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Everything posted by buckster

  1. No fish in pigeon lake
  2. Steelheaders are tight lipped..... Your best bet is like Maverick said google maps... Put a couple kms on your car and on your legs. When u do hit the jackpot you have nobody to thank but yourself! Thats how i learned....... good luck
  3. I used a graph at first then i went with a vex.... Its more personal preference but i would never go back to a graph over a flasher. As for advice..... make sure u set your gain so that u can just barely see your bait. If your gain is set to high all u will see is just a mass of red when fish come by..... if its set at bare minimum u have a better chance of marking 2-3 fish rather than just the school or totaly red! Hope this helps. I know the vex has helped me ice a lot more fish...... But the vex can only do so much the rest is upto u... Good luck you'll love it!
  4. MODEL! I was expecting a blond with big bobbers!
  5. Well said Troutguy
  6. How was the water? I was there yesterday
  7. Lets just say what a tackle shop was gonna charge me 50 bucks for i got it there for $7....... and if i wanted the good ones it would be $100 at the tackle shop and hey get this 15 bucks at canadian bearing. Momma didnt raise no fool! lol
  8. i agree GB there are many times i dont keep a single fish...... So can i not fish for whities if i dont keep 2 lol This topic makes me laugh
  9. Thanks dudes...... i eneded up getting them at canadian bearings around dixie and derry rd. They only had open bearings in my size. Put them in and the reel is mint. I might try to see if i can find a sealed set and the above locations. Thanks again!
  10. what happens when u catch 2 in 15mins? Go Home i think not! Leave them in the water and remove the hooks with pliers.... They will be just fine!
  11. cool.... i'll give it a shot!
  12. I have an older float reel that i wanna put back in action..... Sometimes the oldies are the goodies! Its an LG custom tackle float reel. I tried ang spec and tom didnt have the right bearings. Anyone know where i would be able to find these bearing. Im located in vaughan. Thanks. Buckster
  13. I dunno i kinda like free maps too!
  14. Wow what a discount....... All that money saved i wont feel guilty when buy tims for the rest of the season!
  15. seems to me that the only ones to complain are the ones that dont get a spot under there to fish! Let it go! While you're at it why dont u give directions to all the the rest of the tribs..... nice pics...... NOT
  16. I think its the park and fish convinence personally!
  17. Nice pin not bad for a WO......?
  18. Don't waste your time the mnr is just gonna sweep the pics under the carpet...... People have been fishing there for over 15 years that i have seen. I'm sure that people that have been in the game longer than me have seen it too!!! Suck it up...... i got my ass kicked too out there watching them haul under the bridge!
  19. ande line! Cheap and strong!
  20. Nice!!! Looks like you have a perfect stand for the fall! lol
  21. Yeah i have had some work done there before! We'll see what i can find.
  22. I have had this gl3 in my basement for a few years now collecting dust. I have a few float rods that i use but id like to get this old girl back in action. The reason i guess i dont like it is becuase it dosn't have a fixed reel seat. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a custom rod builder that would be able to put a custom handle on this rod for me? Thanks, Buckster
  23. Lucky i got my steelhead fix in yesterday morning on some prime water
  24. waste of board space!
  25. Nice..... I've been dreaming of getting back up there for another week!
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