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Scugog Muskie!! New Personal Best!!!


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Saturday morning, our oldest came up to us and asked if she could go to the mall with one of her friends. We said sure...no problem. She then asked for more money than we were going to give her...and she ended the request by saying "I'll babysit Sunday for you so you can go fishing!!". Well, she knows how to get what she wants doesn't she?? LOL.


Anyhow, with our new found fishing time, Bly and I decided to head somewhere, rent a boat and see what we could bring in. We were still looking for a decent sized muskie, so we decided on a Kawartha Lake. We had rented boats two times before on this lake, but never caught anything....not even panfish....LOL. We always joked that the weedline in that lake was the shore...haha.


With that in mind, we decided to rent from Island Marina, instead of the one right in Port Perry. They were very friendly and helpful there, and they have brand new 14 foot aluminums with 9.8hp motors on them. I had brought my trolling motor along, but ended up having not much need for it as they idled right down to a great trolling speed...and surprisingly quiet too.


As we headed off across the lake, Bly suddenly says "Hey...STOP!! There's a weed line!!" We couldn't believe it...an actual weed line in this lake...LOL. We started out by trolling along this edge, but wouldn't you know it....all we caught were...well....weeds. I then put us about 20 ft off the weedline and drifted along it. We were throwing some spinnerbaits when suddenly I feel a pretty good weed. I go to pull it thru the weeds and it pulls back...LOL. I set the hook properly and suddenly the fish starts pulling drag off my reel. It takes a few nice runs, but I didn't want to horse the fish in, so steady as she went...me gaining some ground...it pulling some drag, until finally it was close enough to net. What a thrill it was to see this fish come in...my first decent sized muskie. It measured in at 39" and weighed 15 pounds...not a trophy, but my biggest muskie ever. (also only my second one...LOL).


Here's the pic.



And the obligitory release shot....



Wow...we decided to try a few deeper part of the lake (also not easy if you know this lake...LOL), without any luck, so we decide to head back to the area we had action earlier on. We figured we'd drift a bit around the same area. About 10 minutes later, as I'm reeling my spinnerbait, I'm lazily looking into the water. My lure is about 3 feet from the boat when suddenly this huge shadow snakes out of the weeds below. It startled me (or I shrieked like a school girl), so when I saw it's huge mouth take the bait, I set the hook, but the hook came right out. DAMN!!! I left the spinnerbait in the water and it turns and and hammers it again!! This time I set the hook and the fun started all over again....at least until it jumped and cleared the water and spit my hook. Wow...it was soooo close....


It was getting later in the day, so we decided to troll back to the marina for one last run. About half way back, Bly yells FISH ON!!! Her bait was about 150 feet off the back of the boat, so it took a long time to get this fish close to the boat. It stayed deep and went under the boat and around the other side. As she begins to bring it to the surface, there were a few head shakes and it spits the hook!!! ARGHHHH!!! Oh well...at least there was some great muskie action today. Now that we've found a place on this lake to hook into them, we'll be back a few times for sure during this fall to wrestle with them again....


Oh yeah...the other night, I went fishing...pulled this Chinook in....38" and 19.5 pounds....(not in Scugog...LOL)


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Excellent job! It such a rewarding feeling when a plan works out well, even it you lose them from time to time. At least you were on the fish and in the area. Congrats to your PB musky! Good job with the Chinook as well. It's a huge fish!

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Shrieking like a girl could be considered another personal best too ya know. LOL Great report and I have a feeling that you may be adding a new boat to the wish list...probably much easier fighting those big ones from the boat you were in. Regardless...you two will always get the fish no matter from where or from what. Congrats. :)

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