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Island Gators


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Howdy doodly folks B)


Hit the Islands yesterday with Lucid and was rewarded with some good ol pike goo.. I just happened to be sneaking out of a general assembly at work and McDoug rang me up with a nice little proposition.. "A little pike session at the Islands you say? Well, I'd be delighted sir.. capital idea!!" Me no like work, all work and no play, make HD.. something something..


I like to think I keep good tabs on the elements that make for a good outting, but it's a bit more tricky here on the great lake O. You can never really predict if the fish will be on or not.. Textbook conditions have often left us scratching our heads, while other days, few and far between they may be, have left us laughing like mad scientists.. (You know what I'm getting at, Snag). :whistling:


We take the days we can, fighting that sinking feeling that we're just killing time. If we left it up to mother nature, we'd rarely leave the backyard. :canadian:


We caught the first ferry we could and crossed the harbour under an angry sky. The rains would come, sure enough, to dampen our spirits, and yet, we pressed on... All on a feeling, a very fishy feeling. Indeed!


After scouring the nooks and crannies of the islands for some years now, we've come to know the areas rarely treaded and have greatly improved our success rates. On a weekday when the inner channels have had the chance to settle, and the party boats have yet to blast us with top their top 50s, we make a b-line for areas only accessible to those who wade..


We fished through intermittent downpours, broken by bouts of intense sunshine and electrical storms.. You could just feel the static electricity in the air. The fish no doubt felt it. Unstable pressure sometimes instills that sence of urgency, to feeeeed.


We ideled while on our way to the money holes, but we had a plan to fish, run and gun style. We were just working up a groove... :rolleyes:


Weedline droper #1, and right on schedule, McDoug with his first decent fish. Duuude, those waders make you look bulgy..





A little recon and some proven field tactics took us to our next hole. Once your through the brush and in the water, and out of reach of those nasty fire ants, it's smooth wading and a prime location, all to yourself..


Generally, odds are angainst you if you're always the second person to get your bait in the water. Happens all the time.. One guy at the helm always seems to catch more fish. It's simple, he's hitting the fish before the other! Doug let me ahead of him at hole #2 (the nice little turd that he is) and I landed this purty ladie.. I Was watching my x-rap through to glum and she vanished, and just as that happened, good ol Stradic went zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..





I had barely enough time to grab my fish towel that the Dougster was into another.. She smashed a firetiger hj, a lure fine tuned by countless pike mawlings. I get a little exited when i see this bait in the water... oooohhh If only tank testing meant that all Rapalas were like this, I'd be a little less stingy with my wallet.


Beauty fish! No plyers and a mouth full of teeth.. Shoulda, woulda, coulda been a surgeon..





The release..





Managed to raise a few good ones that day, and had a couple solid swipes. An afternoon very well waisted and whoda thunk it, we even got descunkafied!


Rule of thumb: Ya never know.




Edited by Highdrifter
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Excellent read, thanks for the report. Some nice pike there. Alot of the good fisherfolk of NW Ontario furrow their collective brows at those among us who target 'jackfish', but as your report shows, great fun, great action and like it has been said in a recent report...makes a walleye look like a sissy! LOLOL....love that word "descunkafied" may i get permision to use that HD?



nice job guys.

Edited by limeyangler
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You may. Use it well, my son. Also acceptable are unskunked and my favourite, deskunkered..


Thanx for the replys lads.






These various island reports make it sound like a fun place, what with pike, bass and carp plus the docks to work around.



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:lol: I remember wearing those kind of waders, haven't owned any for many years now, but I guess they still have their purpose at times.


Great report Fidel, and congrats to you and McDoug on a great post with pictures.

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Aside from a couple of reports around opening day, there has been hardly any pike reports from T.O islands.

If youse guys are just getting deskunkified it must have been tough conditions down there.

Nice fish and thanks for report,


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Can't believe I haven't been to the islands yet this year (stupid lousy spring). Well done on getting out of the obvious spots with the waders and congrats on the deskunkifcation! (that's odd - the spell checker doesn't like deskunkification :) )

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Great report and good job to the both of you.


My last trip there I managed to see an uber large bowfin, a dozen or so largemouth bass, carp and my first ever sight of a Toronto island smallie but no pike. Good to see they're around albeit in smaller numbers. Definitely looks like it was worth the effort.


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