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Eddyk's fish-fishing with Lew


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At the beginning of the Muskie season, I had mentioned to Lew that I would dedicate my first good sized Muskie in memory of Ed. Well I began to wonder if I had jinxed myself or if Ed was holding out on me. This past weekend, the jinx was lifted.


I met Lew on Guacamole lake, which runs into Lake babaganuche at 9.30. After a quick chat we headed out. The weather was beautiful!! Winds, waves and a good chance of strong rain in the afternoon, we could not have asked for a better day. Well the fish were not cooperating with us at all. After fishing for 4 hours and casting a ton of lures, we decided to go in for lunch. Weather was now starting to look really bad :clapping:


Back out on the water, the clouds were black and loaded with heavy rain. We trolled for a bit and cast some more and finally, Lew nails and monster fish. Had to be 50lbs, all 36 inches of it :wallbash: Quick release and of she swam for more development, see you in 5 yrs!! :Gonefishing:



Seeing bald eagles, Osprey and loons through the day was a nice treat too. After about ten minutes of Lews' release, I hit a snot rocket maniac muskie, 26 inches of terrorist fish!! Quick release in the water and it was back for more bulking up. I say to Lew, now let's go find their mother


Another hour goes by, the weather is menacing, the waves are building and we are still hunting. Then all of a sudden, the clouds erupt with torrential rain!! I mention to Lew that this has to turn the muskies on. On go the rain suits and we start casting hard!! Seconds later, a monster comes out of the water takes my spinner bait and decides to swim away with it. NO WAY I say, and give a good old tug. All hell breaks loose and after a short battle, she is in the net and resting. After a quick measurement and a few photos she is back in the water to fight another day. Well after that we could smell Diane's Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding cooking from the water so we called it a day and went home happy and hungry. Great day on the water fishing with a great man and closing it out with an awesome meal of roast beef mashies, gray and green beans. Oh I forgot to mention that Diane's Yorshire pudding is the best in the world. Thanks for the great Day Mr and Mrs Knighton, we will do it again soon.


This one is for you ED!! God bless


Resting the muskie after the catch



Here she is, 46 inches !!









Edited by Squid
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Hey pete was she lookin back at you withthe same lust in her eye?


Nice fish man I hope ya can get one down here this year.


I will have to get out for some Yorshire pudding thats the best part of roast dinner next to the roast that is.


Congratz on a great day guys

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Thanks Pete, I know Ed would be happy with that dedication.


It's always a good day when we hook up and your welcome back in my boat anytime, but maybe next trip I'll let YOU handle the net ;)


As for Dianes excellent roast beef & yorkshire puddings, now you know why I've hung onto the ole girl for 43 years :thumbsup_anim:

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Pete, awesome fish and an even better intentions.. you certainly are one of the good guys... I have fished with you before... you didnt know me from dirt... and yet it seemed as though I knew you for years... you are that easy to get along with...Lew, say it aint so!! you were net boy.... wait... is there not a lunar eclipse happening or something?!? that there is a great excuse! LOL


good job brother!



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