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Everything posted by buckster

  1. She would have to be a great gal to put up with Steve
  2. You will need to make some sort of sleigh or skis for it or it will be pretty much impossible. Its not like fold over huts with the built in toboggan. Once its folds into the suitcase it can't really be pulled around without damaging it.
  3. Billions! For us rookies to catch em... Still have all my line too
  4. Im sure you were really cold in that hut
  5. I have to agree with sinker. Most importat part of your set up by far... I use mainly shimano stradic, sahara, etc in the 750 size... Perfect size for icefishing. Not to bulky and it holds more then enough line for deep water
  6. Nice fish! Wish i would have went out after that rain!
  7. Very sad news. My condolences to his family and friends. The loss of a fishing partner is tough but he will be with everyone in spirit!
  8. I'm waiting on one of those myself from Adam. I was gonna go with an all black one untill he sent me that exact pic lol
  9. Thats what i was thinking lol
  10. Excessive! If i had your money i'd burn mine.... lol
  11. Sounds like a fishing story to me Steve! You cant even catch a cold with those things If anyone wants to get rid of them send them over this way and i will make sure i destroy them asap
  12. Nice fish! Wish i had the patience to tie up bugs! Time to raid someones fly box!
  13. Stay positive Mike! Sometimes the best therapy can be done on the riverbank if you're still feeling upto it
  14. So i guess its a myth that bucks chase around does during the rut too? Bucks rub and scrape during the pre rut do they not? Sort of like a " hey i run this section of bush" kind of thing. Then carry it on into the rut. In a perfect world yes i'd be looking for tell tale sign of bucks but when you are limited to only hunt a certain area be it 200 acres or 20 acres. Sometimes you have no choice to stay put.... If you have a lot of does coming to your stand dont you worry the bucks will follow when its time for the jiggy jiggy. Only thing is you have to be there!
  15. Nice Fish!
  16. Ya he better get on that... People seem like they are fed up with his know it all comments
  17. Well said Dmasse! im glad someone said it! I'm not a still fisherman by any means but why would people even bring up the topic of flossing or snagging... Are u trying to say that a bow wont hit a roe bag suspended off bottom?
  18. buckster

    RIP Sly.

    Very sad news.... Him and his good deeds on and off the ice will be greatly missed.
  19. I second proline they do great work at reasonable prices!
  20. Rob Hyatt on calander bay lake nippising. Not sure when you're going but i would try to go in early january
  21. Yeah Meely you better stop landing them with that treble hook gaff you have in your boat..... Your survival rate is horrible
  22. Nice catch! That sure is a beauty fish for Gbay. Few and far between nowadays!
  23. deer hunting+steelheading?
  24. I know of one kawartha lake thats got at least 7 or 8
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