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Workplace Woes (Non-Fishing)


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Took sick at work around 12:00, got progressively worse, stomach bloating followed by stomach pains. Worked as long as I could bear it, then advised boss I could no longer continue due to the pain.

Boss says I cannot go home until job is completed.


I return to desk, sit and think out the situation, knowing I cannot go on, as the pain has me writhing around in my chair, trying to alleviate the worsening pains in my gut and lower chest.


Finally, I decide to notify the president, who is my manager's boss.

He tells me, he will assign another team member to call on my accounts, and tells me to gon ahead home.


On my way out, my manager is coming out of his office, his face is quite red, and he says: " Don't ever go over my head again, ever!!"


What do you guys think of this?



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I think you need to go to the doctor and get an excuse... or tighten your candyass up!!!


Seriously, they can't argue with a doctors excuse... if it wasn't bad enough to go to the doc, you should've walked into your bosses office and ripped off a triplet of "cheese cutters" that smelled like a fetid 'possum that'd been lying in the sun for 3 days... I'm sure he'd have sent ya home after that! :whistling: HOOF-ARTED???

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Clamp-It, I watched one of my operations managers be-rate and be-little the osd clerk(another member of the management team) because he had a tummy ache. sissey, little girl wants to go home. Dude was so embarrassed, but visibley ill he stayed, rushed to the hospital later that night for an appendectomy.


Some people are morons, but expect you to feel bad for them when they have a problem. Your health is number 1.

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I think your manager needs replacing.... Sure you might have been leaving him short handed for the day but what if what you had was somehow contagious? His stupidity could have caused you to pass on whatever it was to your co-workers meaning that no one would be showing up next week. I have seen this happen a few times.


My favorite situation along these lines was when a maintenace worker at a hotel where I was working asked to leave at 2PM on a friday afternoon. He was having pain in his lower back. The hotel owner's wife a real piece of work ranted and raved then relented but insisted that the worker go to the doctor.... The worker did as instructed the doctor (who knew what a crank this woman was) filed a compensation claim for the worker that cost them over 5 grand and the guy was off for 5 weeks, because the doctor insisted. The worker would have been back at work on the Monday if it was up to him. That held up 2 major projects that needed to be done before the season started which cost them another 8 grand or so in lost room revenue. Moral of the story is sometimes people get sick let them be sick and keep your yap shut.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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Hey Clamp-it, it is a shame that so many small minded people make it to management without a clue how to manage. It wouldn't hurt to see a Doctor and have a note in your back pocket (in case it is needed) but don't sweat it, guys like this come and go. Do the best you can when you're well enough..

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Clampet, I see your situation. many, many years ago I had the same problem; when I asked If I could go home; the reply was "are going to feel any better there" . . . Being an apprentice (typesetting) and trying to get a foothold on a trade, I put up with it.


But now in my industry (advertising) things are more realistic . . . if you have an illness that can be spread "DON"T EVEN BOTHER COMING IN" . . . Being ill on the job does not help anyone; we have back-up just in case in most cases.


A few months back I developed sever back pains at home but went in anyway, could not sit for a period of time especially the drive. Upon arriving and was noticed, I was told to leave, I did not, I planned my day with work that required that I stand for most periods, did it for two days and when I wa finished the project they threw me out to get checked out.


People have to be more sensative to personal health . . "what if it was him?" It can happen to anyone and sometimes a minor problem can cause a lot of linguering damage which could lead to permanent disability.


Hopefully this will not cause a strain between you and "IT' but once a situation has been opened it's hard to get it back together.


From where I; I do manage people I have an open door policy. Be honest. It works both ways.


Hope it wasn't anythind serious and are at your peek of health.



Grannie's cooking will eventually kill you anyway.

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major a hole your well being is the most important thing in life.if you are sick they cant make you stay just leave and come back with a doctors note.if i worked for a guy like that i would find another job,its obvious hes self consumed and only cares about himself this topic has got my blood boiling.

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I worked for an idiot like that for 5 years... he is the reason I work for myself now.... best thing I ever did.. (after the hard startup years of course...)

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or maybe you should take a dose of "the medicine" and then sick Granny on yer bossman!


EXACTLY! That was my first thought too :clapping:


Have a shot of Granny's rheumatism medicine and just say F him. Or as I always say, "Why waste time messing with the peons (like him) in life? Just go right to the top!" Which you did, so good on you as you had to do what you had to do. Guess that A hole just wants to look important, suppose he has to show some authority to prove he deserves a paycheck.


Hope you're feeling better.

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To try and straighten out relations with the .... no doubt.... vindictive "idiot" manager, for sure get a doc to give you a note for work. Docs charge $20 -$40. to get a letter for you typed up, but in this case do it and politely offer it to the creep and say how you don't wan't any hard feelings over the matter, but you had no choice due to the pain.


Hopefully the jerk will mellow out and learn a lesson over it. Do NOT c.c. the guy over his head.... that's up to the jerk if he cares to do it (probably not). But keep a copy at home in case at a later date you need to correspond with the President over other problems the jerk has caused you.


Hope you're feeling better. So what was the problem anyway..... too much possum-pie leftovers you snuck from Granny's root cellar?

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Well, the first thing that came to my mind was "I hope you are OK now and it wasn't anything too serious".


As others have said, I think your boss needs some management courses, too many people die every year because they try to tough things out instead of seeing a Dr. when their body tells them there is something wrong.

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First of all, I would of done the same thing. If you don't get satisfaction go up to the next chain of command. Good thing they don't think the same. As far as your boss is concerned he certainly needs to hone up on his man-management skills. I bet you now he may realize how stupid you made him look for making a bad decision. Health and safety should always be a priority. Yup a bad decision. Now for some facts, unfortunately


Too many people take advantage of I'm sick or I have a family emergency. A smart manager will know who is a malingerer and a waste of rations. But unfortunately it has hurt persons that will only take time off when they are in dire straits. Next time get a doctors poop to cover your hillbilly A$@#%##$

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If your company has a H.R. department, that should have been you first stop. HR is trained to deal with these things and will go to bat for you, assuming you are a valued employee. If you have a history of "tummy aches" well, you've cried wolf too many times.

Again, assuming you have an HR department, I'd let them know what has transpired, to ensure that it's all properly documented by them... so you've covered your behind for the future.

As for your current manager, I'd sit him/her down once your back to 100% and ask him what he thinks you could have done differently, in order for him/her to understand your situation more clearly. Should that discussion not net you any results, again consider talking to HR and or you manger's boss.

PS... it never hurts to have your resume up to date!LOL


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Hey Clamp-it, it is a shame that so many small minded people make it to management without a clue how to manage. It wouldn't hurt to see a Doctor and have a note in your back pocket (in case it is needed) but don't sweat it, guys like this come and go. Do the best you can when you're well enough..


This article is sooo true :clapping:





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Without back round how can you all call his boss an A hole. He really may be an A hole but it is only one side of the story we see. Most employees won't cut themselves to get off of work but a few have taken sick days because their company takes them away if they are not used. The bosses reasons could be that a certain deadline had to be met ....An example is my wife had a deadline that unmet would cost the company 2.3 million dollar so she worked Sat and Sunday with 4 others to get it done. While the boss should not of said he could not go he should have required a doctors note that explained the ailment so he could justify any overtime the other employees had to spend catching up the days labor. I agree with HeadHunter that you should document the incident since the Boss did not ask for a note.Rest assured getting into a peeing contest or aggrivating the boss by going over his head will not help you climb the ladder to sucess. Next time you have a disagreement after you have talked to the boss then schedule an appointment with him and request a joint meeting with him and his supervisor if you feel he is in the wrong. You did win the battle and got home to help you feel better it is best not to turn this into a war.......unless you are looking for a new job.



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If your company has a H.R. department, that should have been you first stop. HR is trained to deal with these things and will go to bat for you, assuming you are a valued employee. If you have a history of "tummy aches" well, you've cried wolf too many times.

Again, assuming you have an HR department, I'd let them know what has transpired, to ensure that it's all properly documented by them... so you've covered your behind for the future.

As for your current manager, I'd sit him/her down once your back to 100% and ask him what he thinks you could have done differently, in order for him/her to understand your situation more clearly. Should that discussion not net you any results, again consider talking to HR and or you manger's boss.

PS... it never hurts to have your resume up to date!LOL




And what do you do Joe if you ARE your companies HR Dept.. LOL!... I dont know my job title anymore! Referee, administration, Accounts receivable and payable, Social worker, carpenter, water boy, queen, Network admin, Scheduler, estimator, the list goes on and on!! LOL...


I wouldn't change my job for anything in the world....



Well maybe I would... a $100,000.00 signing bonus would be helpful!





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