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Quit Smoking ( NF)


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Squid...I hope you stick with it. I have been smoking for far too many years...since the age of 13. I have to get over my fear of going through the withdrawals, and all the other lies I tell myself. I now can hear my lungs...it worries me and yet I continue to put it off. So many failed personal promises and deadlines...right now I have 6 cartons of Indian smokes in my freezer...only paid $15.00 each...I know I am not getting a deal because I am sacrificing my health for a bloody cigarette. And I don't know what it is about these Indian smokes...but they sure are harder on the lungs.


A few years back I needed to see a specialist about some nasty veins in one leg. But he was more concerned about my breathing. That scared me enough that I saw my family physicain and went on Zyban. I was down to 2 cigs a day. I saved well over $2,000 in just over a year. And as we smokers know...we find and make excuses to light up again.


Anyway....I just want you to be successful.

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congrats on quiting!!!!


I quit almsot 3 years ago now! pack a day for over ten years and woke up hung over after my bday a few years ago and was to hung over to go out for a smoke so anyway, it was 1pm when i felt good enough to go out for one and said you know what i have gone this long i mind as well quit. havnt had a puff since! the first week was hard but for me it got better every week.



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These are all great stories and they do help the guys(and gals) that are thinking about quitting.If you have cut down to a few a day then you may as well quit instead of being Pavlovs dog for that next hit!Quit torturing youself.Its not easy but once you get past that first week or so just never light up again and you will be just fine.If you have to give up coffee for a while to do it it is worth it.You WILL be able to enjoy a cup of Coffee after you quit,ask Lew!If you enjoy smoking and dont want to quit..ignore this post!Go Peter!!!!


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Attaboy Peter.


My Pa tells of his trials quitting smoking a few years ago. He was down to a few, but struggling. One night he woke up to see my Ma pacing the bedroom starkers, overwrought at his struggle. He tells me this story, wondering at the time, if this was 'some sort of bizarre Doukhoubor protest'.


He quit for good the next day.

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Almost two years for me now. I'm so glad I did it and so is my family. I watched my mom have a heart attack (to which smoking was a HUGE contributing factor) and my closest aunt die from cancer (she was a sweetheart). Although her cancer was not caused by smoking I spent quite a bit of time in that hospital and it wasn't pretty. So basically it scared the crap out of me. It still isn't easy. I crave them once in a while and even reach for them somtimes, but all in all I think I'm over them now. You can do it too,you just have to want it. Keep it up. You can beat it. Just concentrate on not smoking that day.

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Looks like this is the season for everyone to quit smoking and congrats to everyone for making one of the best decisions of your entire life !!


I think the most important thing to do before making the choice to quit is to really convince yourself that you want to do it. If you don't convince yourself 1st, I think it makes the whole process more difficult.


Sit down and make a list of all the reasons you want to continue smoking, then make another list of all the reasons you'd like to quit and it should make the choice alot easier for you.


I was hooked on those filthy things for 30 years but I've been off them now for 17 years. :thumbsup_anim:

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I have taken Champic twice now. The first time it worked like a charm and like a fool, stopped taking it because I thought I was okay! Started smking again... Just started it again this week and it has really messed me up. I have lost all ambition and interest in everything (except my trip to thr BOQ this weekend). Anyhow, I am back off it and I feel much better. Man, I really want to quit but it is very tough! I am proud of you Squid! GOOD JOB AND KEEP IT UP!!!

Edited by grant.b.mcallister
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For those of you who are concidering giving it up..you may think its the hardest thing to do but ITS NOT..REALLY!!


Do yourself a favor.....dont think of it as quitting.

Go and get Alan Carr's book. (VERY EASY READ TOO!!)


Smoke WHILE you are reading it. Concider it just a good read..not as a stop smoking attempt.


I betcha you dont even finish the open pack of smokes you have.... even BEFORE you finish the book!!!



FYI ..I HAD the "big C" and continued to smoke!! (what the heck ..I know :blush: )

Even smoked after given the "ALL CLEAR"....BUT ....after reading the book...Im now good to go!!!




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I have been smoke free since 1987! I was the worst kind a chain smoker with deep inhales too....Was up to 3 packs a day when cigarettes were DIRT CHEAP! The price is what would stop me now! Last time I heard it was up to 4-5 dollars a pack.....I say for all you smokers just start a charity fund and instead of buying cigarettes donate it to help someone.....This help me clean my lungs and system out....The herb Kudzu and no flash niacin, add one every 4 days and do it for 90 days....works like a charm and drink lots of water!


Good Luck!!!


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The quitting part is the easy part , it's the "not starting again" that is difficult.


Just make sure that you quit for yourself ,because if you quit for somebody else it aint going to work. I had tried 6-7 times because my doctor wanted me to , then my kids wanted me to, then somebody else wanted me to. But this time I quit because I wanted to and it has been 3 years as of Jan. 1.


Good luck and take it one day at a time.

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Mr Pete congratz on the new goal for 2008 I hope ya can keep it up. If you do by the time you get here in the fall I will treat ya to a shoping spree in windsor the store of my choice for 3 baits I dont know if ya remember how to get there if not I will lead the way.By the way you will have to be the one to remind me about this I will make good when you get here heck maybe a little tease for teh summer trip.


Good luck to all who have also started the long haul in 2008 its a tuff battle but well worth it I have not had one in more then 15years and the wife is on her 8th year.

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  • 3 months later...

Partly due to this thread i stopped smoking on May 1st, 2008.

I mulled it over for a few months then went to bookstore to get Allen Carr's book.

Flipped through it read a little then decided to stop smoking, without book or Champix or whatever.

Since then i haven't had nicotine withdrawals ( at least not that i noticed) but noticed that having a smoke

was part of my physical behavioural pattern. So i just did other things as opposed to going out for a smoke.

The behavioural pattern changed quickly.


The quitting part is the easy part , it's the "not starting again" that is difficult.


But this time I quit because I wanted to and it has been 3 years as of Jan. 1.


Good luck and take it one day at a time.


This was an important post for me. Had to stop for my own health benefits which will be good for those around me.



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