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Girls Night Out - Some SERIOUS fish here.....


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Mum's been trying to get me out for awhile to catch some carp, but our schedules haven't been able to sync up until Friday night. (ie…my Dad kept going instead of me). My friend wanted to go, so she took both of us out to her usual spot. We decided that the sound effect of the night should be beep, for whenever we got any action.



After giving me her reel, Kaytea using another, we filled the feeders and threw the lines in the water. For awhile, it was just chatting, saw a couple jump (which was really cool!) and some line rubs. All of a sudden, I felt the line go duhnk, duhkn, duhnk, WSSSSSSH! And being excited, I pinched the line.


OW! My first fishing related injury and lesson: Don't pinch braid!



Mum came to my rescue because the fish was taking line like there was no tomorrow, but sadly, we lost it. I brought it back in, reloaded, and it was back in the water. A little bit later, after the sun was all the way down, the line goes again and this time I didn't pinch the line, and mum helped me land my first carp! 31 inches! She asked me if I wanted to hold it…not so much. I did however include the ever so attractive 'This-fish-better-not-slap-me-in-the-face-while-I'm-smiling' face. I named this one Suzie.



While mum was releasing it she had me sit in her chair and hold her setup while I was on the phone with Dad. As he picked up, the rod started jerking around. Poor Dad got to hear "I caught a-MOOOOOOOOMMMM, come get your rod!" This one decided to fight and was rolling around and swimming under my friend's line the whole time she was bringing it in. Completely mangled the rigging. Mum got a nice 32 incher.



As she's measuring this one, Kaytea starts yelling "Beep! Beep! BEEP!" and mum had to rush off to help her, leaving me with a camera, a rod, and a very ugly fish. Mum seemed to have forgotten that, because after Kaytea brought it in (with very little help!) Mum said, "Holy! Manda, get the net!"


"Mum, I can't. There's a fish in it."


We switched places, I grabbed Kaytea's rod so Mum could get her fish back in. She brought Kaytea's fish up, and Kaytea proceeded to squeal, "Ewwwww! It so ugly! Can I touch it?"

We got the scale out and measured it, cause this thing was HUGE! 36 inches, 25.5 lbs! Not bad for a girl who's never caught anything other than a panfish, huh?



We decided the fish's name would be Barb. As in Barbara. Mum put it back in, and things settled down for a bit. A little bit later, Kaytea beeped again, and then stated, "This one isn't as big as the other one." She was right, and it was a 20 incher. This fish was named Earl.



We had lots of fun, and Mum's going to set the both of us up to get certificates for our fish. She's also said that she'd take us out again, and I think we're going to take her up on it.

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WOW...Nice fish guys and for your first night out, I bet mom slept well last night!


Sounds like the perfect mothers day gift to me!!!


Cheers to all of you and again WOW



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Great stuff Ladies!


Now as for that finger... before it starts to heal shut you need to clean it and clean it and clean it. The fluff off the braid will stay in there and it will heal over and fester... and fester and fester until you break it open again and clean it out completely. Do it now.. I had one go a year because I ignored it and let it heal over.

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Now that you have made your first report....when are you going to become a member of the board????? Congrads on a good night.


Yes well...we've talked to her about that. She says she has non-fishing friends and other hobbies and is a straight A student....


Where did we go wrong? We are so ashamed. :blink::D

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Yes well...we've talked to her about that. She says she has non-fishing friends and other hobbies and is a straight A student....


Where did we go wrong? We are so ashamed. :blink::D



It looks and sounds like you and bly have done an excellent job of raising your daughter Cliff! Y'all should be very proud, as I know you are!!! :thumbsup_anim:


... and I don't know aboot you, but I'd be kind of worried if I had a daughter that age and she wanted to hang out on the internet with a bunch of stinky ol' fishermen... like you and me! :rolleyes:

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