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Motorcycle Helmet Law to be appealed (NF)


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freedom of religion is a right in this country and we need to respect everyones rights







on the other hand riding a motorcycle is a privilege not a right in this country, so one must obey and respect the laws that allow one to ride one here

and there is no religious right being violated by making everyone obey the rules if one wants the privilege of riding a bike....

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Touchy topic because it involves religious beliefs.

My feelings are that any injuries that are a result of not wearing a helmet should be the financial responsibility of the biker, not the tax paying public. I own a bike myself and always wore my lid, even in States that didn't have helmet laws.

I feel the same about smokers and health benefits, but that is another can of worms all together.

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I don't care if he rides with a helmet or not but if they do allow people to ride without they should be forced to sign off all rights they have to OHIP coverage in the event of an accident while not wearing a helmet. To me it is the same as these skiers and snow boarders that deliberately go into areas marked no entry and cause avalanches and cost huge tax payers dollars to go get them, if it can be proven that they new they shouldn't be there they should get the rescue bill.

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My feelings are that any injuries that are a result of not wearing a helmet should be the financial responsibility of the biker, not the tax paying public



It does not even begin to bother me in the slightest if someone doesn't wear a Hemet be it a Sikh or white trash rock machine wanna be.


I don't want to hear any dude stories about a fatality, or a brain injured individual who refused to wear a helmet, and I sure don't want to have OHIP pay for it, and I reeeeeeeeely don't want to hear their Families pleading for financial assistance after the Insurance company tells them to take a Hike.


You absolutely know in a few years some one will receive a brain injury and become a burden on their family....

And that family will cry foul, and say the "other" guy was at fault so they deserve to be compensated...

And some crack pot "expert" will testify saying a helmet wouldn't have stopped this injury....


And then a precedent will have been set.....

Not to mention all the other crack pots who will say "hey...if they can do it...why can't I"

Were does one draw the line...

Do religious freedoms trump personal freedoms?


Why not make it optional to wear seatbelts?

Especially for Bigger people...its uncomfortable right.


Stupid issue if you ask me but, For the record....

I think Religious freedom is great, and I think they absolutely should be able to ride with out a helmet....AFTER they sign a waiver, or declaration stating they absolve the Province, the country, and ANYONE one person or group, or business, region, or territory of ANY Medical, or social service responsibility once they turn the key and sit behind the handle bars.


But that’s just me...

I sincerely hope this does not become another exsample of Political correctness trumping common sence :whistling::rolleyes:

I wonder what Mr. Rooney would say LOL!

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3 issues:

1) no matter what if he gets hurt we all end up paying big - not fair

2) it's wrong to have 2 laws one for us and another for 'religoius' exceptions - not fair

3) the cost to us in legal expenses unconciousable when we have kids going hungry in this country - not fair


This is crap.

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It's going to turn ugly. This thread, as well as two others tonight have clearly been posted to promote anger. I haven't spoken to the other mods so they might want to resurect this thread.

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