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Everything posted by buckster

  1. Good going! Simcoe has been on fire this week!
  2. Nice. I think i am gonna hit BOQ next week, its so hard to get me off simcoe though!
  3. Sinker! Two days back to back ......... lucky we called it a day at 12 yesterday im a little sore today lol
  4. My friends wife arrowed a deer in manitulin island. She hit it far back so they went back to camp for a snack and went back for the deer about 3 hours later. Instead of following blood he told me that he was following deer parts. Pretty brutal! The deer was toast but so was a yote with his 223 lol
  5. I actually talked to a berkley rep....... and he told me to rig them tail down....... But what does he know!
  6. Earlier in the week i got whities right untill dark and then they shut off....... I was fishing 80+ fow. while i was walking back i noticed some people getting them in the 50 fow range. Not hot and heavy but it was dark and they got a few!
  7. Yup about 2000km is right i did the drive once lol....... Good going guys! I just love that lake! its a pic factory!
  8. Good work! It was quite a day out there again today! Not even time for pics lol! Gotta love simcoe!
  9. Take the tower into the yard...... i hear crossbow bolts fire right through them! lol
  10. You know we've had a good day when we lost count of how many lakers we caught. Imagine only 6 whities though lol....... Another good day buddy!
  11. I've spent a lot of time on this lake in the winter. I have had great days out there with a gold and black buckshot rattle spoon tipped with a few pin heads. Keep in mind that nippissing is slightly tea stained, any thing in gold in a tea stained lake would be my choice....... good luck!
  12. You can get white grease at canadian tire. It comes in a spray can.........
  13. didnt u get the news the changed it to wed lol
  14. Ross was the man on deepwater point! and he baited the hell outta his huts
  15. I love being out on the ice....... Nothing like feeling your line stretch when you hook into a nice laker or whitie in 80fow. No bugs and its nice and fresh.... but it could be cause my sled is faster than my boat lol
  16. I have fished idle tyme for years. This is the 3rd owner and all 3 have been great. We had great days out there for whitefish and eyes......... put down some salted minnows, a spreader with a few crazy pinhead and just wait. We would jig a williams with a dropper line and a preal!
  17. Im now sure how to wash it away........ but i usually wash it down with a few coors light..... not sure if that helps!
  18. Nice fish! I'm glad u got the sled going...... show us some whities now!
  19. WOW! and Oh so yummy!
  20. The lakes seems ok all over........ jacksons point has plenty of ice. even way out there. Huts sleds and quads all over. Gonna head out for jp in the am......... or maybe innisfill
  21. Here is the update. Seem like the the short i had messed up my adapter. I tested a new one and bam i had power. truck was fine other than the parking lights......... fuse was busted...... a heads up there are 2 fuses lol..... I wired up a new harness, put in a new light bulb and tested them all agian. I noticed that when i put on my turn signal all my lights would flash. Seems like i had the bulbs in wrong. Fixed that and fellas its all good to go.... I wanna thank everyone for thier imput without u guys i was lost. Its good to know that when people are in a pinch us ofners can put our heads together to find a fix. I am truly greatfull......... Buckster(Tony)
  22. i have to agree with sinker stable weather is what you want, be it hot or cold. There are always active fish u just gotta find them!
  23. thanks everyone........ im gonna tackle this in the morning. I took out my manual and there is another fuse box under the seat like sonny said..... for the trailer park lights.... i havent looked to see if that was blown. As for the Lturn/rturn fuses they are fine. Its hard to tell if fuse 32 is blown cause its a diffrent kinda fuse. I wish i had more experience with this stuff but im gonn giver crap in the am......... I want to at least get out on sunday!
  24. could it be blowing the fuse every time i change it? i tried a few fuses they are special fuses........ hard to tell if they are blown they are called j fuses...... i have a chev trailblazer...... my problem is im good at buying stuff but not fixing it lol ....... im lost lol
  25. lights on the truck are fine Terry....... the socket did spark........ but i still had break lighs and signal light.. but i just plugged it in a while ago and now nothing
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