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Woman changes her name to Fishinghurts


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Flagstaff, Ariz. - What's in a name? Just ask 21-year-old Flagstaff resident Rachel Feather, who is changing her legal name to FishingHurts. Although she requested the name FishingHurts.com--after P3TA's anti-fishing Web site--a judge denied the ".com" suffix. So Feather decided to take the judge up on the offer to allow her to change her name to FishingHurts, and she intends to ask friends, family members, and acquaintances to call her FishingHurts.com anyway. Why the focus on fish? Feather--who went vegetarian on a dare from her friends after viewing an investigation on factory farms when she was 13--calls fish the "forgotten animal." She points out that fish experience stress and pain, just like chickens, cows, pigs, cats, and dogs.


When fish are dragged from the ocean's depths, they undergo excruciating decompression. Many slowly suffocate, are crushed to death, or are cut up while still alive on ships' decks. On fish farms, they are stuffed into tanks so tightly that they can barely move. They stew in a toxic bath of feces, chemicals, and antibiotics until they are slaughtered. "Sport" fishing also causes suffering. Besides enduring the pain caused by hooks, a high percentage of fish caught in catch-and-release tournaments die within a matter of days.


Fish and Fisheries has cited more than 500 research papers on fish intelligence that prove that fish can use tools and have impressive long-term memories and sophisticated social structures. They develop relationships and communicate with each other, have individual personalities, and grieve when their companions die.


"I hope that by changing my name, people will be inspired to trade in their fishing rods for hiking boots and their fish sandwiches for veggie burgers," says the soon-to-be FishingHurts, who grew up in a family of hunters but whose sister and mother are now vegan and vegetarian, respectively. "Fish should be respected, not mutilated on hooks or dragged up from the sea. I'll remind people of that every time they say or read my name."

Edited by Joey
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Fanatical to the point of insanity. I feel sorry for her offspring. My question is where in the heck does she come from. Lets see, she doesn't eat fish because it hurts them, she is a vegetarian though. I bet you there is something in her Lifestyle where an Animal of some form has been killed for her sorry ass existence. Can anybody think of a few. Maybe we should feed it all to P3TA or whatever they call themselves.

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Guest lundboy

She's just another brainwashed fool.


I do agree with Claude Fishburn legally changing his name to Fish Fishburn though.


(I wish I could find clips or DVDs of his old fishing show from the 80s called Go Fish, he was hillarious)

Edited by lundboy
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The judge should have recommended a name change to 'getalife' or 'areyoukiddingme'.


There are enough humanitarian issues in this world that if she's looking for a cause, she really missed the mark.


Lundboy said it right, she's just another brainwashed fool. Poor girl.


At least this was good for a laugh... "fish can use tools and have impressive long-term memories and sophisticated social structures. They develop relationships and communicate with each other, have individual personalities, and grieve when their companions die"

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And long term memory....so why the heck are they caught over and over and over again?


I target only the dumb fish whose opposable fins are not working....the ones who are a detriment to the fish society as a whole. That way the strong shall survive and not cause all the overpopulation and bad genetic breeding that leads to higher fish taxes for health care and unemployment. I think we'd do them a favour if we all change to this tactic.

Edited by ccmtcanada
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I have had a weight problem my whole adult life and a few years back lookin for answers I tried the vegetarian thing for almost 3 years. Never felt better in my whole adult life...so I understand the vegetarian way of life. BTW..it never stuck...I am a carnivore at heart.


However I never thought for one minute I should stop fishing or join P3TA or anything that remotely resembles supporting any of those kinds of misguided beliefs.


That woman has issues and by the sounds of it...no life either.

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why is everybody so negative about this? I think its a great idea for her, Now as soon as she introduces herself to anyone in society, They will immediately know what WACKED OUT WEIRDO SHE IS !!! This should stop any confusion some poor lad might have if he tried to pick her up at the bar. after she said her name, he would be able to move on to some other chick with a brain.


P3TA people never cease to amaze me with their thought process.



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