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Everything posted by buckster

  1. i have a jiffy model 30 10" and wouldnt trade it for the world........ 3hp sure does cut holes in a hurry. Bullet proof i tell ya!!
  2. CPH I couldnt have said it any better myself! Do you have a life sized poster of him in your room?
  3. Good stuff Ben! I should really give those big white tubes a try sometime!
  4. ya its pretty sweet lol........ but come march/april its back to 60h work weeks....... At least i get the good part of the steelhead run too!
  5. I've got a few sahara 750's on my jigging rods........one of the best reels for the money imo... i also run a stradic both summer and winter.
  6. Good stuff Ramble......... I should really give perchin an honest try
  7. Seeing as last week had slowed down a little bit. This week i went out in search of some active fish on some of my old waypoint. I had a whitie and laker newbie with me so i really wanted to get him into some fish, he started to think i was all talk. Well, we set up in 58 fow and not another soul in site. Just the way i like it. Seeing as i lost my cam i couldnt take any action shots on the ice. Nor could i take a group shot of all of our fish. But we hit fish all day long. The lure of the day was the williams whitefish, half and half. Its nice to see a newbie to the icefishing game get hooked by feeling that whitie and laker tug. We both went home with our limit of both whities and lakers. Gotta love when the vex is lighting up red all day long! Here is a pic of my fish Enjoy, Buckster
  8. I have tried many lines over the years. It seems like i keep going back to Ande as my mainline. The stuff is cheap and very strong. I have used iron silk and i must admit i thought it was horrible. Lots of times my 8lb main line would break before my 4lb leader. Maxima is another one of my favs, but the ultra green dosnt really compare to the older tournament silver IMO. As for leader material. I liked the siglon florocarbon until i tried Drennan. I found the siglon to be very brittle, where as the Drennan is very strong and is more rock and fallen tree friendly. One of my friends swears by p line with a raven leader. He sure does put a lot of fish on the bank so it cant be all that bad...........
  9. You know as well as i do there are no fish in SIMCOE
  10. Come on Beans nothing can replace the Tony Specials
  11. Nice fish! I knew i shoulda joined you and Rich. I woulda probably needed 2-4'x8' sheets of plywood to use for snowshoes in that snow. I kinda like going out with that thing with skis and a motor.......u know that watchamacallit thats on my trailer
  12. Nice work........ u handing out any demos? lol
  13. If u are after whities and lakers on simcoe. A sled is the only way to go. I'm usually out at least 3-4 miles. Not to many sled trails for an atv to follow out there. Year in year out there are a lot of slush beds to deal with. Some years worse than others. I have never got stuck with my sleds but have pulled out quite a few quads, even a few 800cc models. If its only for icefishing which is done in the winter why would you even think of getting anything other than a seld. Also a used atv can just be a whole heap of problems..... Who knows how many times it was lost inside mud holes. Get a sled...... have a look around the lake id say 80% sleds if not more! Good luck with whatever you do get!
  14. Seems like i lost my camera out on the ice either at the end of salvation army rd/Franklin beach. Or out on the ice northwest of georgina or straight north past all the huts at jacksons point........ Pretty expensive trip for only a few hours each day sat and sunday! Its in a black case keep your eyes open for me fellas!
  15. Some people take off the treble and dress it with a chartuse micro tube and put it back on the spoon........ works good!
  16. Nice Lakers! Gotta love when a plan comes together
  17. I have to agree with Victor. I have a few sedona and sahara reels. Great little reel in the 750 series.
  18. No Fish In Simcoe!
  19. GREAT! now im hungry......... u gone and done it now! I can hear the triaxle with the load of pasta backing into my driveway! lol
  20. If you know where to go the icefishing can be great! More of a timming thing too.
  21. Right on! Let the games begin. I bet you are just hooked. I remember years ago when i got my first whitie! Now its hard to get me off simcoe in the winter to explore other lakes
  22. I have had it happen to me if i wait to long between holes. Maybe clean the area of the ice You wanna drill before u make the hole. Or go get yourslef a jiffy model 30 I know a lot of my friends have a lot of problems with strike master. But i guess as long as it cuts its all good.
  23. Great report fellas! Thats a great looking whitefish!
  24. First thing was a lil crisp out there, but when that sun came out it was a great day! Good going on the whities
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