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Pet odor remover


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Hey guys,

My gf left her cat in my appartment while she is up in Ottawa working and the damn cat peed on the carpet yesterday right beside where i was standing, cant beleive his nerve lol.

Anyways, he isnt fixed, and it smells really bad, I left all the windows open when left for work early this morning.

Is there anything out there on the market that can get rid of the stink and clean the carpet so it doesnt smell bad anymore.


Thank you for your help!

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Welcome to my world!

I have 2 puppies, and we are at work 8 hrs a day.... do the math! hahaha


There are numerous products out there for this.

My advice, since its a rare issue for you, just go to a pet store (Petsmart) and get their stain/odor remover (in a white bottle).

That stuff seems to work not too badly.


Now, if you're like our house, and this might be a common problem, I HIGHLY suggest getting a Bissel Carpet Shampoo'er.

Its the best christmas gift we have ever recieved! Makes the carpet look brand new!

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none of that crap works...you will have to call a professional carpet company, they have special products for that purpose. I just went thru this 2 weeks ago. They pull up your carpet, replace any underpad that is saturated. I tried everything and nothing worked till I called in the professionals. Good luck.

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I beg to differ.

I will differ too. Some of that 'crap' might work, depending on how bad your problem is. I used some stuff I got from the pet store (likely the same stuff Stoty mentioned) and it worked pretty good.

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Yeah, I know the smell, much worse than dog whizz, almost sense a touch of ammonia in in, lol.


Anyway get on your knees a scrub like Cinderella, depending on the color of the carpet you could use bleach, oxy clean ect.. or just let it marinate in soap for a few hours and then scrub the heck out of it and repeat untill it's barable. :D

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Had a similar problem with an x cat, kept peeing right inside the front door of our house! Anyone who came into our home, could smell it! It began seeping into the hard wood floor... we did everything short of chocking the stupid thig to get it to stop... no chance!

We asked the vet what we could use to get rid of the smell as all of the house hold cleaners we tried did nothing but make it worse! He recommended some stuff, I can't come close to recalling the name of the product, but it was not a simple wipe it up with this stuff and it'll be gone sort of thing. It required multiple applications and we were to follow the directions precisely... it kinda worked, well, it work best out of all the things we tried!

The vet told us that the bacteria in the urine was what caused the smell and that it was virtually impossible to completely eliminate it... you could see crystals forming where the cat went!

The cat is now wondering what happened to it's other 8 lives :stretcher: , the house has been sold and I'm done with those felines!

Good luck... you might want to consider a burlap bag and a quick tour of your local piers! :wallbash:


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OK, here is a topic I can offer some advice on with confidance. Get a product called NokOut. I tried it out last year, our dog had gotten skunked full face. We tried everything;Skunk off, you name it, most of them seemed to work but if the dog got wet, the smell came back. A friend told us about NokOut, she uses on her kids sports bags, smelly shoes, cat litter boxes..... so we got some. One application on Andy and the smell was gone and never returned.


I was so impressed with the product I decided to try it on my hunting clothing, and on myself. Twice the week before I had been winded by deer and I had tried Dead Down Wind, Code Blue, and a whole lot of other products. I washed my clothing and used NokOut in the rince cycle, about 100 yards from my tree stand I misted the air and let it settle over my then I misted my boots and gear and got up into my stand. Within about 30 minutes a deer walked out right beside the ladder on my stand and just stood there for a few minutes, it wasn't 15' away from me and had no idea I was even in the area. Two nights later a wolf came out about 20 yards down wind of me, again, it had no idea I was even in the area.


I was so impressed that I contacted the manufacturer and asked why they didn't market it to hunters and fishermen, they replied that they weren't hunters or fishermen and had no idea there might even be a market for it there. i did some more research on the product and the more I did, the more impressed I was with it. It is totally safe to use on pets or people, I haven't found any odor it doesn't eliminate, stale gas, onions fish, even amonia (which is the base of all urin) it doesn't mask it, it eliminates it!


Oh, and no, I don't own shares in the company LOL but I do buy it by the case as the company did agree to give it to me at wholesale for providing them with the idea for the new markets so if you are in the Lindsay area and want some, I'll give it to you at my cost.


Here is the URL if you want to get more information on it and find out where you can get it in your area.


NokOut Odor eliminator


Tell them Cliff Bignell sent you, I want to keep getting it at wholesale LOL.

Mods, if you feel this post is in the least inappropriate, please feel free to edit or remove it as you see fit!

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Hey guys thank you for your replies.

I purchased this thing called Nature`s Miracles just for cats at the pet store, after consulting with some older lady that works there.

She said this is the best that is out there, it was 12 dollars so i bought it.

If this does not work I will try NokOut Odor eliminator, where can i buy it in case i need to?

thank you

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Hey Marko,


Own two cats myself, so I know where you're coming from. I've only had to deal with the smells in the litter box, though... <_<


I'm thinking that the male cat was marking his territory, as he was in a new environment. First step is to get that fella fixed! The problem is just going to get worse, and from what I've been told, the issues get real bad around the one year old mark.


Both of our cats were fixed at about two or three months. Never had an issue...


Just something to think about..


Good Cleaning,



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OK, I need to Jump In Now, I sell cleaning supplies for a living, my company manufactures a Enzyme Based Odour Digester. Now the Enzyms are specialy formulated to digest organic matter ie, urine, vomit, food, blood ect. Knok Out is a ok product but is not a enzyme based product and is designed to counteract odours not digest them. So 2-3 applications will have the odour 100% gone and the stain will be gone as well, everything gets eaten by the enzymes. Dont call the professionals, they buy from us!! Go to your local Swish Clean it Centre www.swishclean.com and ask for Aromx 35 odour digestor

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I owned a cleaning business for many years with portable units and truck mounts,we mostly did floors and carpets.

As Ryan mentioned,urine needs Enzymes to counteract organic matter and the degradation of your fabric

Many products are Deodorizers not Oder Neutralizers

Oder neutralizing takes several process ending with neutralization of the product used

Never leave any amount of product residual whether stain removal or carpet cleaning

Its simple laundry matter,you wash with tide you rinse with Dawney

Well soap is either alkaline or enzyme based,you need acidic rinsing to neutralize all product just like Dawney smells nice put its true purpose is to balance the ph and soap residue in your cloths


The best way as one poster mentioned is

1) lift the carpet and see damages beneath

2) treat all surfaces that have been affected both carpet/pad (Soak carpet and pad)and hard flooring beneath and let stand for 5 min with an Enzyme based Odor Neutralizer (Not an odor deodorizer's)

3) extract or vacuum all product out of carpet from both sides

4) Repeat process 2-3

5) Rinse all materials (carpet/pad/floors) with 25% white vinegar mixture with water

6) vacuum out or extract all vinegar and water solution

7) Keep crapeting and padding lifted and place a fan to dry all affected and treated areas as quickly as possible



There are no products that exist that make stains vanish or go poof!

Never apply any product to a Porous material without rinsing and neutralizing its with a vinegar and water solution


Be careful when using products for stain removal on any fabric as they may bleach your carpet or upholstery

Never use any bleach or discoloring agent on your fabrics (thats an art form on its own)(there are specific products and specialist that can do this)


hope this helps lots of good info shared

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OK, I need to Jump In Now, I sell cleaning supplies for a living, my company manufactures a Enzyme Based Odour Digester. Now the Enzyms are specialy formulated to digest organic matter ie, urine, vomit, food, blood ect. Knok Out is a ok product but is not a enzyme based product and is designed to counteract odours not digest them. So 2-3 applications will have the odour 100% gone and the stain will be gone as well, everything gets eaten by the enzymes. Dont call the professionals, they buy from us!! Go to your local Swish Clean it Centre www.swishclean.com and ask for Aromx 35 odour digestor



Geez Ryan, if only you could sell on the street as good as on here...

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I would have sent him packing a long time ago lol its just that they have 4 dogs up there, poor thing wouldnt stand a chance ahhaha.

Maybe i should anyways, he doesnt deserve much better, he is lazy he could use some running hahah.

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I second Big Cliff's product...After paper toweling up as much cat urine I could I washed the area with some shaving lather and wet toweling then dried it up again with paper towel...a good spray with Nok-Out and no more odour...


A bit of a spray in the bathroom after Uncle Dave (my bro-in-law) been in there and no more odour...OK...maybe two sprayings... :whistling:


Great for removing gas and fish odours from hands...

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I've used the Natures Miracle and it works really well (might take a few applications but let it dry out and it usually works). As others have said the big thing for carpets is to get it sopped up as fast as possible. We had one room ruined because we didn't go in there often and the stains had settled right into the underpad and even the wood below. We had to redo the room (new floor) just to get rid of it. Carpets and cats just don't get along :(

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I am sure there are plenty of products that "will work" but when I started doing my research some of the things I found about enzyme products is that; they can take a few applications to compleatly work, some people are algeric to some of them, apparently some of them leave a residual odor behind, and sometimes the odor can come back if the humidity is high. Now don't jump all over me for this, I'm not a chemical engineer or anything, I am only relaying what I learned from doing a lot of reading. This NokOut is an oxydizer, it leaves no masking agent behind, and it is non alergenic.


As I said in my original post, I had tried a lot of products and this was by far the best of any of them.


Use what ever you would like to use, it really doesn't matter to me, just trying to answer a question that was asked based on my experience!

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