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  Kirk said:
Hey Terry,


I buy my kids stuff as well, only because he's not at the age yet that he can sell stuff on his own and when that time comes, I'll buy the chocolates as well, cause I wouldn't want some ______ to bad mouth him, BUT like I said, a smile and no thanks works just as well, as opposed to getting off on 'winning' an argument with a child or insulting and name calling kids with slurs like 'panhandler', thats classless, makes you wonder who has the brains, the kid or the 'adult'.


And I don't see the difference between a kid asking for you to buy a chocolate bar and posting the same sort of request on a message board. Same sentiment and it might result in the same 'panhandling' slur by other's.


I guess what it comes down to is being able to politely interact with children...and if ya can't...just smile and nod (most anyone should be able to do that without ranting LOL)


This threads a joke anyway based on the initial content...


FYI I'm a proud conservative party member, I just don't feel the need to put down kids to make myself feel superior.


Well said and exactly the view that should be taken, if someone is upset enough to post about children raising money for team sports on a site that boasts about being a FAMILY fishing site ...ya got to wonder who really has the bigger problems/issues.....but it raised the "hit" count so maybe the plan worked??????

  largemouth said:
Well said and exactly the view that should be taken, if someone is upset enough to post about children raising money for team sports on a site that boasts about being a FAMILY fishing site ...ya got to wonder who really has the bigger problems/issues.....but it raised the "hit" count so maybe the plan worked??????


I don't think there is a view that should or should not be taken. There is no real right or wrong here I think its more of a debate where you can see peoples feelings on the matter. As well, this is a Family fishing site and I don't see how that is challenged here. Lastly I know TJ and the Mods as well as others on here aren't so heartless as to say and do things only to raise the hit count... maybe that statement should be rethought.


Thanks everyone for some well thought out responses. It's nice to hear others' views on things.


Hey Roy, when it comes to children & charities, there are few men around who are more charitable, caring, loving or generous than you are, my friend, and I'll leave it at that.


Most on this board don't know that about you, but I just thought I'd throw that in.


Just reading all these replies, just gave me an idea. Seeing that I'm retired and live on a fixed income. If you see an old guy standing at the boat launch with a can in hand, throw in a few bucks. It's me looking for GAS money for my boat. I promise to use it for fishin :Gonefishing: .

Come on guys, lighten up. Roy is entitled to his opinion.

I don't think they or anyone else has the right to block a road to solicit or anything in the world.......


I've seen firefighters do this in small towns...now how do you say no to that? I don't. Just like the kids who sell me chocolates, I give them some money. I am blessed to have what I have, and don't mind sharing it for the right causes. But I gotta admit, if I didn't want to give, it would be pretty darn hard to say not to those guys blocking the street that come right up to your window!.


You are so right Lew. If some people only know what Roy does on a daily, if not lifetime basis, for the kids in this world, they would bow their heads in shame for the nonsense they have spewed forth on this thread.


Nuff said.



Posted (edited)

Not that this isn't obvious or anything but no one is forcing anyone to give up their money... :dunno:


Guys talking about smooth talking kids, rehursed lines, etc., taking my money.... hahaha... some of this reads like a comedy sketch. I'm imagining gangs of roving kids terrorizing the burbs with their boxes of chocolates. $2!!! $2!!! Noooooooooooo... make it go away........... I can't take the kids anymore!!!!!


Now where's my shotgun, I see that little johnny next door is fixing to go to Cleveland for his hockey tourney...


BTW - no offence to anyone who's concerned about these chocolate sellers - just goofing on you a little :)

Edited by Puckhead

I know the charity thing well. I canvas door to door ( some are a mile apart ) for a particular charity.

When someone asks me to support their cause, I don't get upset, I just say I support particular charities only.

Now, panhandling, conjures up an image of someone asking for money for something to eat.

When I'm approached by one of these people, I ask them to follow my into the closest eating establishment and I'll buy them something to eat and drink. I usually don't have to cough up any $$, but some take me up on my offer.

Posted (edited)

No heads bowing here. I didn't know there was a level of charity work after which its ok to insult and be rude to kids LOL


The only other explanation was its open season for Roy fishing for compliments. Like I said, this thread was a joke from the start and it looks like this thread might turn into the Saint Roy thread if the Bull piles up and gets any deeper here (and all the plows in Toronto are busy clearing the snow).

Edited by Kirk

Hello All,


Been reading through this thread with a smile on my face, because there certainly is a lot of humour in many of these replies.


First of all - classing children as "panhandlers" is a wrong choice of words in my opinion. My job working at a Treatment Centre for Youth allows me to see what a true "panhandler" is, and sorry, but the two couldn't be more further apart. If you believe they are, then are the men and women that come to my door for the cancer society, the veteran's requesting my funds for a poppy, or the blind man with dog at his side all "panhandler's" too? I don't think so.


I see nothing wrong with a child trying to raise funds for a sports team, for a charity, or for a greater cause. Much better than seeing them loitering in parks, hanging out at the mall, or causing trouble. You have a choice to support them or not.


Not sure where many of you live, but it sounds like it is an epidemic in many of your towns. I live in the Nation's Capital, and see very few "panhandler's" holding me up at malls, liquor stores or the neighbourhood Canadian Tire's. Lucky if I see one every few weeks.


But here is the part I don't get - is it that hard to say a simple "no thank you" and walk on? The way many of you are talking, it's like 8 year old Johnny is pulling out a switchblade and demanding your wallet. The words "no thank you" takes less than 2 seconds to say. It's the easiest thing to do, and involves no stress. If you want to give, then do so. If not, then don't.


But what I don't get is the uproar in regards to this whole issue. When I was a youngster we would collect money at Halloween with our Unicef boxes. I still remember how excited I was getting that box filled. Our schools would do Jump Rope for Heart and we would collect pledges. I did a yearly skate-a-thon at the local rink to raise money for charity. And yes, I would bring home chocolate bars to sell. Never was an issue back then.


I guess to me, it seems far too easy is this day and age to "rant" about something. This fishing board usually produces a daily rant of some sort. Perhaps it would be best to take the negative energy it takes to rant or get stressed out about something, and turn it into a positive. Or perhaps some folk just need to get out on the ice and wet a line, because cabin fever seems to be setting in pretty hard these days. (Yes, Ottawa has plenty of ice for fishing!)


Let's be honest - there's far more serious issues in the world, and in day to day living, than Johnny asking you to buy a chocolate bar.


Just my 2-cents...




well said justin


kirk...i am sure no one here would say you dont have a right to an opinion

but that last one was more insult than opinion and imo was uncalled for


With that said I am done reading anymore about this because I dont see it going anywhere nice

Posted (edited)

Me too greencoachdog...I guess after seeing whats been posted here, its a 'new' level of charitable service:


'Charitable and community work for children, ZERO trash talk and insults'


I just can't beleive that people think its OK to call kids panhandlers. And, Rickster, what you call an insult is just someone trying to be accurate.


I also got a sneaking suspicion if the kids Dad were standing next to him, he wouldn't be called a panhandler.


I've said enough, I think.

Edited by Kirk
  Kirk said:
And, Rickster, what you call an insult is just someone trying to be accurate.


Well I don't think you're being accurate at all.


I thought flamers got banned?


I see absolutely no need for the insults you are throwing Kirk. Roy wasn't rude to anyone as you stated, he simply asked if anyone had noticed a rise in the number of children/youths looking for handouts at popular stores and on city streets/intersections.



  Roy said:
" I know, I was rude but I said "ummm like ahhh if I give you my money then I won't be able to go to Europe."



I'm not critizing Roy, he has a right to his own opinion and as voiced here some agree some do not.


But to clarify.....he was rude, as he admitted himself.


Maybe he was just having a bad day, we all have them.

  muskymatt said:
I went in Macdonalds and got a bunch of job applications that I hand out to squeegee kids and you should see the sneers I get.



See,... whether we all agree or not, each person has something worthwhile to add. I loved the above quote

and I plan on stopping at McD's on the way home. Even though I've never seen a Squeegie Kid up here I wanna be ready.


Now if we can all just add our opinions, while keeping things civil, all should be well in our wee fishing world.


By the way...have you ever heard the one about the Midget with a hair lip that goes to buy a horse ?





  irishfield said:
Sorry Kirk... but you have to bow, because if you don't when taking a shot at Roy... you'll miss ! :P:canadian:


oooooh.............that was a low blow.



:thumbsup_anim: but a good one :clapping:

Posted (edited)

Wasn't flaming Joey, I suggest contacting TJ, maybe he can ban anyone you disagree with.


Does this mean I am kicked out of the St. Roy parade committee? :) :)


Thanks Muskymatt, why let facts spoil an excellent argument LOL

Edited by Kirk

Some people on this board think Roy is a saint and can do no wrong. Others think he may be the biggest flamer going here.


Some people think Roy adds a lot to the board experience, others feel he is nothing but a shill for certain muskie guides and those associated with them.


Some people think Roy is unbiased and fair, other feel he plays favorites all of the time.


This is a message board. This rant is no different than the volume of music or type of music on a fishing show, price of a GPS at a fishing store, service at a Crappy Tire…..garbage left by fisherman….Leafs suck…etc.


Everyone has there own point of view on things.


I won’t get into mine on this one.


I agree with Kirk. Can't believe I said that! Old Apel is bang on in my view. I think it's easy to say 'no thank you' instead of saying something that widens the 'generation gap' to foster disrespect.


We oldsters and our system is what shaped the 'me' society of today, and youngsters are salespersons as we were and we are alla time!!!


Everything we do is sales-related.... job hunting... searching for bargains, sex, fame, fortune, fish, friendships... it all involves sales. Selling ourselves is what humans do to GET THEIR WAY.


I don't for sure know what Roy does involving kids, but a pal up north runs a community home and he gets money from gov't to do it. He's always shopping for food deals to maximize profits as any good business does. If Roy does that same kinda thing, fine, but I'm not sure what pedestal he'd sit on. I never hear Roy tooting his own horn or showing us pics of him standing on a pedistal, so anybody doing it for him shouldn't unless you know he doesn't run a community home as a business. Roy may very well be embarrassed by folks trying to be his spokespersons incorrectly. Let him explain himself his work/job/business/? to help the underprivileged.... don't be a self-appointed spokesperson promoting what you don't understand. Roy's a nice guy. So is the head of the Red Cross who gets hundreds of thousands of $$$ per year salary. But I don't think anyone sees the Red Cross money maker as God's gift to people needing blood.


Roy has a valid point about not enjoying youngsters frequently asking for donations/sales for their causes. It surely can be bothersome/uncomfortable for us oldsters at times. But we should always treat others with respect regardless of their age or social status.


We oldsters should really be doing something productive instead of picking on youngsters. Maybe get on Gov'ts case for breaking their promise years ago.... REMEMBER FOLKS????? Gov't was gonna use lottery loot to improve social programs... ice arenas, wheelchair ramps, etc.. They started lotteries and did some good stuff, then changed things so the loot became part of the tax base. Think of what that money coulda done to help youth and sports and disadvantaged/disabled Canadians?


If lottery $$ was used to help the disadvantaged and youth sports, we'd have a great nation of sports opportunities where youngsters had sports to pursue instead of other activities we oldsters don't cotton to.


We oldsters created the shape of youngsters so let's not complain... let's enjoy the fruits of our collective failures and broke gov't promises... enjoy when youngsters ask you for money or to buy a candy bar.


I'd really like to ask that this thread be locked. I truly think it has run it's course, everyone that has wanted to contribute has had their chance to do so and express their opinion. I doubt that anymore good can come from it and before it gets totally out of hand I feel it's time to put it to bed.



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