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Temagami Report - approx. 25 pics


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Okie doke...after MUCH planning, and dreaming, and waiting, our trip (mine and Laker Jessy's) to Temagami FINALLY came along! Here's a commentary along with a few pics of our adventure:


Day one:

We were already halfway, as we crashed at my mom and dad's place in Muskoka. Still had to wake up early though, as we were trying to beat the wind on Temagami. The game plan was to take our little (read: I need a bigger boat!) tin boat up the big lake, while towing the canoe. The weather report had me worried that it would be too windy for this, and we would be forced into the more sheltered Kokoko Bay, which is currently a fish sanctuary. This would involve ditching the motor boat, and taking the canoe into Kokoko Lake, and not really being able to fish much of Lake Temagami itself.

Woke up at 3:00am. Hit the road by 4:00am. Thank goodness there was a 24-hour gas station in NorthBay, 'cause we were running on fumes by 5:30!

Got down the Temagami access road, and unloaded the gear by 7:20 am....not too shabby. Unfortunately, the wind beat us there, and based on the waves at the launch, which had nowhere near the exposure to the wind out of the north, I was starting to get the idea that running up the North Arm of Temagami was going to be out of the question



I'd like to say that the boat ride was uneventful...and for the most part it was....except for the unplanned detour around the wrong side of Bear Island. Whoops! Note to self: use the dang GPS!

Anyway...once we looked at the North Arm, we realized we didn't want to get swamped before our trip began...so it was up Kokoko Bay. And over a shoal..or two...or three. That is one tricky bay -- but like I said, the tin boat is pretty small, so hauling the 8 horse up was no problem even when the rocks came up at the last second.

Made it to the access -- and for the first time all morning, had some tranquil scenery to look at:



Got the canoe to the top of the access by 12:30 or so, only to find a pile of boats up there. Not that we considered using them...not only did we not know who they belonged to -- they were swamped from the high water levels!



So from here, it should have been an easy paddle up our tiny back lake. Hah! Kokoko is not that small -- wind was coming right down at us, making travel pretty difficult, now that our canoe was loaded up with almost everything the tin boat had in it. So, we picked a nice pair of rocks to sit on while the wind died down....



After sitting in the woods for about an hour, we got a bit of a lull in the wind, and took a run at the next section of the lake. Turning the corner was do-able, and we landed on a small island that was well-furnished by the shore-lunchers. A couple tables, some firewood, a few grills...even oil and a frying pan! Not a bad little spot, and considering the white-caps on the rest of the lake, we decided to make it home for the next few days.

Getting unpacked and taking in our surroundings, we decided that the protected little arm to the West of our location would be as good a spot as any to take a few casts. Water temp checked in at 53 degrees, just 5 feet under the surface, which was where a nice 24" laker nailed my gold Mepps #5



The sky was still pretty cloudy, and we were happy with the way the fishing was shaping up, so we headed in for a nice fish dinner and bed



That first day was a doozie --- we slept for almost a full 12 hours before getting up the next day. Pretty much more of the same...super windy weather, which pinned us down to the one corner of the lake. I put on a firetiger Vibrax #4, and nailed 3 OOS smallies....switched back to Gold and got another laker...about 22". Laker Jessy was none too pleased, and starting to smell a skunk...so no picture was taken of my second laker...I was starting to feel guilty. But that went away while I ate that fish for lunch....:)

Just before heading out for round two, a group of fishermen staying at Wishin' I was Fishin' on Spawning Lake came over. Their host (who I believe is an OFC'r??) dropped them off on Kokoko, and they had been working hard all morning, and had a few nice fish to show for it...5 lakers, a walleye and a nice 5-ish lb. pike. However, 2 of the guys (there were 5 all together) still had yet to catch anything, which helped Jessy feel a bit better. We traded some of our firewood for a few pieces of their shorelunch, and had a nice visit.

We all wanted to try the NorthEast corner of the lake, but the whitecaps kept us at bay. Another day, come and gone...just a couple fish...but so far the scenery was nice, temperatures not too bad...and the bugs were staying away.


I guess you could say day three was when things really heated up! I started things off by giving Laker Jessy a new lure...a really SPECIAL lure...if you look closely you'll see why :)



Yes, I proposed marriage with a diamond ring tied to a Rapala X-rap Shad. Not only did she love the lure, but she said yes! So let's go fishin!!!!

First up, a nice laker to start the day -- by now I had switched to a gold Panther Martin with yellow/red body.



Then a pretty scrappy pike, who was too big for just the two of us to eat, so he went back in the drink without a measurement...somewhere between 27-29 inches...



Up until this point, Jessy was having difficulty keeping a consistent retrieve going with the spinners -- they kept fouling up on her, so I handed over a nice shiny Williams half & half. Just cast...



and retrieve!




Her first spring laker...not too shabby! The day was off to a great start, and, not seeing a reason to break the trend, we headed back for another tasty shore lunch :) Speaking of lunch -- here's what the lakers seemed to be feasting on:



Some sort of tiny crustacean....I think these are chironomidae...not too sure. The trout sure liked 'em. We also noticed on the surface of the water that, out of the wind, as it was warming up now, there were a few hatches going on. It didn't stop the trout from hitting our lures though...and we weren't shy either -- my Panther Martin was a #20 (equivalent to a Mepps 5 or even 7), and Jessy's Wabler was a good 4 inches long....1/2 or 3/4 oz...I can't remember right now.

ANYway...back to the fishing! The wind was dying down, and we were able to go explore a little more of the lake. Absolutely beautiful...lots of little islands....based on the OOS bass I had caught the day before, this lake has serious potential as a great summer getaway too!

Up the lake we go, and the lakers keep on coming:



Not long after finding ourselves in a quiet bay with access to deep water, Jessy has her first pike charging right up to the boat to hit the spoon!

A decent 24 incher...which Jess begged me to keep, since she has never tasted pike before. How could I turn down a face like that?



We happened to find a trail, and, hoping for some back lake brookie action, followed it up a short incline:



Not so much a back lake, as it was a beaver pond. Had it had a little more depth, I might have put up with the bugs to take a few casts with the small stuff....but, I was happy to snap a pic and head for the frying pan :)



Back to camp, and fire up the stove -- it's dinner time!



What a day -- got engaged....caught some fish...enjoyed some amazing weather and scenery....life is good




Our fourth day started out beautifully as well;



I suppose Jessy was tired from all the excitement of the day before, as I couldn't get her out of the tent....sun was rising on a glassy lake, and so were the fish! I took a quick paddle out to see what I could do, but only had two hits. But it was a nice morning on the water nonetheless.



Came back to camp...did a little exploring while waiting for my sleepy partner to get her butt in gear. We had a pair of loons who pretty much circled the island the whole time we were there, and Jessy mentioned she thought she saw one on shore the other day. I thought they only did this when nesting....since the two of them were presently out in the water, I did some careful looking. And wouldn't you know it - we had a loon's nests on the island!



Now I know it looks like I got close, but it's just the zoom on my camera...I didn't want my scent to be anywhere near the nest. Not that the loons seemed too concerned...the darn things had laid the egg about 15 feet away from a very full and over-used toilet box! Nonetheless...I snapped a pic of this egg, and we made sure to leave that area alone.



After dragging my sleepy bride-to-be out of bed, we headed out for one last round of fishing on Kokoko. We were expecting rain on the last day, so the game plan was to get back to the tin boat, and get close to the landing so that we wouldn't be travelling too far in the rain.

We ended up doing okay, hitting a couple nice trout right around the corner from camp:





After that, we had time for a quick lunch, packed up camp, and said goodbye to our little piece of paradise.


Our last night still had some interesting surprises though...our final campsite had a trail which led to a pretty little back lake, called Birch Lake. Took a few casts before the rains set in...got nothing though. Also stumbled upon what seemed to be a hunt camp back in there, which had more than it's fair share of strange and interesting finds.


So, that about wraps it up. We took a ton more pictures, as the scenery was absolutely stunning. This was our first trip to Kokoko, and it probably won't be our last. I have to thank Irishfield for having Jessy and me up in the winter -- we fell in love with Temagami then, and that was a big reason why we chose this area for the Spring. Also, Walleyemaster and Fang, for some good tips on lures, and locations on Kokoko. Rob, we will definitely hook up one of these times for some fishing up there!! If the wind hadn't have been so fierce, there would have been some pics of your tin boat neatly stashed away on a certain back lake ;)


Good times....can't wait to go back :)



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Guest Johnny Bass

Excellent report. Lots of scenic pics and fishes!!! :thumbsup_anim:


And congrats on the engagement. She looks like a keeper!

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Great report, looks beautiful there and congratulations on the engagement. Hope you many happy years together.

(Can I have lure now you are done with it??)


Nope! I asked her what she though when she saw the lure and her reply was " He better not be taking that lure back!" So yer gonna have to ask her for it :D

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Looks like a great trip JB.


Looks like my other buddies boat in Kokoko needs some bailing!!


Makes me almost "homesick" for Temagami. Was talking to Rick (owner of Wishin.....) last night and he mentioned he saw your canoe on the lake. His group was fishing our "The Magic Tree" spot and caught all their fish and a whack more that weekend jigging /casting in 8 ft of water. Another group went into Ferrin Lake off Kokoko and really did well on pike.


Oh well have to wait for July to get up there.


That beaver pond you hiked into looks very familiar. Think I sat in there a few years ago hunting moose.


Glad you enjoyed. Not too many spots like it. If you head back up again give me a shout. You can travel in through Kokoko bay and halfway up there's a speckle lake on a portage thats pretty neat.

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