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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Fried in some butter and seasoned with salt and pepper is the only way to go. Boiling them extracts too much of the flavor and nutrients. As with any plant, if you insist on using water to cook them you should really opt for steaming to preserve the natural flavor and nutrients. They can definitely be eaten raw in small quantities (as in a small handful) with no ill effects. I have munched on raw fiddleheads while picking every spring for the last 10+ years. I'm heading out in a couple hours to get my usual 3-5 gallons worth for the yearly supply. Hopefully it's not too late around here...
  2. I think you meant presence? But, I could be wrong if he hands out some awesome presents for christmas Moxie does have a very valid point about the lieberals making a mess of Ontario. There are plenty of examples to support this.
  3. Odd, now all I hear is *chirp* *chirp* from the crickets outside... Ford has been a target since day one simply because is a Conservative. Take a look at past mayors before Ford back to 1980 (where I stopped checking) Miller...liberal Lastman...liberal Hall...ndp Rowlands...liberal Eggleton...liberal Do you Ford haters think it's a coincidence that it was a liberal who made false accusations against Ford that he sexually assaulted (groped) her? Do you think it's a coincidence that the Toronto Star and Global news, who are both liberal in their views, just happen to be the ones airing the most dirt on Ford?
  4. The contractor didn't use anti slip sealer. Even high gloss anti slip sealer is not slippery when wet. You can apply some anti slip yourself after washing the driveway and allowing it to dry completely. If it's a relatively smooth driveway you can use a paint roller, but if it's a pattern with distinct lines (such as the ashlar slate pattern) you're far better off using a sprayer to ensure the sealer reaches the bottom of deep crevasses. Be VERY careful when the low estimates start rolling in. This often means the contractor is taking shortcuts that can and will compromise the slab or surface eventually. Is the estimate from contractor "A" much cheaper than contractor "B" because he: -doesn't excavate enough material and replace it with a proper base? -fails to install adequate wire mesh and/or rebar? -chooses a lower strength concrete and pours too thin? -doesn't bother with small important thing's like expansion joint, joint sealing against the house, or running downspouts under sidewalks? -charges extra for replacing soil and sod that needed to be removed to place forms? How many years after being poured is considered "the work has held up to the test of time"?
  5. Around here you only need a permit when pouring concrete on the boulevard (the small piece between the sidewalk and street curb. I've never asked why, but I assume it has something to do with utilities and such.
  6. I've worked in the concrete business for over 10 years and for what you're looking to have done a very popular choice is concrete steps and/or walkway with matching borders and the driveway being paved with asphalt. Granite seamless stamps with a light colored concrete that matches the exterior cladding of your house used with a dark charcoal release goes VERY well when bordering asphalt with concrete and ties everything together quite nicely. Stamped concrete does require annual maintenance (wash and seal) for longevity, but it's definitely worth it. Plain concrete with a broom or half moon finish are best in terms of durability, but lack the visual appeal of stamped and colored concrete. Interlock and asphalt almost always form ruts after 10+ years...
  7. From a recent OOD article: 1937-1942 - Bears may be hunted at any time by residents 1942-1961 - Bears are listed as vermin and a bounty is placed on them 1961 - Bear status changed from vermin to game animal where hunters had to start buying tags 1980 - Bear specific tags introduced. before this, hunters could buy moose-bear or deer-bear combo tags 1987 - Regulations introduced prohibiting hunting bears in dens or on crown land within 400m of a dump. Illegal to shoot sow with cubs or cubs born in that year 1993-1998 - Animal rights groups start lobbying to have the spring hunt cancelled 1999 - Spring hunt is cancelled due to political reasons, not because biologists supported the idea 2003 - Nuisance bear committee is formed and they push to have the spring hunt reinstated without success 2013 - Liberal MPP introduces a bill to reintroduce the spring hunt As you can see, it wasn't really that long ago that bears were considered vermin and the government was actually paying people to shoot them. Trapping and relocating bears is expensive and doesn't work as the bears can easily return "home". Even if they do stay in their new location they'll soon be someone else's problem and will need to be trapped and relocated yet again. Hunting is proven to be the most efficient and cost effective method for controlling wildlife populations and also generates revenue for the special wildlife account and the local economy.
  8. Jeez, that was 15 years ago wasn't it? Time to get over it, no? As much as I dislike how Italo talks to people and he isn't very exciting to watch, I do watch the show because he often fishes water that is close to home.
  9. x 2 Far too may fishermen (and hunters) head out with an idea stuck in their head that option A must work because that's what normally works and there is no point in trying option B because it usually doesn't work at that time of year or location. Let the fish tell you what they want. Run a 3 way until you find a distinct pattern then fine tune your presentation.
  10. Has anyone taken the time to test gas samples from these gas stations who claim their gas is ethanol free to see if they're actually telling the truth or not? It would be helpful to have a list of gas stations who actually carry ethanol free gas and those who claim they do...
  11. I use braid with a 3-4' leader for everything from jigging for perch to down rigging for salmon with zero problems hooking or landing fish. You won't have any problems with pulling hooks, providing you use a mono or flouro leader, which most use in clear water anyways.
  12. Very cool! I'm planning on starting a falconry apprenticeship this year or next in hopes of trapping (25 permits issued province wide annually) a wild red tail to train for rabbit and crow hunting. Need to wait until we move though...can't keep hawks, eagles, or falcons in Brantford.
  13. Seriously? Even the kids dad acknowledges that his kid was in the wrong..."“I know they should not have been out there that late,” his father said." Many people who ride their bikes at night within city limits, where most streets have adequate lighting, put front and rear lights on their bikes and some even wear reflective clothing. Riding a bike at 1 am on a rainy night with no lights or reflective clothing on a road with an 80 km/h speed limit and, from what I recall, no street lights is absolutely stupid and the kids are mostly at fault here. While we have yet to hear what the surviving kids had to say, there is this from the drivers side: "In a statement of claim filed with the court, Simon is claiming $1.35 million in damages due to her psychological suffering, including depression, anxiety, irritability and post-traumatic stress. She blames the boys for negligence." If in fact the boys were negligent, which I believe they were, this lady ended up killing a kid due to the kids negligence as I highly doubt she saw the kids on the road and tried to run them down. I dunno about you guys, but if I killed a kid under the same circumstances I would likely be as devastated as the parents who lost their kid. This lady is likely going to be messed up for a long time. It's very sad to hear about a teen losing their life, but just because it was a kid that died does not negate the fact that he is at fault. Was the bicycle proper equipped? HTA 62(17) - Lights a bike must have a white front light and a red rear light or reflector if you ride between 1/2 hour before sunset and 1/2 hour after sunrise and white reflective tape on the front forks and red reflective tape on rear forks. Set fine: $20.00
  14. Man, if you guys really want to see some stupid and very misinformed comments, head on over to some of the anti spring hunt Facebook pages 99% of people against the spring hunt live in big cities and have never been outside the city limits and have zero knowledge of wildlife.
  15. Here's a few reasons... People surrounded by Turbines are unable to sell their homes or farms. A community that disputes approval for a wind farm may apply to the Environmental Review Tribunal. But the ERT hearings are nothing more than a kangaroo court that are controlled by MOE and Wind Energy Companies lawyers. A community has never won a dispute. Wind Companies pay less tax per turbine than the average home owner. Assessments were capped by the Liberals at a rate approximately of 3% of actual value. Where a turbine that should be assessed at $2.5 million, the community can only collect taxes on an assessment of $75,000. Wind Companies can violate our Charter of Rights, supersede all municipal bylaws, and environmental & wildlife protection acts. Wind companies perform their own studies regarding potential impacts on people, wildlife and the environment.The province does not verify these studies. Wind energy is a welfare business. If there were no subsidizes, there would be no wind companies. Effective July, 2013, they may destroy nests or kill eggs of any type of bird that is in the way of a wind farm including the bald eagle. They are exempt from the usual $10,000 fine. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@about/documents/document/stdprod_105241.pdf Yet the construction of a bridge was shut down for several months because of a barn swallow’s nest.http://www.ottawasun.com/2013/06/18/barrhaven-bridge-delay-for-the-birds Suing communities who seek security deposits for their own protection.​ http://www.owensoundsuntimes.com/2013/06/11/wind-developer-taking-west-grey-to-court Turbines are known as bird and bat blenders. If a blade doesn’t kill a bat, its turbulence will destroy its lungs. Bats are a vital part of our ecosystem and it is estimated that 6500 turbines will kill 65,000 bats per year. Turbines will kill millions of birds as wind farms are being built along every Ontario migratory path. Destroying provincial protected bogs, wetlands and endangered species. The Ministry of Natural Resources continuously changes policies to allow for Wind Farms. The moral of the story is the Liberal government wants as many wind turbines built as soon and fast as possible regardless of how it effects locals, wildlife, habitat, or hydro rates. According to this website: http://ansnuclearcafe.org/2012/02/09/wind-nuclear-infographic/ 1 Nuclear plant = 60 year lifespan, always produces power, much less space required (50 acres). **That 50 acre figure must be incorrect as the Bruce nuke plant has 2,300 acres of land. 2077 wind turbines to equal one nuke plant = 20 year lifespan, variable power output, requires backup power generation (gas?), more space required (318 square miles or 203,000 acres) According to this site: https://www.wind-watch.org/faq-size.php Depending on the model, each turbine requires 32 - 78 acres. The Liberals want more than 6,000 turbines built in Ontario. Using those numbers, there will need to be 192,000 - 468,000 acres available for the turbines. Unfortunately, many people are still going to vote red because they have been brainwashed into believing the Bull and/or they want pot legalized.
  16. Yet people continue to vote for the Liberals, whose goal is to build as many wind turbines as possible which will continue to encourage more businesses to leave Ontario due to the ridiculously high electricity prices. Wind power is the least efficient and most expensive means for providing electricity. The result is Ontario has the highest unemployment rate in the country, the highest electricity prices in North America, and families who will be forced to send their disposable income to hydro companies rather than using it for outdoor activities. PLEASE do not support the parties who are costing Ontarians well paying jobs and extremely high electricity prices! The following link has some eye opening facts: http://www.windontario.ca/
  17. I am very sorry to hear that you had such a horrible experience on the water and really hope that your insurance company will do the right thing and replace the boat and as much equipment as possible. Who is expected to pay for recovering the boat, the insurance company or you? Don't take this the wrong way and I am not trying to rub salt in your wounds, I'm just stating this for any inexperienced boaters who may not be in the know. Running parallel to the waves in rough water is the absolute last thing you want to do as it's the easiest way for a boat to take on water and capsize. If you have unknown water below deck, as Sinker mentioned, this would only make matters worse due to the weight shifting from side to side with each wave while running parallel to the waves. You should definitely see what Tracker has to say about their boat not floating. More importantly, I think you should be contacting the coast guard to see why they approved a boat that does not float. One or both of these parties should be held liable for manufacturing and approving a boat that does not meet standards. Does Tracker know this model does not float when full of water? Was there an error in the manufacturing process where the installation of foam for bouncy was missed? If so, who inspected the boat and passed it? Does the coast guard not look into actual flotation tests and they simply believe whatever the manufacturer tells them? Many questions need to be answered. Unfortunately, I think you're going to have difficulty obtaining those answers. Best of luck to you!
  18. A Lieberal politician living in the real world? Good luck with that one
  19. The people win and Armatec is looking to build a site elsewhere! http://highlanderonline.ca/armatec-ceo-looking-elsewhere?id=727 Armatec CEO looking elsewhere By Mark Arike - Staff Writer | April 10, 2014 After being denied at the municipal level, Armatec Survivability will not file an appeal with the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). The London-area company issued a press release on April 10 to confirm they would not be taking further action to develop a specialized military testing facility on a 2,300-acre property in the Harcourt area. “It is most unfortunate that the planning approvals process was not allowed to play out fully,” said Heather Sadler, professional planner for the project. During a March 25 council meeting, Dysart councillors followed the advice of the municipality's planning and development committee – which is comprised of three councillors – by denying amendments to the zoning bylaw and Official Plan that would allow the company to proceed. Prior to the decision, the company hosted an information session at the Harcourt Community Centre in February and were part of the public planning meeting in March at the Haliburton Legion. Both events gave the public a chance to voice their opinions about the proposal and ask questions. The municipality also accepted written letters from the public, most of which expressed opposition to the project. Founded in 1997, Armatec provides military with "holistic survivability solutions for both wheeled and tracked armoured vehicles." The company planned on building the testing facility on a property south of Elephant Lake Road and east of Benoir Lake Road. It would have included an administration centre, two storage facilities, a primary research and testing area and mobility test area for vehicles. “The process was very interesting," said Karl Pfister, president and CEO of Armatec. "We had considered that site precisely because it allowed for a win-win solution." Pfister said the facility would have initially brought five well-paying, full-time jobs to the area with an additional 10 jobs available once fully operational. "It is my opinion that the township has missed an opportunity here as this would have been an economic benefit to the area," said Pfister. According to the press release, Armatec has been approached by other municipalities interested in having the test site in their community.
  20. I just spent 5 minutes on Google and can't find a single case where anyone with a comparable truck is getting MPG even close to his claims driving strictly highway with a 2x4, let alone a 4x4 in the city. It's not very often (never?) that someone gets better MPG than the manufacturers claim... Ramtruck.ca lists the following for comparable 2014's: HFE 4x4 - Up to 25 mpg (11.4 L/100 km) City and 36 mpg (7.8 L/100 km) Highway Non-HFE 4x4 - Up to 22 mpg (13.0 L/100 km) City and 33 mpg (8.5 L/100 km) Highway Non-HFE 2x4 - Up to 23 mpg (12.4 L/100 km) City and 35 mpg (8.0 L/100 km) Highway I guess it's time to contact Ram and let them know that their inflated numbers are actually too low.... As for the ride height, a higher vehicle has more drag due to more are volume passing under the vehicles uneven undercarriage. This is why the Ram's with air suspension lower themselves when driving with the Aero mode.
  21. The Grand in Brantford has remained surprisingly low considering how much snow there was around here. Some area's are a bit flooded, but I have seen it much higher during the summer months after heavy rainfall. Let's hope it stays that way.
  22. $10k each isn't enough and the fines should have been higher with jail time? People, they are FISH. It's not like they committed crimes against other humans. As for lifetime fishing bans, that wouldn't solve anything. If they knowingly broke the law, why on earth would an order not to fish somehow stop them?
  23. Yes indeed yotes will try to nab a turkey if the opportunity arises. They're opportunistic predators and will attempt to eat everything from mice and frogs to deer and moose calves. It won't be long and they'll be searching for nesting turkey hens in hopes of taking down both the hen and her clutch of eggs. While some may be against the idea of shooting coyotes in the spring which results in pups starving, I'd rather have the yotes taking a dirt nap instead of entire clutches of turkey, grouse, and waterfowl eggs being eaten up along with the young of many other animals being eaten by coyotes. Coyote populations can get out of control very quickly because they'll eat anything, can live anywhere, and have no natural predators in most of Southern Ontario.
  24. The bear likely wasn't handled properly after being shot leading to a bad taste. This could be from the meat getting too warm after harvest, contaminated meat from a gut shot not being disposed of and/or improper cooking methods. The bears diet is also a factor as those who have mainly been feeding on fish or garbage are reported to have a bad flavor. Many people are turned away from deer and moose meat due to improper handling and cooking methods when in fact it should taste almost the exact same as roast beef, and be just as tender, if handled and cooked properly.
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