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Very disappointed


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For the last two weeks have been looking forward to the opener of turkey.Up before the alarm and on my way to where I have seen those big birds. I park in the entrance to the field(this to me lets people know there is someone there). I get to my spot,set up and finish off my coffee,just as daylight is about to start. I hear the birds do thier fly down from the bush behind me and the cackling starts. Totally pumped at this time. About a half our later I can just see them making thier way along the tree line. I hear this tom gobble ,and gobble again. Sweet he is coming to. Then the crap hits the fan. KABOOM.To my disbelief,there were two guys sitting down from me along the treeline. I could not believe it. PRIVATE PROPERTY and these two jackoffs still came in and set up. Knowing that there is fire arms envoled, I didnt want to get in a huff,but I knew I had to approuch them. I waited til they were at thier down bird and headed over. Without being to much of an ars,I politley told them (my own friendly way) that they were on private land and they were tresspassing. Guess what I got as a reply? Hey ,theres no postings anywhere,is it your land? I proceeded to show them my written consent and asked them to leave. Thier answer to that,no problem,we got your bird. What ever,just leave. I went back to my truck which was about a 10 minute walk. Drove to the side road that runs along the property,but they were already gone.

Whats with the ignorance.

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Sorry to Hear Brian. I had my last day of hunting ruined similarly. I had a jake come to me on the last day last year and some people trespassing went right through on their horses and scared him off... Boy was I ticked. I feel for you, Good luck for the rest of the season though

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Brian, it happens all the time here, not ignorance usually just complete disrespect for the property owner. They know they don`t own the land but make little or know attempt to find out how does and try to get permission or don`t even bother.


Most people here have husband and wife working so they know there isn`t much chance of getting caught during the day. I started making calls to the game warden after one shot something in my back field from the railroad tracks and came into my yard to get it.


Used to be two or three cars parked off the side of the road during hunting season with the people walking the railroad tracks shooting into backyards and fields. Doesn`t happen now, license plate numbers and car description and the game warden gave me a call that he spoke to them.


A couple public hunting areas with in 10 miles of me, but some don`t like the crowds, with one C/O per county it`s to easy for them to trespass.

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I hear ya---there used to be a law about disrupting your hunt--not sure if it's still there.


Guys like this really don't know how to hunt that's why they piggyback on others work.


I had a similiar thing happen with a cow and calf moose once---I could'nt believe my eyes as I watched it happen.


Of course I've had as many fishing episodes as well where someone watches you at attempts to cut in---all I do is chalk it up to human nature and today's society with it's lack of respect for others.



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Brian you know the sadest part of this story to me, is that people just keep brushing these kinds of things off and the guys treaspassing just drive away, LOOK GUYS THERES LAWS and until guys that take the time to get permission from landowners, start having these guys charged, nothing will change.

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Sorry to hear this Brian , i kind of expect this with moose and deer as "camp " hunting lots of time involves 2 or 3 hunters and than the "camp" gets filled out with some guys who lets just say are not hunters just "GUYS WITH GUNS" . Turkeys on the other hand ,when the hunt first came back ,were pursued by HUNTERS who studyed their quarry and put in the time to learn the techniques to take advantage of this new hunting operatunity and made arrangements with land owners to be able to access their lands . Now with the spring and fall hunts and lots of turkeys flying everywhere we get the "GUYS WITH GUNS" ruining everything, shooting anywhere , causeing these same landowners to all of a suddan post their properties and all the good hunters suffer. Makes me want to go back to rabbits , at least with them we have some great times with the beagles braying and some fun shooting ,without haveing to share the feild with the "guys with guns". I am going to wait untill late next week when all the ya hoos are finished to go try get me one , the guy ,who lets me hunt his place wife has started to love these great birds and all I need is for a ya hoo to upset her and its NO HUNTING ALLOWED . .

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Bring a digi cam and photo them, their car and license plate and voila, you've had a successful hunt at nabbing two trespassers.

If they complain, get yer dander yup and ask which one wants to go first.

Surprising how these idiots are also cowards!


Ah Clamp-it,there be guns envolved in this sport. :w00t::w00t:

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Sorry to hear about this.

I would have followed them back to thier vehicle and wrote down the licence plate#.

We have had a lot of problems trespassing on our land, and had the cops involed MANY times. Now I always take a cell with me.

Hope you get your bird.

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You had the 'drop' on 'em.

Keep yer firearm at the ready, any wise guy gets a notion, you let him know who's in charge. ;)


:wacko::wacko: Do you also carry a 12G in your boat for spot stealers????? I agree that they shouldn't be there, but keep in mind that they are also hunting so chances are that they also have shotguns???????

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Well Mr. Blowes... I know where that wouldn't have happened to you today !!! I did my shooting last night....


Wayne,I,ll be up in the AM. Will eggs and bacon be ready for 5 AM? :whistling::w00t:

Edited by misfish
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With all joking aside with Clamp it and Irish,what scares me the most,what if I was in the bush and these guys were firing away at a bird in my direction. They had no idea where I was. One pellet is all it takes to hit the wrong spot :stretcher: . Like I have stated many times before.I work hard to get private land to hunt on. It takes alot of trust,from the owner to let you on his/her property. Im not sure telling the land owner is a good thing,FOR ME. Like mentioned,they may say good bye and no more hunting.Yes there are yahoo,s out there,but Im sure now that they know Im there,they wont be back. If they do,I will not confront them,I will make my way to find thier car/truck and take the advise of those here.I,ll be taking the wifes new camcorder from now on aswell,,,,,,,,just dont tell her.LOL :whistling::wallbash:

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Should have just shot them and buried the bodies. Hell, you even would have had a bird to bring home!


They will be back. I would bet my pay check on it! If you do see them again and find their car. Before you call the cops.. make sure give them flat tires first



Dont give me any ideas fellas. :wallbash::whistling::canadian:

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That sucks!


My cousin had a couple of clowns that shot a deer on his property while he was in his stand!!!! They were part of a group that belonged to his neighbours hunting group. They are no longer apart of that and were asked to leave that day. Screwed themselves. If it was me I would have charged them and kept the deer but my cousin let them off and told them to take the deer. Pretty nice I'd say.


It's idiots like these and the boneheads you had to deal with that ruin it for the rest. Some common courtesy and respect goes a long way!!

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