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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Most of the rules above are intended to prevent problems from occurring before anything or anyone can be harmed. I work outside and have seen dozens of examples where drones were being used in ways that could easily cause expensive property damage and vehicle accidents. I am glad rules are finally being put in place for drones, but I doubt most will listen or there will be much enforcement. Following your logic, police should leave drunk drivers and speeders alone as long as they're doing no harm during the officers observation. We all know how well that works out for the innocent folks who're victims of another persons stupidity....
  2. Thieves from the reserve go out with shopping lists checking busy parking lots, tim hortons, or just cruising around until they find a candidate before following the person home to see where they live. Anywhere within an hours drive from the reserve is fair game as they don't like to go too far from the reserve. However, they prefer larger cities (easier to find what they need) with back roads back to the reserve. London, Hamilton, Brantford, St Catherines, etc are all prime targets with backroads back to the reserve. It makes little sense to target small towns due to much lower odds of finding targets and heading north east of Hamilton is a poor choice because of the much greater risk of being caught on the way back to the reserve. Big money in stealing trucks and ATV's, some people do it every day the same as normal folks work a full time job. Thing's will never improve until we're all treated as equals. Until then, natives will continue to laugh at our justice system and we'll all continue to pay higher insurance premiums.
  3. Yep. Odds are the vehicle was stolen only for the wheels seeing as a surprising number of vehicles are stolen for nothing but the rims and tires, There's also a very good chance the thief let his buddies know where the truck was so they could go shopping. Typically they'll just drive a short distance into the bush to work on it, but sometimes they'll just be a few feet in from the bush line. Seen dozens of trucks and SUV's while riding ATV's on the reserve.
  4. As with other topics (firearms!) this is simply another case of punishing law abiding citizens by creating more regulations that do nothing to reduce crime while making life harder for those who do follow the rules. Criminals don't follow the rules and some text on a piece of paper does nothing to help solve the problem. Enforcement and making crooks pay is the only answer. Anything else is simply punishment for those who already follow the rules.
  5. Seeing as this is a first, I think I may take a screenshot as proof...lol. It's $125 per person. Don't get me wrong, $10,000 can buy a few nice toys. But, how can they cut the weekly prize value in half and keep the ticket price the same? They should reduce the ticket price to reflect the decreased prize value.
  6. They should reduce the ticket pricing to reflect the reduced value of the weekly price as the Corolla's go for $20,000 after all is said and done meaning the current weekly prize is only worth half that of previous derbies. People who won them in the 2014 derby could sell their used prizes for a few thousand more than the current prize.
  7. You're getting the wrong impression. I can't recall how many times I have launched or loaded up without a soul in sight. Heck, it's a bit unnerving heading out on Erie some days as you're the only boat on the water for miles. As for problems with waterfront owners and blown out spots, 9 times out of 10 that's a direct result of the person complaining about it bringing it upon themselves. Obviously the landscape is much nicer in Northern Ontario, there is no disputing that. However, don't bet the farm that fishing is better up there
  8. I'll take you out on a weekend if you'd like. After your arms are sore we'll head back in to shallower water and have some fun with the perch, pike and smallies. Maybe even head over to Lake O for some trout and salmon. It makes for an awesome day hitting one lake for the morning and the other for the afternoon. Then you'd realize why many people from the southern end of the province don't feel the need to head north to fish....
  9. It seems many smaller fish are caught in the west end while here in the central basin they're mostly the big fish migrating west to east. I've caught maybe 5 fish under 20" while trolling in the 45-60' range with the biggest being 32". I prefer the smaller fish for eating and as odd as it may sound, it's sometimes disappointing bringing in big fish after big fish. Erie is a trophy walleye factory.
  10. I love heading north and being on lakes where it seems you're the only soul on the lake, but those trips are few and far between when you throw the time and money (cost of trip + lost wages) into the equation. In the end, it's just not worth heading far north very often. Erie alone can keep a fisherman happy with it's amazing fishery. After dozens of trips I have not caught a single walleye under 16" with the average being 24-28" and charters reporting 4-5 man limits of these 24"+ fish before noon is a regular occurrence. Then there's the perch where bringing home limits of jumbo's form the main lake is almost expected. Pike? My best outing was 20+ fish by 11am with many missed and lost fish. You can easily go all day on the tribs without seeing a single angler while targeting steelhead. You can hit Ontario where trolling the shallows in the spring results in brown after fat slob brown smashing the cranks. Then it's salmon and rainbow time where catching a dozen or two before noon is common practice. Sore arms are to be expected while trolling this great lake. Then there's the Grand River for the smallie and channel cat fans. Catching dozens of smallies up to 3-4lbs each outing is easily doable if you know where to go and the huge cats with good numbers will keep you coming back for more. All within 1 hour of my house. Why spend hundreds of dollars a day to fish when I can spend $10-40?
  11. Let the fish tell you how they want it as each position of the hook imparts a different action. Lips, tail, back, anus, dead or alive all work. Just depends what the fish want that day.
  12. As soon as antlers start dropping, the remaining bucks won't be too far behind meaning there is little to no harm caused by placing antler traps at this time of year. Not meaning to start anything and just looking to inform people, but feeding deer in this manor is far more inhumane than placing an antler trap would be. Unnecessary/hobby feeding of deer conditions them into being fed and depending on that food rather than finding their own, greatly promotes the spread of disease by congregating many animals in a small area, and gives predators easy hunting grounds. There's a reason why natural resource managers strongly discourage such practice and only promote feeding deer during extreme situations such as abnormally heavy snowfall or ice storms. As an example, a pic posted by the OP in another thread showed 3-4 deer eating from the feeder at the same which is optimal for spreading disease through contact and saliva. It's very rare for deer to eat out of the same "bowl" in the wild which greatly lowers the risk of spreading disease. However, with a feeder it only takes one infected deer to spread it's disease to the entire herd as they take turns at the feeder. It's cool watching wildlife, but many people are causing far more harm than good by feeding deer/turkey.
  13. Sure, if you enjoy being taxed to death, laid off because your employer fled the country due to high operating costs and seeing billions of dollars tossed away for literally nothing. It's a bloody joke that our PM is nothing more than a drama teacher who got in because his fathers past and he bought votes with marijuana. Next lieberal hairbrained idea for our disgrace of a province (that's right, the rest of the country despises ON) is $22k for every working age adult which will only cost a measly $170 billion per year. Here's to hoping the ice is thin and he's wearing a pair of concrete shoes.
  14. The only thing that would stop someone from doing that is their conscience. There is a daily catch limit of 50 perch for Simcoe with a possession limit of 100. Therefore, there are currently regulations in place to prevent this from happening. But, just like many other fish and game regulations we need people to be honest and abide by the rules as some are practically impossible to enforce. Panfish are prolific breeders and are often compared to cockroaches and coyotes...once they're established, good luck wiping them out.
  15. I've been in a 2014 Rav4 towing a load that was around 1,500lbs and it was decent. However, don't expect to go screaming past others while passing them and it'll never be as stable as towing with a truck. You'll definitely want trailer brakes. As for brakes, 25 years ago you'd want to shy away from electric brakes, but these days there are multiple options specifically designed for boat trailers. No matter how you slice it, surge brakes suck in comparison. -no vehicle traction means no trailer brakes either (snow, ice, mud, up or down hill) with surge while electric can be controlled 100% independently from the vehicle brakes -electric brakes are activated quicker which results in shorter stopping distances -surge can activate when unwanted on steep grades -much easier to repair the electric system -a few taps on the electric controller can stop an improperly loaded trailer from swaying
  16. I'm surprised it took so long for the typically bad customer service and not being open on Sundays to catch up to them. Changing those two thing's could and would have resulted in far more business for them. Always sad to see an outdoors store close, but I am not surprised when it comes to Lebaron.
  17. State Farm/Certas: -2007 Grizzly 700 atv with fire and theft - $15/month or $180/yr -2000 SXR 600 sled with fire and theft - $14/month or $168/yr -2013 WR250R bike with fire and theft - $41/month or $490/yr Ya gotta pay to play!
  18. Is it possible the OP's cat, which he allows to wander the neighborhood, damaged the neighbors property and she was simply returning the favor? What was it someone said about needing to be a good neighbor to have good neighbors?
  19. What is with some people? It was plus 12 and we let the cat out. Big deal! You start the thread by saying it was a nice day so you let the cat out, I say you should control your animals, and you respond by saying they're all chained up? Odd, a cat is not considered an animal where you live? Weird. Big deal? Maybe not to you, but it might be for your neighbors who have to pickup your cats crap out of their gardens, garbage after mr. kitty ripped open a garbage bag for a snack or pay for damages your animal may cause. I thought we were having a discussion about your cat wandering the neighborhood? I know I'm a bit late replying, but I've been busy lately. Your new thread about vehicle problems reminded me of this as it was likely your ticked off neighbor who did something to your vehicles. FYI, the SPCA doesn't hold stray cats for very long and it would be fully legal for your neighbor to live trap your cat on her property. The trap can be in plain sight and there is not a legal thing you could do to stop her from trapping and taking the animal to the SPCA where it would be destroyed after a short waiting period, if you didn't claim the animal.
  20. No, small play is not normal. There should be zero play on every bushing and bearing connected to the control arms on a grizzly from the frame out to the wheel and any play means it's time for replacement. A bit of play is usually fine for a while, but the bearings really should be changed as soon as you notice play when wiggling the wheel. Riding with bad bearings will cause premature wear of the control arm knuckle bushings (upper and lower in each knuckle) and can eventually lead to the knuckles being permanently damaged. That said, you should check the knuckle bushings while you're at it since your new bearings will wear out much quicker if they're paired with worn bushings. Replacing both at the same time is the better and more long term repair. They simply slide out of the knuckle. New ones will be smooth from end to end while worn ones will have a small "step" about 5/8" from each end. It only takes about 2 hours to change all 4 bearings. Much quicker if you have access to a press to remove/install bearings.
  21. In others peoples minds, responsible pet owners keep their pets under control on their own property where they don't annoy neighbors and/or kill wildlife to satisfy their inner desire to kill for fun. This tends to avoid conflict, keeps the pet safe, and everyone is happy. I cannot understand how people who allow their animals to roam at large can even begin to complain about disgruntled neighbors. Don't want to be bothered with this sort of stuff? Control your animals. It doesn't get much simpler than that.
  22. I've spent 4 weeks total in NFLD and it's a great place. I really enjoyed picking mussels and snails, jigging for cod and mackerel, casting into pools with so many brookies the water was black, seeing moose every other day, viewing whales a few different times, getting within spitting distance of a 15 ft basking shark, and hanging out with very nice people. Lobster straight from the traps into the boiling water on the beach is heavenly. The best way to see the rock is to make friends with a newfie around your home town and get them to set you up with people back home in NFLD. They'll likely let you stay for free, feed you until you're ready to burst, and force you to have a good time...
  23. Odd, the inspector who failed the WETT and handed over a $10k quote to fix it failed to mention there are zero clearance chimney inserts available that would make it pass after I pour a new rain cap, extend the hearth and put some new bricks in the fireplace. Less than $1000 should get me up and running. No way he doesn't know a simple chimney insert would avoid a complete masonry rebuild from the basement up. Friggin crook.
  24. Tire diameter, width and weight are huge factors when deciding on rubber. I have 26 Mud Lite XTR on my 700, but they're radials which makes them heavier and give better traction due to increased footprint over non radial. This means the machine needs to work harder to turn them and clutch mods bring back the power. There is a noticeable difference going from light 6 ply tires like Zilla's to the heavy XTR's even though the diameter is the same. You can't beat the XTR's for overall traction and they wear like iron. Plus because of they're stiff sidewall you can run them at 1-2 psi on the ice for better ice traction and the bead is super hard so no worries of popping a bead at low psi. I have fun them at 0 psi with no issues. You definitely get what you pay for with them and they're worth every penny. Just changing the clutch weights to lighter ones will shorten the curve to increase low end torque, but you'll lose some top speed. 20 gram (stock) to 18 gram my top speed dropped from 107 km/h to 100 km/h and 16 gram took it down in the low 90's I believe, but wheelies were super easy and the trail riding was great as it accelerated so quickly. It's super easy and less than two hours to change the weights and deglaze the clutch. Add an hour if you're messing with the springs and shims. I used my Tread Doctor on the XTR's to recut the treads after putting 5000 kms on them and should get another 3000 kms or more. With the XTR's and tread doctor you'll get 2-3 the life of cheap or even just 6 ply tires.
  25. As someone who has had vehicles broken into and being lucky enough to physically deter an attempted robbery while my wife and young children were in the other room, I say screw any dirtbag who violates your rights and they all belong in a hole. They deserve zero sympathy and whatever they get from any brave person who decides to go against the Canadian way and actually defend themselves and their property. I sure hope there is a support page of some sort started for this man. That said, the only thing the article says is "The resident, Peter KHILL while armed with a firearm confronted the man. During the confrontation the man attempting to steal the truck died as a result of gunshot related injuries.". We haven't a clue if the guy ran out there shooting away or confronted the thief and demanded that he leave or be shot before the thief attacked him. After reading about the man I would assume he showed self control and was attacked by the thief and defended himself. Need more details...
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