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More Raggin' on the MNR


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I guess that if you can't come up with an appropriate answer... just say "we're not revisiting that"




The North Bay Nugget


November 20th 2007

No bear hunt no surprise


The new Minister of Natural Resources made a pit stop in Northern Ontario (Timmins, to be exact) last week, vowing to listen to the concerns of Northerners when it comes to all issues relating to her new portfolio.


Except one.


Donna Cansfield, the Liberal MPP for Etobicoke Centre, made it crystal clear that she has no intention of reinstating the spring bear hunt. She reiterated the position of her MNR predecessor, MPP David Ramsay (Liberal - Cochrane-Timiskaming).


"Minister Ramsay was quite clear that there will not be a return of the spring bear hunt, and I have no intent to change that," Cansfield said, in a story written by Daily Press reporter/photographer Chelsey Romain.


We can't say that we are surprised with the outcome. The issue has been a thorn in the side of Northerners since former Premier Mike Harris cancelled the spring bear hunt in January 1999.


Since then, every provincial government has avoided reintroducing the issue, mainly because it is so unpopular with animal rights activists in southern Ontario. The south is the bread and butter of voting support and the negative publicity surrounding any measures to bring back the hunt would be crippling in terms of public relations.


The hunt was originally cancelled by Harris after lobbyists threatened to launch a media blitz against it in eight key ridings in the south. Centred on cute, fuzzy orphaned cubs, and timed to come on the eve of a provincial election, the issue would have become front and centre in an area of Ontario where there are no bears.


Instead of fighting it, Harris folded like a cheap tree stand.


We are, however, surprised that there was not at least an attempt by the new minister to make it look like she was gathering input from Northerners and checking data on the spring bear hunt issue.


Instead, Cansfield said she would continue to focus on the nuisance bear program, Bearwise, and work on other aspects such as education and prevention.


Not exactly music to the ears of Northerners, who Cansfield says she wants to hear from on MNR issues.


Even if there remains a refusal to listen to the pro side of the spring bear hunt, there are other items relating to the issue of nuisance bears that need to be addressed.


What about more allocation of resources within the MNR for trapping and relocating nuisance bears? More funding is needed for municipalities forced, usually through their police departments, to deal with increased nuisance bear incidents.


Quite frankly, saying the problem is a lack of education on the part of residents is an insult to the intelligence of Northerners.


Timmins Daily Press

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Hey Bernie never mind letting them out on Queen's Park front lawn. Lock them in the legislature with the house "in session"

Unfortunately, the only the way the Spring hunt will come back is if a cabinet minister's child or grandchild is mauled or killed. Then, the hunt would be back so fast, even the anti's couldn't stop it.


Besides, given enough time and their ever increasing population, the bears will start moving further and further South and someone important will be hurt by them and then watch out.

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no surprise here... there's a large "cat" in our area and the MNR knows it, as it's admitted so, yet they won't have anything to do with capturing it because it's too "dangerous" and they've left us up poops creek, without a paddle and even ticked in our boat before they left... if only some of the higher ups in the MNR had a clue as to what their job was (hint: it isn't working for P3TA)...



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Tired of being harrassed by panhandlers on your way to the office?

Do those annoying kids with the squeegees drive you nuts when you're stopped at a red light?


No problem! Just give us a call here at The Bud Light Institute and we'll be happy to release a

pack of ravenous marrauding black bears straight from Ontario's north country to clean them up!!


:D:D:D (I have this crystal clear mental image that's just cracking me up)

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This situation is really very sad. What is happening now people in rural areas dont bother calling MNR anymore. They just shoot the bears, dig a hole, bury it and say nothing. Its the only way to control them in some areas. Its like the booze prohibition and untaxed smokes. May as well have the spring hunt, at least we get the tourist industry and the culling is controlled.

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What puzzles me,is how the folks from a different region can have a say in another regions games laws,should it not be up to the region in question constituants to vote on the matter?


I hope them fuzzzy cuddling lovers are ashamed of themselves when they slurp a gulp of milk from their Cherioos that they stole from some poor calf in which his mother was robbed of her milk and what about Foghorn leghorn's offspring,Which were fried this morning

They should do what right for those that the issues concerns and not what right for those whom the issue does not concern em.

Oh but wait,growing Tulipes in region where the plant is non native is oh so pretty

There is trully one problem with any country,we fail to fix the problem



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This situation is really very sad. What is happening now people in rural areas dont bother calling MNR anymore. They just shoot the bears, dig a hole, bury it and say nothing. Its the only way to control them in some areas. Its like the booze prohibition and untaxed smokes. May as well have the spring hunt, at least we get the tourist industry and the culling is controlled.


Well said!

Probably the best response to this subject.

It is not just rural areas. Here in TBay the cops shot an estimated, 400 lb sow out of a tree in my buddy's back yard. Well within the city. It fell out of the tree, bounced off his shed and landing in his neighbours yard. Just to give you and idea of how 'within the city' he lives. This was last spring. No mention of it in the media anywhere. I know tons of people who have done exactly what Bernie has mentioned. numerous times. The bears keep coming, and they keep knocking them down.

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It all comes down to what my grandfather always said.The PM should be a farmer.One that works hard appriciates life and family.This can hold true for this postion of MNR . Give the position to a fisher/hunter, that loves the land and respects the haritage of the people of this country and understand what the sports are all about.


Stop with the bleeding heart tree hugg,n crap,PLEASE. Dont these people that are elected ,understand what the heck is going on? Over paid,underworked dude,if you ask me.SPENDING MY/OUR HARD EARNED DOLLAR AND NOT EVEN GIVING A RATS ARS ABOUT WHAT WE THINK.


I cant believe they give these positions to people that HAVE NO FRIGG,N CLUE about what they are REPRESENTING.


Sorry,I just cant listen and watch thier crap anymore.

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I agree with ya there Brian... But the problem is the farmers wont lower themselves to the level of a politician... Cant wait for the day that happens, they know how the world and the environment works cause they know hard work and know what they're doing. But what can you expect from some minister in an office signing bills and acts... they dont see it or have to deal with the problems they cause. Basically the worst that happens if they don't listen to those who's opinions count is they loose their votes and sometimes it isn't a big enough deal for them to care about.

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