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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Was supposed to go out for muskies this weekend but buddy had some things come up. Too bad. Had some free time Sunday morning so took a little drive northwest of Toronto and tried for some brook trout before the season closed instead. Sure looked like fall out there this morning. Especially on the dirt roads The river looked inviting though Caught a few little brookies there only took picture of one little guy Did catch a couple of nicer ones This one was nicest one of morning Caught a nicer more colourful fish prepared to get picture of it and then it shook off i was taking pic by the water so it flipped in and swam off. Thats why last fish is more on shore. Looks like last outing for me for brookies till next year. At least the muskies will be feeding good for next couple of months. Cheers, ehg
  2. Some nice bass there! Thanks for posting this, ehg
  3. That 's a real nice looking fish picture. At least you feel some redemption. Probably the most aesthetically pleasing fish in southern Ontario. Has the black eyeballs. ehg
  4. Real nice Pam! Very realistic yet 'painterly'. I find acrylic harder than oil to paint with, for colour and brushstrokes. Nicely done, ehg
  5. That's a super quality painting. Very nice! ehg
  6. Nice catch there Bill! You can still see the vividness of the colours in that picture. Never caught one like that before, a male in its spawning colours. Congrats, sounds like a good day, and you caught a few other fish too. I've wondered that myself! Maybe a hundred + yrs. ago. they did more regularily, heard the odd one is caught way down on the Ganny still. Did catch one that was 14 - 16 in. on Georgian Bay trib that was blue- silver in colour that i wondered about. Nice fish Bill, ehg
  7. Apparently they are good tasting with firm flesh, not that i've tried them.
  8. Nice report and great pictures!
  9. Caught my first fish ever in Lake Champlain (a perch) when i was 2 1/2 yrs.old. (Born in St.Bruno, QC) My father still goes on about my saying 'pish' 'pish'. Great report looks like fun was had. Can't help but be a good time with your son. Thanks for posting this. ehg
  10. Great little videos I think you are now the king of fishing the Toronto waterfront! ehg PS: Big largies at the islands in the summer as well.
  11. Yes, i would concur with reefrunners statement. Think the first couple of fish are considered white bass.
  12. At least alot of the Upper Credit is considered park or your allowed to stand in the water and fish as long as you abide by some rules. However, most of the fishing was roadside culverts. Ya that was close as it was heading for the logs! At least you didn't fall in when you were stretching. lol Good luck with your father tomorrow! The darker, calmer waters seemed best. Thanks for all the great replies. ehg
  13. Yeah that bird is a 'Common Flicker' considered part of woodpecker family. Looks like a good time was had by all! Really like the campfire video w/ the music kinda like tunes from the 30's. Thanks for posting.
  14. Was a good time despite our rushing spot to spot. Could have spent all day just exploring one of the rivers but wanted to show Bill different spots. Thanks for the driving and hospitality Bill. This wasn't big Nipigon or Labrador brook trout, but these beauty brookies were caught within a stones throw of heaviest, most densely populated area of Canada. Not most strategic or difficult fishing either but these brookies scrap alright on ultralight setup. Easy on the eyes as well. Nice extra pics there Bill. ehg
  15. Great catch! That fish is huge and real silvery. Congrats, ehg
  16. Great write up and pictures. What an unexpected meeting in the parking lot of motel in Parry Sound. Small world! Thanks for sharing, ehg
  17. Hi all, Went with BillM from the board for a some brookies this morning. Met Bill at 6:30 am at spot on north Credit River to start this journey, so off we went. We both used the same Panther Martins (with pinched down barbs) all day for this and actually didn't lose them. Bill caught the first fish of the day. Real fine Credit brookie I caught the next one not quite as big though We had some more fish hit but they didn't come back. The Credit looked nice this morning. Bill fishing a pool, missed a nice one about this time. Wanted to move down river but another angler was ahead and fished our spots so we left. So we drove northward until we hit the Rocky Saugeen and tried our luck there. The first area has produced for me in the past but didn't fair well at this time of year. So we drove to try other locations. The river was smaller and slower and started producing. A little one Bill caught Actually a few more this size were caught but pics weren't taken. We decided to try some more of the Rocky Saugeen and moved on. Saw this old structure off the road Found a pretty decent spot and caught some more Fat one Bill caught Another decent one And another Caught lots of big chubs to our dismay Ended up doing alright at Saugeen and thought of trying the nearby Beaver River downstream of Lake Eugenia. Have caught brookies around here in the past but lil' rainbows were around today. Caught little bow after bow, took a couple of pics Had a good time fishing today. Think that Bill way outfished me. Enjoyed that countryside driving as well. Cheers, ehg
  18. In the fall the bass go deeper. By mid-October I find it hard to find them. Forget about topwaters then.
  19. Gotta agree with Headhunter on the Di meola, De Lucia, McLaughlin concert. Had to be the pinnacle of guitar playing at the time. I played that album alot. But Eddie Van Halen was rocking fer sure as well. That Van Halen video must be over 25 yrs. ago. Makes me feel old. lol
  20. Not sure the brookies will be as big but we should do alright. Those pics were taken on a $20 camera from back in the day. So was just hoping pic would turn out, would find out a little while later not instantly like these days.
  21. Someone recently gave me a printer/photocopy/fax thing you plug in the computer. Not really into these technologies but i plugged it in and tried it out. It is brand new and it worked so i scanned some photos of fish from the mid 1990's. Thought i'd post them here to try the stuff further. Tried the photobucket editor and pressed 'beautify' and it blurred my face. So i guess it did 'beautify'. A carp i caught on a shad rap in the winter. A nice brown from around same time Nice musky my buddy caught one fall day Probably the cleanest, prettiest musky I ever caught. So it all works. Put the pics of ex-wife on different website. lol... just joking Enjoy, ehg
  22. Multiple Sclerosis is definitely on the increase. In Scotland the last few years its said to be reaching epidemic levels. Hard to believe with all the medical miracles these days there is still no cure for it, just some costly injectable medicine that has a 30 % chance of slowing it's progression. We might be the only ones regularly posting dx'ed with it. At least it hasn't stopped me from fishing like always.
  23. In the 5 years or so of being around here that is the first T.O smallmouth report i've ever seen. Congrats on the smallies and decent pike. Thanks for posting that, ehg
  24. Thanks for the link Paulus, looks like they are exploring the idea of an airport there again. Explains the recent increase in security presence i've felt , that wasn't there before. Many links to go to from that main link. It would be a shame if it happened the trails i followed were from deer, have caught brookies and small atlantics, went through class 1A farmfields, just to read now that it could be all decimated and paved for airport development.
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