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Pic of Muskie Head


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I don't know what to say other than to apologize and say Sorry to all the people that I offend. This was a very poor lack of judgement on my part and this will NEVER happen again. I don't know what I was thinking about. Feel real bad and wish I could this back....First and last time pics for me.

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nelly.... while your pictures may not have been to somes liking.. I for one an happy that the fish that you could not revive was consumed and not wasted...

Sorry guys.. I may go against popular opinion but those are my thoughts.





I will go for that too... I would rather if something was going to die it die for a reason... anything I edible that I kill I sure as hell am gonna eat it, its ethical and the right thing to do

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Hang on a minute here....


You are encouraging him to eat it?????


I know that release mortality is common with muskie angling, 5-8% depending on who you talk to.


It's to be expected,,,,avoided but expected.


Eating it is another thing...Nelly do you have any idea how toxic that fish was???


I'm guessing no as you ate it.


Death of fish aside you should absolutely be aware of what you are eating and feeding your family.


That fish is in the "DO NOT EAT" catagory.


Read up on it , you'll be surprised.


Doing the right thing...please. :rolleyes:


You should have mounted it......



Eating it is eating a 15-25 year old toxic waste of a fish.


Anyone who condones eating a fish of that size is wrong in so many ways.





The pic was offensive but eating it was plain crazy!!! <_<

Not eating it would be illegal. So what would you prefer the guy do? IF you fish, some will die. If you think you've never killed a musky you are delusional. If you knowingly killed and did not eat the musky (or otherwise allow it to spoil) you broke the law.

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Matt, it's way more than 5-8%. As for eating an old fish...it certainly is not worse than someone who smokes everyday. Personally I wouldn't eat one...and even less, feed it to my kids but that's the way it worked out. No worries here.

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That is the law , maybe not right but the law non the less.


I don't think there is a court in Canada that would fine you for not eating a fish clearly listed as unedible by the consumtion guide.


My guess is it was a legal size fish by the looks of it. Trophie....no?


I don't know if I have killed a muskie Rick, I have my doubts but I know one thing....I've never not live released a muskie . But someday that is likely to change.


It won't be from mishandling.


You are correct that if the fish is unedible, then any charge is unlikley. But you would need knowledge of that BEFOREHAND for it to be a defense.

Asking bass fisherman to properly handle and release a musky is like me asking you to optimize the database for this site. Easy once you know how to do it, but if you don't have the experience, you're taking a shot in the dark.

If and when you do have a musky not survive, Matt, you are obligated to harvest it provided the fish is in the proper slot. It is a far greater abuse of the resource to leave a legal floater than to not.

This fish was legal by all accounts and the knowledge of its toxicity was apparently not on hand. This means the angler did the right and ethical thing. Case closed.

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eating fish no matter the species is a heritage,if we go to much to the left and right we might just loose our rights to fish and consume our catch

CNR is good but its not the total answer,did not see the pic but man ,I see no reason not to post a fish you kept for what ever reason,its fine with every other species

They have not inventented drop em and walk em away hunting yet

I am always astounished by the remarks by those in which Catch and Release was handed to them on a silver platter,the new experts :rolleyes:

I have eaten muskies and they are as good as any species although much larger specimens contains more toxins,eating one wont kill you anymore than breathing in the the smog air


Post mortal release averages 20 to 28% for the most part,for those that handle fish commonly we are talking 50 or more fish might and I say might be bewteen 5% and 8%

Truth of the matter is it has nothing to do, if little to do with handling but more so with the individual fish's physical health and form,thats my observation


Nelly what ever the pic,you should be proud of your capture

I congradualate you


To say some protect a fish but turn a blind eye to witnessing the possibilities of someone getting hurt


If you think your rights are not being chipped away by some corporations

Microsoft is not alone


Edited by marc thorpe
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