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Well, our annual camping trip with our friends has come and gone. These times always pass by too quickly, and this year was no exception. This was the 18th consecutive year the same core group of friends has made it up there. Others have come and gone over the years, but there is about 8 of us that have always made the trip. Apart from about a 15 minute downpour on Friday and while we were packing up this morning, it was a sunny and warm weekend.


Anyhow, we made it up there around 1:00pm on Thursday. We dropped the boat at a local resort to have it slipped for the time we were up there for. We then headed to my buddy's place to set up our tent and get things all ready. We headed up back to the boat to scope out the lake and wet a line for about an hour to get an idea where we'd like to fish the next morning.


Friday morning at 6am, we were awake...a 5 minute drive to the boat and we were on the water. The fog from the morning was just lifting....it was quite a beautiful sight.



Since this is a deep lake (40 to 60 feet), and we are not really equipped or knowledgeable in fishing those kinds of lakes, we decided to stick mainly to bays, drop-offs near shore and around rock points. We picked up a few small pike and bass....around this size....





This rockbass inhaled a 4" senko!



We headed in just after lunch as the bite turned off. We sat on the porch in the afternoon and caught up with friends, and sing a few songs. Here's an excerpt of Teach Your Children (Graham Nash) that I'm singing with a friend.

<embed width="320" height="240" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i120.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid120.photobucket.com/albums/o185/ccmtcanada/adefest%202008/DSCN7562.flv">


After dinner, we headed outside for a campfire...the mosquitoes all weekend long were pretty much non existent....what a bonus!!!





Saturday morning, our friend Cory came out with us. We were on the water around 8am and tried a different area of the lake....again sticking to shallower bay areas and off rockpoints and dropoffs close to shore. Here's a few fish from the morning....







We were back again at around 1pm and after lunch, we started in on the "work" portion of the weekend. The task was to paint all the exterior window frames of my buddy's cabin. It took a while to prep and paint everything, but we got it all done.



After dinner, Bly and I headed back out on the lake to see what the evening bite was like. There was a great sunset that night.....



We didn't hook into a lot of fish, but Bly managed a nice perch, and I pulled a real nice smallie out of a rock pile and weeds.





The release....



Sunday, we were out there again in the morning....nice and sunny too! We managed a few bass and small pike...all around this size.





Saw this interesting sight as well....can you find the bird that doesn't belong in this pic???? LOL



Monday came too quickly. While we were packing up, a thunderstorm came barreling through, but we got everything in the car before it all got soaked. Here's a group shot of the bunch that made it up there this year. Notice anything interesting in this pic?? LOL



Now...here's what we used for bait...what worked for us.....


Bass and pike seemed to love a Mepps #4 Aglia dressed spinner....brass blade. We also had some luck with a Black/orange/white spinner bait. One pike was caught casting into pencil reeds using a plain silver weedless spoon. The bite seemed to turn off every morning at around 11am...and then came back on after 6pm. We had our best luck fishing in 4 to 8 feet of water, with tall shoreline weeds and cabbage just under the surface. We did find a spot on the lake that held a ton of larger fish around the 60 foot mark, but we couldn't get them to bite at all. We used jigs, tipped with leeches or worms. I was wondering if we should have had a nice supply of minnows, but I've heard that Ahmic Lake walleye are hard to catch in the depths in the summertime. We also tried trolling worm harnesses along sharp dropoffs in about 20 to 30 feet of water, but again, had no luck doing this.


Great report Cliff. Nice to see a bunch of friends get together like that.


You lucked out with the thunderstorm, usually our last day soaks everything "before" we get it all safely in the vehicle.


So what's so interesting in the pic, the fact that it looks like either Bly is pinching our butt or your going for a ........?






Sounds like a really nice weekend Cliff. Glad to hear the weather worked out for you and nothing beats spending time on the lake with a bunch of old friends.

  Joey said:
So what's so interesting in the pic, the fact that it looks like either Bly is pinching our butt or your going for a ........?






LOL...thanks Joey...my hand is in an inappropriate place....and it seems she's enjoying it....hehe.


Great report Cliff! Glad to hear that the weather was nice for you guys.


what's wrong with the pic? first thought that comes to mind ... you look like you're having diarrhea and is getting ready to run to the bathroom once the group shot's done :lol:


ive been eagerly waiting for this report, good one too. You are so darn lucky to have no mosquitos....i'm being eaten alive up here....lol. I absolutely scared the crap outta my cat just now as he was up on the desk when i turned your singing video on....come on....your not that bad a singer :whistling: . Anyway...ty for sharing...looks like fun, good fish caught and great bunch of guys and gals.


Another great report, Cliff. You're certainly building some lifelong friendships there.


Oh and I see NOTHING 'wrong' with that pic at all! Maybe FUN but not WRONG.

Guest Johnny Bass

Great Report. Good times with good friends. Thanks for sharing.


Great Report. Looks like every one had a good time... (some more then others :whistling: )


"Saw this interesting sight as well....can you find the bird that doesn't belong in this pic???? LOL"


I know I know....Dang Cormorants... poor Gull is out numbered..


Thanks all....it's fun exploring a new lake and trying new things to get the fish to cooperate. Having our best friends with us just made it even better.

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