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Fishing trip of a lifetime...


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It has been almost a week since I returned from Mexico and I am finally off of cloud nine. Having never been south this trip was not only wonderful but very overwhelming. My expectations were not high, I looked forward to the resort, to the weather and hoped beyond hope that the fishing on the day of our charter would be good.


We arrived in Cancun in the early hours of Sunday morning, got off the plane and immediately felt the change in the weather, the air was thick and warm. Our resort was spectacular... however dauntingly large from my point of view... I was sure I would be lost in moments if I walked along the wrong path, until I realized that all the paths lead to the ocean... where I stood in awe for a very long time.


Wednesday could not come soon enough...


Everyday was filled with one activity or event after another, be it searching the Market for the perfect souvenier,


checking out the fishing section in Wal Mart


searching for shells in the sand or participating in a pool side event...


the entire time in the back of my mind was the reason we came and that was the fishing.


We walked the beach, spent some time under a bridge talking to a local family who only had line and a piece of wood by which to fish. Their catch was being cleaned and eatten for lunch as we spoke.


How I wish I had brought some gear with me, next time I will definately do that leaving it behind when I return home.


Sunday and Monday were beautiful days, by Tuesday the wind had picked up to just short of 40 klms per hour. It was still sunny but there was a chill in the air and the water was rough... I was getting nervous. Our Charter was scheduled for Wednesday.


We visited many docks, spoke to many charter captains, and saw a lot of fish coming in day after day.


Finally Tuesday afternoon had arrived and we went to talk to the Captain of the boat we had booked online weeks in advance. Lo and Behold he knew nothing of us... and was booked with another group for the following morning. He asked us to wait a moment, as he rode off on his jet ski coming back with Captain Sharky...


WE were assured of a boat and crew for the following day... and what a surprise that was. The boat was bigger than the one we had originally booked, and all of the crew members spoke english...


We had arranged to leave the dock by 6:30 am, the normal time for these vessels to leave is 9:00am, but being used to fishing bright and early in the morning we convinced them we would be there and that it would make the day go by much more quickly. The captain had told us since we were only targetting Sailfish we should anticipate a slow day as usually a good day is one maybe two fish in the boat with a couple on for short periods of time.


This was probably one of the best decisions we could have made. On the way out I got my first taste of salt water... wow is all I can say ... and it does nothing for your hair... LOL. The captain stopped several times to catch the bait we would use for the day.


This was so cool. Six little gold hooks on line with a large sinker on the end dropped down to bottom and just reeled back up continuously produced 6 sardines... it was so amazing.



The water was a tad rough, something similar to Lake Erie on a 12-14 foot wave day... but definately manageable as long as you took off your shoes... it seems the salt water on the deck of the boat makes it very slippery...


Steve had first fish and it came about 25 min into our day... how exciting... I videotaped the entire fight, all 35 minutes of it and when I looked up to see his 130 pound sailfish in the boat I realized I would be experiencing my first bout ever of sea sickness... eeek... But man what a fish... CancunMexicoMar08111.jpg


The action was basically non stop for the next hour or two... My first fish on I fought for all of 7 minutes or so when it straightened the hook... I was a little sad but elated that I atleast got a chance to feel the power that these fish posses. At this point I thought we may not see another fish, the waves were splashing over the side of the boat , the sun came out and there were rainbows everywhere... fish or not I was having the time of my life.


Wham, fish on, and a triple header at that... This time I thought I would try standing to fish, as that was how Steve had landed his first fish... well that didn't work so well, these fish pull you all over the boat. The captain spends his entire time steering the boat to follow the fish, Steve lost the one he was bringing in, Juno handed him another rod with the third fish still peeling out line, I decided to sit in the chair... twenty five minutes later my first sailfish was in the boat and Steves followed within minutes. CancunMexicoMar08124.jpgCancunMexicoMar08142.jpg


I can not even begin to describe to you the adreneline that surges through your body as these fish take line, then run back at you diving and jumping with head shakes like you can not even believe. The line didn't break, which just baffled me. 20lb test with a 6 ft long 80lb flourocarbon leader at the end of which was tied a 6/0 circle hook. The bait was attached to that hook with a little copper wire that they fed through the sardines nose... CancunMexicoMar08180.jpgSuch a simple set up but it worked.


Picture of the rods we used for the day



Between sailfish we stopped a lot to catch more bait... Since it was there and easily caught the captain was filling his live well for the rest of the weeks charters... Then back to trolling lines out and two fish on, however they were not sailfish. Steve and I brought ours in at the same time, Bonitas the crew called them... and soo very beautiful


Silver, black, white with blue designs on the sides these fish were like fighting a huge walleye. I couldn't wait for what would come next. However saying this you must remember that I was sea sick, so in between the fishing I spent a lot of time leaning over the side of the boat.


After four more sailfish


and five hours of fishing both of us were ready to head back to shore. No feeling in our left arms from reeling these fish in and smiles on our faces I needed solid ground...


Was the $750 dollars for the Charter and the $50 tip worth it...YES... We couldn't have had a better day on the water with a nicer crew... This was the fishing trip of a lifetime for me... what more can I say.


Moments like these can never be relived but will last in my memory forever...





Edited by Jen
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Am i experiancing dejavu?


I know I was ill but did Steve not post a report on this trip complete with a slide show? Might have been my medication...


sounds like a good time though. congrats :) and a nice report.



Edited by Gerritt
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Yes Gerritt Steve did do a post however I felt I had a lot more to say... :blahblah1::D and a couple more pictures to add... :blush:


Sorry about being so long winded... I just felt I had to share my perspective.





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Great pics,

On our last vacation(Jamaica ) I hid a travel rod in my baggage, was able to fish 2-3 hours every morning before the wife even woke up, not that she would mind of course. I was busted on the first day with a pic snapped to prove it LOL...

The travel rod was great.



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Thats cool wanted to make sure I was not losing my mind...




Sorry to hear you were sick... not losing your mind at all... Just me wanting to make my own contribution to a community I greatly respect...


And the desire to share...


plus , I added shopping pictures... LOL Wal Mart and Boots...



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Great pics,

On our last vacation(Jamaica ) I hid a travel rod in my baggage, was able to fish 2-3 hours every morning before the wife even woke up, not that she would mind of course. I was busted on the first day with a pic snapped to prove it LOL...

The travel rod was great.




What did you manage to catch in those 2-3 hours a day?


Jen :)

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Thanks for the post Jen, was especially nice to see on this rainy day! Trip definitely sounds like it was worth the money...congrats to you both on the fine fish and the time together!

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What did you manage to catch in those 2-3 hours a day?


Jen :)

Managed a few barracuda and some sort of rock fish as well as squid(they were a treat to get off the hook)

Did the charter thing for a few days but I was perfectly content casting from shore a few hours every morning.

God forbid you release anything you catch though, the locals will let you know who to give it to LOL...



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awesome report from what i could see, my crappy dial up xed out the fish pics. we love cancun, we honeymooned there last year and plan on going back again this year. i bought a 10 foot telescoping rod and a 4 piece ugly stick to take with a few lures and had a blast. on our charter we caught dorado,bonita and a jack of somekind.


what hotel did you stay at?


congrats on a great trip.



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Yeah... who couldn't use a Sangria and a sailfish after that. Nice show... leave it to a woman to take pictures of shoes in a fishing report. haha.



But did you see the shoes??? LoL Those boots were crocodile, snake, eel, ostritch and emu...and at only 2500pesos...now thats a deal


Whats a post without a little contraband?





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Wow absolute mind blowing report nice to see an amazing report as most of us are going through the transition report.


As usual Jen A nice read and you write so well.


Reminds me of the trip I took 2 years ago with my wife in Cuba wish I had of brought fishing gear.


The money you spent was well spent fishing adventures like that do not happen to often.


That is like winning the lottery of fishing.


Congrats on the fish fishmaster and Jen.


My Dad has a 7 foot 3 inch Sailfish (83lbs) on his wall at home caught in 1978 in Miami.


It took him 45 minutes to bring it in and my mom and Dad got sea sick but it was worth it.


Thanks for the awesome report.


Hope to see you Fred, and Sonny in Quinte May 3rd.




MTP :clapping:

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