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How Did You Spend YOUR Summer?


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As many of you know, over the past few years I've had my problems with cancer. In 1999 I was diagnosed with colon cancer, with a very poor prognosis. . . . . but, with the skills of my doctor & the rest of the support staff at Branson Hospital, 3 operations, chemo & radiation, and 17 admissions to the hospital for complications, in a 4 year period, by 2004 I was still in remission, and about to be declared CURED. Then a routine PSA test discovered cancer in my prostate! Because of complications due to my prior radiation, they couldn't operate and remove the prostate! Again a great doctor came to my rescue . . . . I had radioactive seeds placed in my prostate . . . again with some nasty side-effects. But all was going well, my PSA levels had been down to normal (3 month check-ups) for 18 months, everything was lookin' good . . . . until I reported some different type of symptoms, which prompted another closer check! A bleeding ulcer was found in my colon . . . it could 'eat' through the colon wall & bladder if it wasn't stopped! Now, THIS is where things get very interesting. Diabetics, who often develop sores, because of poor circulation are treated in hyperbaric chambers, where they are 'fed' pure oxygen, under pressure, which aids & speeds up the healing process. The waiting list at Toronto General was about 4 months, but Branson (Division Of North York General) had just opened 3 new machines . . . my doctor got me in in 5 weeks! I spent 12 weeks, 2 hours a day, 5 days a week in one of these things. It partially screwed my hearing, temporarily screwed my night vision, AND made my long distance day vision kinda blurry. But . . . . today I was at Princess Margaret, and the specialist says the spreading of this ulcer (no longer bleeding) has been reversed, and all I have to do is take large doses of Vitamin 'C' & 'E' and eat REAL (YETTTTTTCH!!) yogurt twice a day until this thing is COMPLETELY healed! AND I GET TO LIVE!



Here is a shot of the 3 hyperbaric chambers . . . the little screen on top is for watching DVD movies . . . . kinda crowded in there to be comfortable enough to sleep!



This is a closer shot of what they look like inside . . . . actually, with all the plexiglas, it's not too bad for those of us who are slightly claustrophobic. But, if you should decide you gotta get out in a hurry . . . . sorry . . . . it takes about 5 minutes to 'depressurize,' and open the door. Otherwise, it would do major physical damage to your body . . .. similar to INSTANTLY coming outta 66' of water!





Here, I'm trying to get comfortable on this little gurney, to go into the 'oven!' . . . . matress DEFINATELY not outta a 5 star hotel!




And WHE E E E E E E E . . . . . . in we go! Damn, I used to get that sinking feeling as that big steel door went 'C L L L A A A N N N G, when it shut and the pumps were turned on!




And here we are . . . . . sorry if I didn't look very happy in this one, but I'm now stuck in here for 2 hours, just enough time to watch 'DIRTY HARRY!'




Yup, June, July & August . . . but, it DID save my bacon. But . . . . IF any of you have, or know of, anyone who is diabetic, and in danger of losing an appendage because a wound won't heal, have their doctor contact Dr. Ron Linden, Judy Dann Wound Treatment Centre, North York General Hospital, Branson Division . . . 416-223-6600. Unfortunately, because of our Health Care Laws, they are NOT allowed to charge for this (private clinic) and O. H. I. P. won't recognize this as a legitimate treatment, they have to rely on donations. It DOES work . . . . in my case, this type of thing is quite rare, and it was the ONLY option I had . . . . the didn't know if it would work . . . . . IT DID!! If this thread will help anyone out there, with a similar problem, it was well worth taking my time to spread the word . . .. my bet is there are few of you even knew this type of treatment existed . .. . I didn't!

Edited by Photoz
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Steve,WOW,that is some amazing machinery there, Im glad it has helpped you. I,ll be sure to pass this on to my aunt as she is in the same as you.


Thanks for sharing your treatment and look forward to many more fishing reports from you.


Good things happen to good people. So Im told.LOL

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Really good to hear that things are progressing well for you Steve and good of you to share your experiences in hopes that it helps someone else.


My offer of some boat fishing is still there anytime your ready.

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Although I've given it everything I have, it would appear every time I seem to have things under control, I got hit with a new side-effect . . . . . it just gets so o o o o o tedious, at times I feel like a real, bonafide hypochondriac, the doctor's appointments & tests NEVER seem to end! But . . . . both cancers (colon & prostate / totally unrelated) can be beaten! And the colon cancer can be prevented from ever taking hold . . . . 100%! I know we all joke (including me) about getting the (UGH H H H H H) dreaded colonoscopy, but, by having this done, starting around age 40, if you have a family history, and perhaps 45 if no cancer in the family, you can catch and stop this disease, BEFORE it even starts. The worst thing you can do, if you start having ANY unexplainable symptoms, just ignore 'em, thinking they'll go away!! THEY DON'T!! At age 45, my doctor recommended I get tested . . . . I kept putting it off . . . . at 50, I had symptoms that I put up with for 2 years . . . . which nearly cost me my life!! If you think a colonoscopy is invasive & demeaning . . . . . if you won't do this test, and end up with cancer because you didn't, it will give 'invasive' & 'demeaning' a whole new meaning! Sorry to preach . . . . but, my bet is that SOMEONE out there, who is reading this, already has the polyps that the cancers gets started from . . . . . and if you go to your family doctor TODAY, and have the test booked, you'll likely save your own life . . . . I'm NOT kidding! And the P S A (prostate) test is just a simple blood test . . . . takes about a minute . . . . and again, this one can easily be beaten, 85% to 95% success rate if caught early. Colorectal cancer, if caught BEFORE it becomes malignant . . . . 100% cure rate! Sadly there are THOUSANDS who die, every year, just because they are hesitant to do this test, or ignore symptoms (like I did) and give the cancer a 'head start,' this is where the odds of beating it become slimmer by the day! If ANYONE wishes to discuss this further, by P M I'll give you what info I can. This is what makes this a GREAT board . . .. I have been helped numerous times by advice from others here, perhaps this will get a few people to do this 'dreaded,' (but simple & painless) test, and they won't have to endure what I have. When I start feeling sorry for myself, I just think of some of the people I see down at Princess Margaret . . . . . and thank my lucky stars I am where I am.

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When we met and talked in the summer time you told me about the chamber you would be having to spend the better part of your days in... WOW, I had no idea that it would look like that... truly not what I pictured... Thank you , not only for sharing the visual journey of your challenges but for having the forethought to share the emotional one as well. I am sure this post above all others will bring second thought to anyone who was maybe wondering if there was something wrong, wasn't feeling well, or was waivering when it came to booking a check up at the doctors...


You must have an angel on your side Steve.


May your everyday be filled with joy!





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Hey Steve! Great to hear from you again! Glad to hear the chamber worked for you. At least they've modernized them a little....they are not those lunker iron lungs from the 60's anymore. Keep on doin what you're doing and I'm sure I'll be seeing the steelhead reports from you soon.


Continue to mend...you are a strong man....you are proof that things as horrible as cancer can be beaten.

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