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Cigarette Smoking . . . . . . (Definately N. F.)


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Please don't take offense, but if quitting smoking for almost 2 years adds up to 47 months, I will keep smoking!




ps. good on ya for quitting, it takes a lot to quit.

lol yeah I'll clarify, the amount i was spending on cigs was equal to the payment on the snowmobile, though i have been off for 2 years, after 4 years i would have saved enough for the sled

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I'm a smoker and believe I should have no rights to where to smoke,except outside.

But pay more for health care. Come on, Bury yourself more in the BOX!


Thats like saying you use more fuel and electricity than I do, so you should pay more

for the carcinigens your releasing in the air.


You use a prescription drug. Pay more for the toxic waste the plant makes for that drug.


I can keep going here, but wont.


If you want to be the perfect example of health a this day and age,

you better step off,because the air that we breath, I wouldn't call it clean.


If you could could bring back William Shakespeare what would he say.



Edited by Tybo
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I think they tax some vehicles that use more fuel and or give rebates for vehicles that get great mileage


insurance companies don't pay when it's suicide

one could consider smoking self inflicted wounds ..so to speak..


but we pay 0 for health care so if they increase it by 100% for smokers, so it's still 0

and life is good.....LOL

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A couple of things.... Terry, Insurance will pay out for suicide, but only after a period of time after the policy was inititated.

2ndly, yes I'm a smoker and I really do enjoy it most of the time. Like most here, I grew up with smoking parnets and can remember female dogging at my dad all the time.

I used to smoke in the house, but that ended the moment I learned my wife was preggers. I have either smoked outside since, or in my garage, where the kids don't enter.

I don't think you can legislate common sense, but again, thi is only wtep one in a long line of control features the various levels of government are trying to force down our throats.

One question for the non smokers... why is it, when we smokers gather outside to fullfill out needs, that you insist on joining us outside, then complain about the smoke?We have made an honest and conscience decision to get away from you, yet you always want to join our little smoke fest? I think it's because most of us smokers are the fun people to be with! :whistling:


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why is it, when we smokers gather outside to fullfill out needs, that you insist on joining us outside, then complain about the smoke?We have made an honest and conscience decision to get away from you, yet you always want to join our little smoke fest? I think it's because most of us smokers are the fun people to be with!


You got that problem also eh.GO FIGURE.

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I think its 2 years for the life insurance policy to be in force before they will pay out on a suicide, which really works out well because by the time you finish the courses and tests for a firearms licence and then wait for a decent sale at BPS...that takes between 1-2 years as well (thats for a long gun) for the convenience of a hand gun...longer wait more paperwork.

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Useless law.


If a 'parent' is smoking in a car with their kids in it....second hand smoke, as serious as it is, is probably the least of those kids future problems, given the garbage parents they have raising them.


Those kids probably live in a house filled with second hand smoke, passing a law that, if followed and enforced, spares them a few minutes a day is just a drop in the bucket.


actually, for non smokers its almost unbearable to have people smoking in a vehicle with you unless all the windows are open. both of my parents smoked around me since i was a baby and people who do this are the most selfish there are. seriously, smoking is more important than your kids health? i had asthma when i was younger and was in the hospital every few months with pneumonia for 4-5 years. not very nice having to stay ina hospital for a week because you cant breathe...


ban the sale of smokes all together. most people just start smoking to be "cool" when they are younger and are to weak to quit after that and they think they "need" to have a smoke all the time. there is no smoking in my house. ive been asked by many friends and family to take the lock off my empty shed so they can hack a butt in there when its raining out...i laugh in their faces every time and watch them get soaked. people smoke alot less when they come over now that its getting cold out :thumbsup_anim:


smokers stink REALLY bad and even smokers notice this when they dont smoke for a day. its pathetic when people start flipping out because they dont have a light or smokes and its almost like they are crackheads that cant find another hit

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Well... heres what I have to say... I have lived in a smoking house all my life and of course I still do... although it may not bug me as much now as it did in the past when I was younger I had breathing problems, which may or may not have been attributed to the 2nd hand smoke but the smoke sure didn't help. As for in the car, if you are under the age of smoking you shouldnt be allowed to inhale the smoke in a car or in a house, and as for parents I am not telling you you're right or wrong but from my point of view, If your gonna smoke keep it out of your kids lungs they have enough to deal with anyway and they don't need the extra junk in their lungs.

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actually, for non smokers its almost unbearable to have people smoking in a vehicle with you unless all the windows are open. both of my parents smoked around me since i was a baby and people who do this are the most selfish there are. seriously, smoking is more important than your kids health? i had asthma when i was younger and was in the hospital every few months with pneumonia for 4-5 years. not very nice having to stay ina hospital for a week because you cant breathe...


ban the sale of smokes all together. most people just start smoking to be "cool" when they are younger and are to weak to quit after that and they think they "need" to have a smoke all the time. there is no smoking in my house. ive been asked by many friends and family to take the lock off my empty shed so they can hack a butt in there when its raining out...i laugh in their faces every time and watch them get soaked. people smoke alot less when they come over now that its getting cold out :thumbsup_anim:


smokers stink REALLY bad and even smokers notice this when they dont smoke for a day. its pathetic when people start flipping out because they dont have a light or smokes and its almost like they are crackheads that cant find another hit


I am sure you do something I don't agree with, but do I publicly push to ban it? no. Go sit in a corner.

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Being a smoker, I always smoke outside of my house... it is the law of the land... why would my car be any different. When my son (2 years old) is around I am outside when I need to smoke.



Good for you. I did it the same way when I smoked. I figured I was the bonehead smoking. Why should my kids have to????

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I am sure you do something I don't agree with, but do I publicly push to ban it? no. Go sit in a corner.


Agreed with Corey. There are many things within ch's rant that I could point out and call him a hypocrite for, but I'll leave it. Corey said it best.


On a completely different note.. I wonder how many people drink a 24 a week, or more, yet still pi$$ on smokers for their addiction. Guess what, if you're drinking that much beer, it's not cuz you like it, it's cuz you're addicted!

Edited by Rich
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I think this is referring to my post, so I'll reply. I am aware of health problems from car exausts, but in this specific example I was also referring to the allergies I get around smoke, my eyes begin to water, my throat closes up and burns. These symptoms vary depending on how much of it I am around and if it's getting in my face. My example was, when outside I can walk away from a smoker at my own free will, where in a vehicle I may not have that option and it can be very frustrating.


Does your car have windows? Maybe put them up?? Just a thought...... :wallbash::whistling:



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If a person choses to have a few drinks, or indulge in whatever other undesirable habit (to others) they might have, they are not forcing others, ESPECIALLY children to take up this habit with them. If I was a drinker, I could sit right beside a smoker, drink my beer, and not infringe on his / her right NOT to drink along with me, but if he / she decides to indulge in a cigarette, I have no choice, I have to smoke too? So, if the aforementioned person choses to light up a cigarette, then EVERYBODY around them is also forced to smoke! If you are a smoker, who doesn't care about your kids wellbeing, by smoking around them, how would you feel if someone lit up, handed your child the cigarette, and invited them to smoke it? What's the difference? Only the most unfeeling, uncaring, poor excuses of human beings would smoke in a car or other enclosed space, where even small babies must inhale their second-hand smoke, and just say . . . "Oh, just roll down / open the windows!" (Does tobacco smoke kill brain cells, like alcohol does? As for cutting off, or increasing smoker's health-care premiums . . . . . not really fair, as many people would be unfairly punished, who, as kids, had this habit given to them by their peers. If you want to get the REAL culprets . . . . . force the REAL perpetrators, the big tobacco conglomerates to pay the medical costs for ALL cigarette related illnesses! It's just amazing how many of us were forced to smoke in cars when we were kids . . . . . and then when we became REAL MEN, and could smoke too, continued to force our habit on others. Those were the days when we didn't know what tobacco smoke would do to us, nor did we ever clue in on the effects of second-hand smoke. I see a couple posts concerning someone who knew non-smokers, who NEVER SMOKED a day in their lives dying of lung cancer, emphysema or heart disease . . . . makes me wonder if these poor unfortunate souls were being constantly bombarded with people smoking around them? I quit a 2 pack a day habit in 1973 . . . . and over the years developed an allergy to tobacco smoke . . . . . only in the last few years has almost every place I wish to go, I can, without choking on others smoke. I NEVER venture anyplace close to smoking areas . . . . even outdoors, you can spot one of these areas without any signage by the stench, AND countless cigarette butts laying everywhere!

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The only time I smoke with my kids in the car is on long trips. Smokes just go so well with beer that I can't help myself. And I'm certainly not stopping the car every time I open a beer. Besides the oldest one is 4 and I don't want him learning how to hotbox from a stranger.

Edited by verno
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Why is it that none of the ardent anti-smokers who think tobacco companies should pay for smokers medical care; or feel smokers should be denied free medical care like the rest of Canadians won't answer a simple question.? Obesity is on the rise. It has several related medical issues that are a burden on the health care system. It will eventually replace cigarette smoking as a health issue. How come none of you are willing to condemn over weight people with the same vehemence and demand they be excluded from medical care because they eat too much, eat poorly and don't exercise?


And don't give me the argument that it is because their habits don't impact others. They do, specifically children. Childhood obesity is on the rise. I have three school age kids. Many, many, many of their classmates are overweight, some quite severly. In virtually all cases so are their parents. These kids eat what they are fed by their parents and are headed for a life of respitory problems, diabetes, etc.


Smoking and eating are both legal. If you are willing to be self-righteous and condemn one person for partcipating in a legal practice that does result in a burden on their health, you have to be willing to apply the same standard of "acceptable" behavior towards other practices and also accept the fact that people who do eat properly and exercise have the right, just like you, to condemn fat people.


For the record, I am an on-again, off-again smoker, currently on. I had quit for several years, then started again about 3 years ago. I have never smoked in my house and never smoked in my car when others were in the car. I support most if not all anti-smoking laws because I agree in prinipal that individuals have a right to not have the habits of others infringe on their lives.


In short, smoking is one of many bad health habits that people particpate in. If you are fine with the notion that it is right and just to condemn them for it, don't ever complain when your lifestyle choices receive the same treatment from others who may not agree with how you live.

Edited by jughead
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I think this is referring to my post, so I'll reply. I am aware of health problems from car exausts, but in this specific example I was also referring to the allergies I get around smoke, my eyes begin to water, my throat closes up and burns. These symptoms vary depending on how much of it I am around and if it's getting in my face. My example was, when outside I can walk away from a smoker at my own free will, where in a vehicle I may not have that option and it can be very frustrating.


So basically we should erradicate anything that anybody is allergic to? People who are allergic to grass, try to avoid it. People who are allergic to foods, try to avoid them. If you are allergic to cigarette smoke, avoid it. Unfortunately that's something that's your problem, and not mine. Don't make it my problem.

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On a completely different note.. I wonder how many people drink a 24 a week, or more, yet still pi$$ on smokers for their addiction. Guess what, if you're drinking that much beer, it's not cuz you like it, it's cuz you're addicted!



Not necessarily! I might just REALLY, REALLY like beer! :D


I was told a long time ago an alcoholic will not go to sleep as long as there is alcohol left in the house!

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With passing laws to make smokers have to stand in the middle of nowhere with no shelter for a cigarette, and all the bad publicity by a small group of anti-tobacco people making us look like second rate citizens, bringing in new laws to make us criminals for doing something which is totally legal is absurd.The vast majority of smokers are considerate enough to not smoke around children, follow rules put in place. For people who don't smoke, and think nobody should smoke or it should be outloawed all together, I think you are entitled to your opinion, but be sure I will find something you do offensive. Will I go an an anti-whatever parade, heck no. I have better things to do with my life than worry about something that you do that I don't like. I feel you should do the same.


Smoking will not be outlawed for a long long time, if ever. We smokers have already been passed through the grinder. We are not allowed to smoke in places that are not 100% exposed to all the elements. It's nice that for a percentage of the population who pay for more tax's than the anti's, that we have to suffer to do soemthing that is 100% legal. Let me guess... why don't I quit... well why don't you quit fishing? Smoking is legal, fishing is legal.


But to those of you who posted some kind of antismoking post and have yet to reply to any of the smokers, have a nice life...

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This is my first post (and probably last) on this hot topic. It's obviously an issue bringing out heated emotion from both sides.


Cigarettes are legal and addictive, so is alcohol and pornography. I don't feel any of them should be shared with or forced upon children as there is literally nothing of virtue in any of the 3 activities.


Gambling is legal and addictive, similar to the first three there are age and location restrictions to go with it. Unlike the first three, it could be argued that card games (poker, black jack) at least can work to help develop cognitive reasoning and be considered brain stimulating. Of course non gambling card games can do the same but poker and BJ does not need to be played with money.


Of those 4 things, I think pornography and smoking are the two most similar for the argument at hand. Watching a porno with someone else in the room (a child) is basically forcing them to indulge in your bad habit. Most would agree this is not tolerable behaviour. Drinking a beer is not the same as the baby or toddler will not get a sip nomatter how much they want one. But the non-consenting participation factor is the reason I think we as adults have to be the ones to make sacrifices in the things we want to do whenever there is a non-consenting party that can be affected in a closed environment such as a car. We wouldn't slap a porno in the DVD player in the mini-van instead of Dora or Elmo would we?


I have no comment on the health system as I have no idea how it really works and after watching my F-I-L pass of lung cancer last year, I was thankful for the hard working and compassionate nursing staff in the palliative care units. Had they refused him service because he smoked at some point (he quit 24 years before passing) I would've been upset. I don't think anyone could do that to a loved one. Also, where would we draw the line? I was a second hand smoker for most of my young life and tried a few cigs as a dumb-azz teenager trying to look cool. Luckily for me it never stuck, but I did try it, does that mean I'm not covered?


I think the cig companies did pay a huge settlement amount for health care or was that only in the states?


Anyways, no offense to smokers, alcoholics, porn addicts and gambling addicts. Fatsos either. :)



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