a great view, and couldn't see what it was. Jeff must've had a better vantage point standing up on the bow seats, because the next thing I know he's yelling "it's a muskie!"


Ohmigawd. Nothing like pressure, now is there? :blink:


Fight lasted maybe 30 seconds, but it sure felt like longer. I was sure I'd do something stupid, and the fish would get off before we could get a good look at it. Sometimes, I really love it when I'm wrong. :w00t:




30", 5.5lbs...teeny by Lew standards, but huge in my little panfish world.




We did our best to keep handling & photo time to an absolute minimum. Once it was safely in the net, Jeff looked after unhooking and handling the fish, while I snapped pics with one hand and laid out tools, ruler, and tourney team sign with the other. Back in the water, the fish didn't hang around for much revival coddling.


Now that I've finally seen one of these critters, all I can say is: I want to see more of them. :w00t:

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Very good news and great account of your first muskie Adrianne. Ummmmm, I was kind of under the impression that Adrianne was a girls name.


Thanks for posting that....it brought a smile and a half.

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Congrats on your first fish. Nice and healthy looking Now that you have the "bug" I hope you have a generous bank balance or significant other because Musky fishing well you'll find out soon enough



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Very good news and great account of your first muskie Adrianne. Ummmmm, I was kind of under the impression that Adrianne was a girls name.


Thanks for posting that....it brought a smile and a half.


She wont even handle a small fish you think she is gonna wrestle a ski?! :whistling: Girl is camera shy ;)


Was a good short fight. Lots of rolling and slashing.


Congrats again and FYI you have now caught every species in our five lakes. Ya got me beat by one...catfish :huh:


Your Ski has put us into fourth place in the tourney! :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by JeffBornFishin
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Thanks for the encouragement, gang!


Roy - if I actually got in front of the camera, GCD would have nothing to rib me about. Just can't have that, now can we? ;)


J R - I expect I will find out before long. Jeff caught his first a week and a half ago, with just his grandmother in the boat. She's not digicam-friendly, so it escaped before he could get a pic of it. I have this feeling he's got something to prove now. The debit card's going to take a beating...


Carole - This is where I'm supposed to be a good girl and say that size doesn't matter, right? :lol:

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Congrats!!! It's always a bonus when you get into fish like that. Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend....maybe that was his/her way of letting you know they are ok....by sending you this awesome fish.


Congrats again....hopefully the first of many for you!

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