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Everything posted by buckster

  1. Yeah they were all on.... im gonna check in the morning to see it they are all blown but i dont think so
  2. all the lights are toast...... running,brake, signal..... bulds seem fine
  3. I was changing a bulb in my sled trailer and it was being bugger. I was using a pair of needle nose to remove the buld and by accident i hit the inside of the light socket and i saw a few sparks and that was it........ my lights are toast. I had plans to meet up with a few people on the lake and it looks like they are shot. Would anyone know what might have happend. I tried the trailer on both trucks and nadda. Could it be the adapter plug used to go into a chev truck? What could it possibly be? I changed the fuse in my truck ? Any help would be appreciated
  4. Augers are tricky a few bumps of the blades and they are toast.... I usully drill all the holes unless im fishing with someone who i trust knows how to use it. Id sooner ask someone if they can drill me a hole rather than ask to use his/her auger. Do yourself a favor be it used or brand new pick one up and enjoy. Fishing isn't fun without the proper tools!
  5. WOW irish........ thats a mess of bucks!
  6. Hanks huts were in 68fow
  7. Nice work....... to bad i couldn't join u again today........ but its a long winter lol
  8. LOL that is so true Steve. Why do u think i keep jigging while i line a pail
  9. Good going guys! Looks like you had a great time
  10. Good going guys! Great catch.......... im just itching to get out there! Hopefully this week
  11. Hey folks, I'm leaving for nippising tommorrow morning. I've been fishing there for about 11 years now. I have patterned the fish pretty good, but i was wondering what the rest of you fine fisherman/women would tie on the end of your line to fool a few walters into bitting......... Any tips would be great! Thanks in advance Buckster(Tony)
  12. Looks like i might have to pop in for this one lol
  13. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this time
  14. Nice catch johnnyB........ and the fish aint bad either
  15. Personally i would go with a floater suit. Warm and safe........ 2 things im sure most people dont mind being! It would be a good investment if u plan on icefishing regularly
  16. My condolences i lost my borther a few years ago. I remember all the good times and live my life as he is there right beside me....... hang in there buddy
  17. Just this afternoon getting off the ice at the end of hwy 89 i saw a bunch of garbage...... minnow boxes food and beverage containers etc. Just sad that some people can ruin things for the rest of us respectable outdoorsmen/women
  18. About 10 years ago on nippising fishing for whities. I lost my dump can which i used to send salted minnows down and that same day i lost an ice skimmer.......... but managed to snag both with my jigging rap and up they came! Once on simcoe i had a stick down with a big size pimple.......... left it suspended and put the stick around my pail........ walked over to talk to my friend about 20 yards away and down she went never to be seen again. Worst part was that was the only hit of the day lol
  19. DouG! That is prime bread for some Gweeches......... im gonna have to call Meely up and come on over lol
  20. im in!?
  21. good stuff buddy! Hope to see u out on simcoe this year for the big brothers and sisters to those whities
  22. Id go with the AMSOIL its a far better product then the jiffy oil. I did get some strikemaster oil at bps it was on clearence for 99cents cant go wrong at that price and one bottle does 1 gallon of gas.
  23. only ever caught 2 lakers....... both over the slot and one big smallmouth........ all through the ice in about 5 outings. Not the greatest but u know what they say a bad day fishing...............
  24. Nope not me but i was wondering what the ice conditions where on that lake........... More than just whities to be caught out there........ but it is tuff fishing
  25. ask your dad if i can hunt there! lol
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