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Everything posted by buckster

  1. Nice healthy fish!
  2. Brian go check out ideal hobby in Barrie. They carry this plastic tubing from a company called evergreen. http://www.evergreenscalemodels.com/Shapes.htm#Round%20Tubing If you change your mind and are looking to buy some great slip floats have a look at Coolwatersfloats.ca
  3. Hey I'm coming with you guys this year lol
  4. Nice looking jigs fellas! I like to add a few strands of crystal flash on the ones I tie. It gives it a nice touch.
  5. I've net quite a few fish for that guy! Good fisherman.
  6. It's defiantly not holding water that's for sure. Not the easiest fish for a novice steelheader.
  7. Ya wasaga is the wrong area stay away lol.
  8. Amazing report as always but I think you're missing a few photos. "Pretty girl, blonde, tanned, fit, curvy, fishing, say no more say no more" Lol Cheers
  9. North pigeon is home to many 50 plus fish. We boated 4 a few seasons ago. 2 in one weekend!
  10. Best part about the weekend was the fact that there was not another boat in sight. Well other than the odd water skier or jet ski.
  11. An idiot? A little harsh don't you think? No need for that comment IMO
  12. 2" pearl white grub is my go to bait. I find that my baits vary depending on the lake. Anyone else find that?
  13. Smellybox sure likes his cheese! Lol
  14. Thanks! I've been doing some research and I think I'm going to attempt to fix it with the sika kit. I have a construction background and consider myself being rather handy. I know that the best and proper way would be an exterior waterproofing but I'm trying to avoid all that work in the peak of the steelhead run lol.
  15. As the temp starts to rise and the snow starting to melt I notice that my basement has sprung a leak. I notice a crack on the inside of my foundation wall. Wondering if anyone can recommend a professional to attempt to fix this problem from the inside with injections or whatever it is they do. Has anyone had this done to their home? Did fixing it from the inside stop the leak?
  16. Wow... Sweet!
  17. I have went through a few batteries with my vex over the years. A few times the green light would come on right away when in fact the battery was dead. Usually my cue to get a new battery.
  18. Wow! Amazing work!
  19. Welcome! Your float is down!
  20. It's actually 1.7777777777777 times but you're close lol.
  21. Have to agree with sinker on this one.
  22. I always had dreams of fishing the catch basin in front of my house when I was a kid lol
  23. I do keep the odd fish every now and again but for the most part I'm a c&r steelheader. I have nothing against someone that wants to keep fish within his or her limits. It is kind of disturbing to me what happens at the Geen or any Gbay or Huron trib. There are too many people with the all fish must die attitude. I believe in selective harvest. We all know the first people who will complain if and when the returning number of fish to these systems are poor.
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