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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Here's a link to some free downloadable sounds that'll allow you to listen to various coyote sounds and compare them to what you've been hearing. I used a few of the coyote sounds they offer this past winter to call in a couple coyotes. ht tp://www.gsmoutdoors.com/maestro/digital-sounds/coyote/
  2. An elk attacked and killed 4 cows? Did they say when this happened? You'd think something like this would have made the news if it were true. I'm thinking the facts got a little mixed up by the time the story reached your ears. Maybe it was during the rut when Mr. Elk was confused and ended up giving the cows heart attacks after chasing them around all day trying to breed them?
  3. I built this propane smoker out of an old steel interior fridge and have used it to cook everything from cookies (no smoke) to veggies to 30lb chunks of pork. The double wall construction and insulation makes it hold heat very well so winter smoking isn't an issue and it'll easily maintain 400 f. I have a ton of aged apple wood so I use it for everything, including salmon this weekend.
  4. I hit Cooks Bay on Tuesday for a little while and the clear ice was around 24" and the surface was relatively smooth with no water. Perfect conditions for getting places at highway speeds on the ATV! The ice is definitely good for a bit and the only thing I would worry about is shore access.
  5. Congrats! No manual for these creatures is right and you'll find yourself wanting to bash your head off the wall at one point or another. Tell mom to forget about traditional sleeping patterns and get in the habit of sleeping when baby sleeps or the lack of sleep can really take it's toll. Our son will be two next month and the due date for our second was two days ago. Any time now...
  6. The best turkey you can eat is one that's been soaking in a brine containing plenty of salt, apple juice and herbs for 24 hours. The end result is a very tender and juicy bird (juice literally squirts out when thermometer is inserted) that cooks much quicker than a "dry" bird because of the increased moisture content. Then you have the gravy made with the much more flavorful drippings...
  7. It's all mind over matter and it's not really that bad once you get past the idea of eating a whole bird. Take Borger and eating dog for example. For most people in North America the idea alone of eating dog is enough to put them off the idea of ever trying it because it's not normal for our society while those who are open minded will chow down as there really is no difference between us raising chickens to eat and Filipino's raising dog to eat. I cannot understand how some people think that raising cows or pigs for food is 100% acceptable yet they think those who choose to eat horses, cats or dogs should be jailed for animal cruelty. Us humans are a weird bunch.
  8. Whining about a waitress calling a group of men "guys"? Seriously? It's easy to tell which men on forums love drama and watch soap opera's on TV when threads like this pop up...
  9. You'd rather have taxes increased for every working person in the province to cover the cost of building and maintaining parking lots instead of just paying $12 the odd time you go? It's far cheaper for all of us for everyone to pay for their own parking. The first search result on Google for a private MRI in Canada shows prices start at $895 and go up to $2450. Is $35 really too much to ask when most hospitals are already strapped for cash? http://www.canmagnetic.com/scans-rates/
  10. The EI portion of our taxes paid is very low considering how much money you can receive while on EI. The money you received for those 8 months was likely far greater than what you paid into EI that year. Why complain about having to give some free money back? I'll use construction workers as an example as I know quite a few people in the industry and my numbers will be in the ballpark... If someone makes around $40k they'll pay around $1k in EI taxes that season. For paying only $1,000 in Employment Insurance that worker will be entitled to the maximum rate of $525 every week or a "take home" check of $1,000 every two weeks. Multiply that by 26 weeks and that measly $1,000 in EI premiums results in $13,000 after taxes. Why on earth wouldn't someone who receives EI be expected to pay some back?
  11. I would begin by finding out where she learned about this stuff in the first place as it's rather unfortunate that some people have no problem lying to children in hopes of spreading their beliefs. I would then find out what she thinks happens to animals from birth to slaughter and teach her that animals cannot be compared to humans and how different they are. I noticed quite a few people saying she should just be left alone to do as she pleases. IMO you don't just ignore major decisions such as this without learning why the child came to the decision in the first place, especially when the child was raised in a household where hunting and fishing is normal. Clearly something or someone is influencing her enough to make her think what her dad does is wrong. Dig deep and get answers. I think some people are forgetting that a 10 year old child can choose to be a vegetarian and dislike animal killers simply because Suzy said so. No logical reason, simply because someone she likes or can relate too said so.
  12. With the Clam mount it's exactly like using a gas auger with the thumb throttle and it's very easy to use and hold. Definitely worth the $80.
  13. We're not forced to stick to one doctor and we're allowed to switch family doctors any time or get a second opinion from a specialist in a hospital. I had two family doctors before finally being happy at a place where there's a family of doctors that see me so I never have the same person and if you disagree you can get another doctors opinion. Multiple family members have switched hospitals due to doctors not trying hard enough to figure out what's wrong or misdiagnosing people. One such incident resulted in a cousin having a stroke. Our local hospital would do nothing and the parents had enough and went to another city where that hospital found the issue right away. They say the stroke that paralyzed half her body would have been 100% prevented if our hospital had done their job. It totally depends on your doctor and hospital where testing and treatment occurs. Just like anything else there are places that do good work and others that should be out of business. Quite unfortunate, but that's the way she goes. For instance, the hospital here in Brantford is a joke while 35 minutes away in Hamilton you can get top notch service.
  14. I'm not sure if I would waste money on an alarm system after seeing a few different people using different companies intentionally set off their alarms during the night just to see how long it would take for police to arrive. Long story short, you're on your own and alarm systems serve two purposes, deter rookie intruders and provide a false sense of security to the homeowner. I will say all 4 people had entry level systems and have no clue if response time decreases if a premium is paid? I really believe the key to preventing people from entering my home is to not give them a reason in the first place. So many people have no clue that they're unintentionally advertising their home is full of goodies by not closing window coverings at night, leaving garage doors open all day, leaving their toys in plain sight for extended periods of time, tossing the packaging from high value items beside the curb or posting pics of everything purchased on their social media pages(big one!). A few security system stickers on the windows and some dummy camera's will likely suffice. If the crooks ignore these two deterrents odds are they're experienced and the only thing that will stop them is force or an unusually quick police response time. That said, a PAL and cheap 12 or 20 gauge with a 12" barrel will run you less than $500 and will provide a last resort solution should a simple robbery turn into a life threatening situation.
  15. Or you could use the Canadian Tire Mastercard and collect points on everything you purchase from Pepsi to boat parts and not have to worry about storing Canadian Tire money or ticking people off when the cashier is counting the $79.24 in CT money you handed her. With the card you get 10x the points in store and at Mark's, Sport Chek and Part Source every day and 2x everywhere else. The card also doubles the warranty on purchases made. After 11 years since getting my first credit card I have yet to give any of them $0.01 in interest while Canadian Tire has given me over $1000 in rewards.
  16. Thinking there is something to help the leafs turn things around is like thinking there's hope that politicians will be honest someday. You can hope and dream all you'd like, but there's no chance in heck it'll ever happen. However, I must say their recent 11 game losing streak was quite the spectacular performance and the whopping 11 goals was equally impressive. At least they're breaking records this season....
  17. Not this year on the waters I have fished. Simcoe, LPB and a couple smaller lakes all had clear ice before we got the dumping of snow. Makes for a great reaction from first timers when you're gunning it towards what appears to be a massive area of open water and they think you're on a suicide mission.
  18. You can most definitely put tile or hardwood over Dricore, assuming you follow their instructions for fastening the panels properly and using the proper underlay. With tile you'd use normal tile backer board of your choice and for hardwood you'd lay plywood first.
  19. A bit of minnow water splashed on bare ice is good enough for the x67 and if you're not into minnows you can simply spit on the ground and swirl the transducer a bit. Any clear liquid will work and you only need the smallest amount of form a bit of suction between the ice and transducer.
  20. Let's stick to facts shall we? http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/target-insists-controversial-poppy-policy-was-a-misunderstanding-1.1469110 “We agreed that outside the front doors would be ideal and obviously if the weather is inclement or they prefer they are welcome to stand inside the double doors as well,” said company spokesperson Lisa Gibson in a statement. They did not kick veterans out of their stores, they simply said people selling poppies can stand outside the front doors to sell poppies and they could setup shop inside during bad weather. That is 100% acceptable and 100% fair. How on earth can you criticize Target for making their free choice when the poppy is a universal symbol of freedom? Wars were fought to allow us the opportunity to make our own free choices, yet some believe Target should have been forced to let people sell poppies inside their stores? Let's force someone to promote freedom? Personally, I despise being harassed by anyone standing at the front of the store looking for handouts or to sell me something.
  21. People still have land line phones in 2015? I thought they went the way of the dodo bird? For around 1/3 the cost of having a land line you could likely add unlimited calling to your cell phone and never have to worry about the land line again...
  22. I understand that proving a point is important to some people who are "never wrong", but why on earth are you even bothering fighting such a low value ticket with no points? Not only will you be wasting the courts time that could be used for more important thing's, by the time you factor in lost wages and gas you'll be lucky to break even if the ticket is completely tossed. Sometimes it's best just to suck it up and move on with life. My dad think's in a similar way. He received a $150 ticket for hitting someone with a trailer while turning at an intersection. He just had to prove his point that it was the other drivers fault and the end result was the ticket was dropped to half and he missed a day and a half work. Just paying the ticket would have been less than half the total cost.
  23. Your mistake right there. Some police get annoyed when you start questioning their actions. Devils advocate time... Seeing as you were annoyed enough to ask why you were pulled over, would it not be possible that you showed a little attitude when asking said question? That's a surefire way to get the cop to look for any problem that can be ticketed and we all know there's 3 sides to every story...
  24. There's a good 10-12" of clear ice in shallower water near shore and the big groups of huts. Out at EC10 and just past towards the main lake a bit there is a minimum 8" of clear ice. The first pressure crack was easily crossed on Monday just before EC10. There's quite the wall formed by the pressure crack running from the Pottohawk area over towards TP that looks to be 5-10 ft high in places. I was going to venture over that way for some pics, testing ice on the way, but it was already leery enough being alone and far from anyone at EC10. Need a buddy when venturing that far off shore...
  25. Google is a great thing. One of the first search results for me was a detailed study on the ACR.... http://usaskstudies.coop/exhibit/wp-content/uploads/Algoma-Central-Railway-Wilderness-Tourism-by-Rail-Opportunity-Study.pdf While it makes zero sense financially for the government to invest in something that is continually losing popularity, I would rather see tax dollars going towards something as beneficial to the local economy as the train service is.
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