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Someone years ago gave me the Nick Name : JEN


It stuck , so when online rather than use my real name which is rather long I use my alter ego... heck, she fishes better than me anyways! LOL


JEN is so much easier to type then BERNADETTE

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My nickname is pretty simple. My first name is Ken and my buddy LJ (Little John), speaking of nicknames, often says in a cool tone "What's up Mr. Kennyman" or something very similar (different variations) and since it was the only nickname I really ever had (other than lardass,idiot etc.) it sort of stuck. That and if you try to use Ken,Kenny etc. it's usually been taken. This reminds me ........... hmmm ..... how about a little story here? Has anyone ever done this?Remember this is a LONG time ago. I'm out of town with a long time friend Scott (no nickname) on one of our spur of the moment "missions". We come out of a coffee shop and right above where we are parked is a street sign for "Little John Lane". Needless to say, we couldn't get out the wrenches fast enough. That sign was brought home with us and donated to Little John. He still has it to this day. Man, to be young and foolish again ............ or at least young. ;)

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Some great reading here. Joey, that was priceless! :clapping:


I'm not sure if Bly can make Tacos or not. I do know that she makes an awesome lunch and some wicked cookies. No reason why she can't make up a great taco as well. ;)


I came up with Fishnsled because of my love of fishing and sledding many years ago and it has just stuck with me.

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my grand dad called me that when i was young as i would skip school,and do bad things to go fishing like sneaking out of the house and stuff all to go fishing,so he would call me a little fishindevil....so i just started using it....then i found pictures of it and sort of adopted them.....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing: great thread, :whistling::clapping:

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Last name is Bunker.


Live in Moose Factory, work in Moosonee, located on the Moose River, all of which are in Moose township.


Grew up in Perth though, then lived in Ottawa, then Attawapiskat... but, PerthOttawaAttawapiskatMooseFactoryBunk kinda made me sound retarded when I would say it 5 times fast.



Tonyb. haha, Tonya was taken.

Edited by Moosebunk
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For me it started in 2005 I went ot Quinte for the first time out of 3 boats mine was the one that caught Pike and Pike and Pike while I watched my buddies fillet walleyes and me well there was pike and more pike.So that weekend my buddies called me Mike the Pike.

Previous years I caught lots of pike and yes I ate others Walleye.Last year one of my customers called me Mike the Pike.I had joined another board and used Mike the Pike as my board name .Last November cousin Percher told me about this wonderful site and I continued with Mike the Pike.I have never caught a Pike bigger than 8lbs but man I have caught alot of hammer handles in the 3 to 4 pound range.So thats it I am Mike the Pike. :Gonefishing:

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Well for many yrs my close freinds have allways called me AMO. I actually got this nick name back in Europe & i mean nick name. It actually is short for Amazon.....Being that i am 6ft tall and blonde this is how this nick name for me came about & i have had it for many yr's. I am known by most as amo on other boards. But i tired of it and decided i wanted something different.


I thought Nautifish was very much me! :whistling::D

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