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Everything posted by buckster

  1. I use Ande line.... Cheap and hasn't let me down!
  2. You're about a year to late
  3. what Would that thread colour be called? Is it an NCP thread?
  4. I think misfish is right
  5. I dunno simcoe and dufferin county have some pretty big brutes!
  6. G Loomis or tournament drifters are solid reels. They wont break the bank either. I might have one for sale if interested
  7. Nice Haul! ............ Steve, buddy! I think razor blades are on sale at walmart this week! Sinker is right! This guy is the perch Don
  8. Nooo Not Tom lol
  9. I was thinking maybe an arrow........ but 270 is a great flat shooting gun
  10. Come on a remington over a Benelli? Are u guys feeling ok.... No comparison
  11. Nice buck!
  12. Yup sure is a mule deer..... you beat me to it
  13. Trade in the white bucket for a boat
  14. Look for a used Loomis ... Solid reel and u can get into one for $200 or less
  15. I have to second proline! Silvio Does great work! and fair prices
  16. i dunno i find it kinda funny!
  17. Right on Shayne.... Now get out there and get some simcoe(whitie) Sturgeon..... We have been layin a beating on em!
  18. this sucks! You can't even get a good buzz on and go for a cruise anymore
  19. Dude! All i can say is nice! Gotta love those bows and specks!
  20. Right on! Hunting spots are like gold....... You just hit the jackpot buddy! Oct 1st cant come soon enough!
  21. Don't remind me! If its eye's you're after id stick with sturgeon
  22. angling specialties hwy 7 and keele...... thats your best bet good roe and nice and close
  23. cant blame simms...... Dont you know that steelheading is a fashion show?
  24. Just a little ticked off?
  25. come on look at this OFC'ers name....... he dosnt know what he's talking about
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