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Did you hear the thunder in Toronto ??


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I was out shovelling snow about 30 minutes ago and saw a large flash, then heard this loud rumbling starting, then as it got louder I realised it was thunder. It actually lasted about 20 seconds and was like what you'd hear during a summer storm.


Guess we've all heard winter thunder, but this was much longer than I've ever heard before.


Interesting stuff !!

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really bored eh?? :D


Actually being a weather guy it is kind of interesting :) .


I'm currently on shift at the weather office in Hamilton and recorded the exact same phenomena at precisely 22:52 zulu (6:52 for you laymen :) ).


Quite a system we've got here....hope I make it home tonight!

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I just called up a radar screen for where you are Lew. Looks like the stuff is just hovering over that whole area. You might be getting a little batch of snow overnight too.

Everyone, be safe driving out there.

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I just called up a radar screen for where you are Lew. Looks like the stuff is just hovering over that whole area. You might be getting a little batch of snow overnight too.

Everyone, be safe driving out there.


Its been snowing pretty good here in Burlington for the past while... looks like we may end up with a bunch more of the white stuff

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Just got in from cleaning my driveway :wallbash: left work Yonge and Eglinton at 5, was at Pinevalley and Hwy 7 at 6:05 (6 km from home). Lighting was really bright, thought it was a tranformer blowing up, going nowhere fast turned around, back down to Steels West, got home at 7:45. Never buy a home that you have to go up steep hills, doesn't matter what road you take. I had no problems as I drive a 4x4 Jeep but any vans or cars, they were done and everyone was left behind them.


Drive safe. It's till coming down up here.

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Having a thunderstorm in Richmond Hill right now, and the thunder is long and rumbly just as you described Lew, like in the summer.



So.....let me understand this. It is shooting bolts of electricity from the sky, and you are sitting behind an electronic machine that would act as a very good conduit for the electricity that needs a place to go to get to ground!??? Hey what could go wrong? :whistling:

Maybe I am being a :asshat::asshat: and need to be :stretcher:

All in fun, eh!

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