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Race cited in fishing attacks

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Ontario Human Rights Commission releases report on assaults on Asian-Canadian anglers

May 13, 2008 03:51 PM




Racism was the primary motivation in physical and verbal assaults against Asian Canadian fishermen, according to a report released today by the Ontario Human Rights Commission.


“Racism played a role in the harassment and assault of Asian Canadian anglers,” said Barbara Hall, the chief commissioner.


“It also reaffirmed racial profiling exists and that successful communities acknowledge that and take steps to combat it,” she said at a press conference in Markham this afternoon.


The report entitled Fishing Without Fear offers solutions and commitments to address discrimination in communities across Ontario.


The report outlines 50 commitments aimed at preventing similar incidents in the future.


The commitments are the result of consultations with 21 community organizations.


Initiatives range from information brochures to providing racial profiling training to conservation officers.


Police in Georgina, where many of the incidents occurred, will also launch a project this fishing season aimed at monitoring popular fishing sites for problems.


The inquiry was launched last November after at least eight Asian anglers were assaulted in various places in southern Ontario.


The latest report comes just days after recent reports of two such incidents in the Simcoe area. Police are investigating.

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seriously with all the Bull going on this is what we concern ourselfs with,we need a Bull section for this crap when I come on here I wanna see fishing pics and reports,leave this crap for the media already



it is fishing related, we have a strong Asian Base.. and members are concerned for their safety... tell me again why it should not be here? It belongs here.


as did the original post warning our Asian members of what was happening and to be careful..


Look for the threads titled reports if you're looking for pictures..


This is a VERY important thread to some of our members.



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I think threads like this not only need to be on this website, but should be stickies, so it stays on top for all to see


I'm with you 100% on this, Terry

The only thing I would like to add is a subtitle to this thread. How about:

Bull from Ontario Human Rights Commission

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Those attacks were mainly cowardly and thoughtless. One of those attacks was on an elderly chinese man with children.

Reminds me of remarks yesterday to picture of young boys with an OOS musky. Some folks here including

some MCI members were saying they would push the kids in the water etc.. pretty sick responses.

Possible assault or attempted murder of kids or elderly over fish... i dunno.


I agree with all above posts except this one below.

seriously with all the Bull going on this is what we concern ourselfs with,we need a Bull section for this crap when I come on here I wanna see fishing pics and reports,leave this crap for the media already




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I just make little squeaky noises like Bruce Lee and they back off....


Seriously though, maybe I'm lucky where I shore fish...I meet up with LOTS of people and I have never felt threatened....in fact, most are down right friendly....and we end up chatting for quite a while.

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seriously with all the Bull going on this is what we concern ourselfs with,we need a Bull section for this crap when I come on here I wanna see fishing pics and reports,leave this crap for the media already



Well to you Darrell and your brother Darrell too, perhaps you would change your tune if you were a target!

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I just make little squeaky noises like Bruce Lee and they back off....



race should never be a question or concern as to who is fishing when and where. It's a matter of teaching all anglers out there about OOS fish, rules and reg's. Maybe more of the ads on CBC at this time of year should be done by the MNR (or other places like OFC) directing everyone to the web site for more info. But maybe that's just a pipe dream...


Me, I would never ever consider pushing a person in the water considering you never know if said person can swim (and it's just wrong). You want to go to jail for being a fool? So be it. You never know what legal action can and will happen to someone be ticked in the heat of the moment as well as any physical issues that can happen. Worst thing you can do to stop someone as a LAST RESORT is to step on the rod and or reel so said persons day is over. Nobody here wants to read another tidbit of news with a bad ending and YOUR name on it...


But that's just me tossing in my 2 cents in to the jar...

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I just make little squeaky noises like Bruce Lee and they back off....


:w00t: my :asshat: off!!!



Get your head out of your butt and your finger out of your nose 2 toneZ71!!!


Last year the called it "Nipper Tipping" but said it wasn't racially motivated... Imagine that? With a name like that you'd think...


What is Bull, is that someone should be afraid to go fishin' because of the way they look or their ethnic origin!!!



... and if you couldn't tell what this thread was about by the title...

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seriously with all the Bull going on this is what we concern ourselfs with,we need a Bull section for this crap when I come on here I wanna see fishing pics and reports,leave this crap for the media already


Thanks for exposing yourself. :clapping:


You are a disgrace to all rednecks everywhere.


You are a small pathetic excuse for a human being.


OFC should ban your ass. In fact, better yet, take off your white hooded robe and come down out from hiding up there in Thunder Bay down to the GTA with that Bull and see what happens - You better bring your shotgun - you know, the one that you used to get your daughter's husband to commit.




Kiss my :asshat:

Edited by jonnybass
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I just make little squeaky noises like Bruce Lee and they back off....


Seriously though, maybe I'm lucky where I shore fish...I meet up with LOTS of people and I have never felt threatened....in fact, most are down right friendly....and we end up chatting for quite a while.


Why are you making light of this? A serious issue has been raised here that affects you and people who look like you, and you're making jokes about squeaky Bruce Lee noises? ? ?


You're sending the wrong message. :wallbash:


I know from reading your past posts that you're a smart guy. I expected more from you.

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Why are you making light of this? A serious issue has been raised here that affects you and people who look like you, and you're making jokes about squeaky Bruce Lee noises? ? ?


You're sending the wrong message. :wallbash:


I know from reading your past posts that you're a smart guy. I expected more from you.



jonnybass....go to bed. Cliff's comment was funny...humour can be compared to love...and we all know what love can do.

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seriously with all the Bull going on this is what we concern ourselfs with,we need a Bull section for this crap when I come on here I wanna see fishing pics and reports,leave this crap for the media already


Hey 2"tone":


When I lived in a "white tight assed little town" as a teenager,called Stratford Ontario, ignorance bigotry and racism was right there all the time, just under the surface.

I was the kinda guy that assumed the black guy in town was the dishwasher at one of the restaurants and the chinese people owned the chineses restaurants.


This is the type of "subtle" racism that exists in many small towns/cities in this country ... Take a good hard look in the mirror in "Z-71 pick up land".



You see, I had never been exposed to another culture that was not of white european descent.

I had NO CLUE how bigotted I really was.


When i moved to Toronto for college, I had a BIG awakening.


I now live in London and it is a little more civilized than Stratford, mainly due to the University and college populations here though.



As a guy that is now married to a beautiful FILIPINO GODDESS(for 15 years) with a heart bigger than I could ever have deserved on my wish list, I find your ignorant post just that IGNORANT!

I also have an amazing 18 and 23 yrs old step son and daughter with her and our own 10 yr old daughter because of her love for me.


Here are a couple of words to think about in case you never get out of your city again:



Pronunciation: \ˈig-n(ə-)rənt\

Function: adjective

Date: 14th century

1 a: destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence



Pronunciation: \ˈbi-gət\

Function: noun

Etymology: French, hypocrite, bigot

Date: 1660

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance



Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\

Function: noun

Date: 1933

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination




Before you respond to this, please think about HOW your post came across to many peopel on this sight, (of all skin colours)


Possibly, your INTENT was not to offend, but your ACTIONS did.


God bless

splashhoper and family

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Racism will always exist. Worse things happen in this world because of it than people being pushed into the water.


I don't condone this but lets not forget about the fact that it does have abit to do with resource abuse/poaching, call it what you want...I wouldn't for a second suggest that all muslims are terrorists, or that all young black men are gang-bangers, or that all Asians are poachers...Or that all white people are racist because they aren't afraid to broach this subject!


We need more enforcement of fish and game laws in this province. And a mandatory test to get your fishing licsence, proving you understand the different fish species,seasons,limits,etc. Maybe sign a contract that you understand and will obey so if you get caught with a trunk full of fish there will be no excuses!

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Thanks for exposing yourself. :clapping:


You are a disgrace to all rednecks everywhere.


You are a small pathetic excuse for a human being.


OFC should ban your ass. In fact, better yet, take off your white hooded robe and come down out from hiding up there in Thunder Bay down to the GTA with that Bull and see what happens - You better bring your shotgun - you know, the one that you used to get your daughter's husband to commit.




Kiss my :asshat:

Hey, Squeel like a piggy, you just made a racist comment to all the so called red necks. What a go, your no better you bleeding heart attention getter. I bet you go around with a notebook taking names don't you every time you feel harrassed. What I got from 2 Tones comment was that he thought there should be a different section for this kind of thread and all he wanted to see a fishing only with pictures as he was tired with the Bull on the subject. I don't agree with him, but you don't have to call him names and make accusations that are not warranted. And especially stop playing moral cop and throwing the Racist accusation word around. Too many people are doing it on the board here.

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