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Posted (edited)

Well it's beginning to look like we might get some ice after all, not that I would have cancelled this great event :) . I think this year will be bigger and better, I can feel it in my bones....or is that the cold ;)


3rd annual Fishing for Tyler Get together.


Tyler French is ten years old, lives in Alcona ON and is autistic.


We are holding our third annual ice fishing fund raiser/G2G on Sat February 24th, 2007 at the Innisfil Beach Park boat launch, to help raise money for Tyler’s much needed ABA, speech, and other therapies. This year we are hoping to raise enough money to help Tyler get a special bike so that he can develop more physically as well as share in a family activity of riding bikes together for the first time.



Time: 7:00am check in, last fish measured at 1:00pm, prizes to follow .

Cost: 16 and over, $10.00min., under 16 no charge, but donations gratefully accepted.


Pizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the longest Perch, and the same for the longest Whitefish/Laker , with a draw following.


To get there, take Hwy 400, or Yonge St. to the 8th line (Innisfil Beach Rd.), Go East on Innisfil Beach Rd, to the end, turn left into the park, follow the rd. to the right, past the snack bar to the boat launch.


Once again we will have the BBQ going at full steam, and hot drinks available, and hopefully a return of the Port-a-Potty. This year it looks like we will have a couple of special guests as well, but I'll wait until I get more info on that ;)


i can't find my copy of the map, but it is on the earlier thread. I will create another thread regarding the prize table.


Looking forward to seeing all of you this year.



Edited by motv8tr

Had a great time last year & I am planning on being there this year again. Will bring a prize again also( first/aid kit). Hope to see lots out there.


Best Wishes: Rick


I seem to remember having a good time the last time..

so I will be there



time to take that big trout out of the freezer again...lol

  Roy said:

Read the first post, Nauti.



Okay i see it now roy Thanx :D Never saw it when i read it the 1st time....duh!!...lol :blush:


If anyone needs a ride up from this side of the gta from in between portdover and Toro send me a pm. I should be there and have room for five people.


Mo i will also be bringing some stuff for the prize table.


Anyone needing a ride from Lindsay let me know, I have room for 3 people. 328-0750


I too will have something for the prize table Moe. I'll send you a PM after I get back home.


I plan on attending.


I will get a solid answer on getting some food for the bbq as well as possible deserts.


Maybe even something for the prize table ;)


Hopefully I can drag along some buddies as well to help support the cause.




Thanks Tony! Let us know as soon as you can about the food, we ran out last year and don't want that to happen again. Just let us know what you can supply then we can work from there.






Just so you all know, Innisfil will be holding their Winterfest at the same time, so we should have lots more people, and some fun stuff for the kids as well.




Is that likely to cause any problems with us having food available Moe? Just wondering is they will have venders there who might get upset that we are giving it away free (donations much appreciated). Also, does that mean that the washrooms will be open?


Cliff last time they just had a chip wagon there. You guys are having a G2G,this means a party.Nothing to do with them,It,s a park for all to use. BBQ away I say.I think your donation is a great idea.Where else can you get a dog or burger for a buck.


Hey Cliff, no problems at all...I have been in touch with the organizer for Winterfest and he is fully supportive of us, and hopes that having Winterfest on the same weekend will help us raise more money. As for the washrooms being open, I still need to confirm that.



:thumbsup_anim: Ahhhh I'm getting all excited, the thought of getting to see many old friends again and meeting up with some new ones.......the chance to contribute to such a worthwhile cause........ :rolleyes:
Posted (edited)

I should be able to attend again this year and will see about

adding something to the prize table.


Working on getting my ice palace ready in time

for the grand event.


Will be great to see everyone again.

Edited by Carp

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