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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Thanks Bill, the federal officer was probably more correct. Thought someone would have crown land access story to add?
  2. Great report and pics as usual! Looks like summer bass is about over ehg
  3. Thanks for replies! Searched the internet for more info on area for crown land usage but came up with nothing new. Did find a map of proposed blueprints for Pickering airport and found there was to be a runway right on my brookie spot. . Good thing it didn't happen. I think the security is trying to intimidate for some reason. Nice brookies still there despite proximity to metropolis. ehg
  4. Was on some weather forums moments ago where they said hurricane remnants went through western Ohio, southern Michigan , northeastern Illinois and parts of Indiana. Heading into S. Ontario right now.
  5. Great report again! Can't wait till later in fall for your big walleye catching reports. Still adding inches for our team WTG. ehg
  6. Great report and nice fishes! Have a friend in Otterburn Park who keeps on trying to entice me to come down and fish the Richelieu now i can see whats there. Thanks for posting, ehg
  7. I modify small spinners for little trout creeks where no live bait and barbless is the rule. I've caught the small trout this way but have a WAY lower hooking percentage. Felt that the need to set the hook and keep pressure on the fish actually was more stressful for it. Try my best to go to areas where barbs are allowed for this reason. ehg
  8. In last 4 years or so i've done some similar reports to this and have had 30 + requests (through PM's) for this location no one has ever gone here despite this, so i don't feel bad about revealing location. Anyways in May i went to this location and after fishing went to my vehicle only to find a Federal Canada security guard parked behind my vehicle. I asked him if there was a problem and he was friendly and explained the situation. Seems the land i was on was expropriated by Transport Canada for the proposed Pickering airport and was considered Crown land therefore, he explained. He told me the land was leased to farmers, etc.. by the federal government and that i was free to fish and access land within the boundries of expropriation. That's great i thought fishing with no worries of trespassing. So today i went to same spot to try my luck near season closing, since i never went at this time before. Had a good fishing day and left to go back to my vehicle. Again a security vehicle is parked behind my truck, the guy gets out and speaks to me. This is now a private security company (not Federal). He tells me i'm NOT allowed to fish there or go on the land. So i tell him about what the federal guy said and he seemed confused by my story, filled me in on what he knew and left. Now i'm confused as well! Had a decent day brookie fishing anyways; used Panther Martins and caught a dozen or so brookies and twice as many chubs. Doing this in the fall seemed better than springtime. Missed many fish as the morning became brighter. I could see them hit the lure but go back to cover quickly, when i first arrived they hit more robustly. Here is some pics First fish of day Largest of the day Smallest of the day One of many big creek chubs... So had a better day fishing than expected have to try again before close. That security guy peeved me though now i'm not sure what to believe or expect there? At least the bugs were almost gone but for those dang fire ants. Cheers, ehg
  9. The humour of the post belies the fact that there is a big bass Great stuff, ehg
  10. Congrats to your buddy! Seems to be a big differece between fish in the mid 40" range compared to 50 inch fish. Those near 50 inch fish become girthy tanks.
  11. Some nice smallmouth bass there! About a year ago i fell off Mike's boat as well, but had no change of clothes. Just kept fishing though and got wind-dried. You will be on watch for that not to happen again. lol
  12. Congrats to Bly on the PB muskie. That Kawarthas bass- musky- walleye fishing is real fun. Thanks for posting this, ehg
  13. Ditto on the amazing selfless report. Those char have the most intense vivid colouration imaginable. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing, ehg
  14. Those are some big largemouth! Personally i think they are better eating than smallmouth. Thanks for sharing, ehg
  15. Great report and pictures as usual. The heron pictures are real clear and close. September and October are big time musky months. Thanks for sharing, ehg
  16. Kinda like having an aquarium in your computer. This would be good for practicing salmon identification. Seen mostly Atlantics and the odd Pink(some with lamprey) so far. Great link, ehg
  17. I remember 20+ yrs. ago hearing the MNR netted a musky that weighed 100 lbs in Lake Scugog. The reality is that neither Lake Scugog or Rice Lake have the forage base or type of forage that could produce fish that large. I read information years ago by musky researchers Lebeau and Dr. Crossman stating that the largest musky they netted in the Kawarthas was a 45 lb. fish from Head Lake. I would concur with Slimeball as well.
  18. I would concur and voted for musky(not pike). Musky have extremely powerful short busrts and nasty sharp teeth. Chinooks have longer runs and are extremely poweful as well. Really something to deal with, especially off a pier. I've found 4-8 lb Great Lakes brown trout to be scrappiest pound for pound. Kinda like a smallmouth bass on steroids.
  19. Beautiful and rare Atlantic salmon you caught there. Catching a sucker on a crankbait might be more rare. Thanks for finally posting these, ehg
  20. Real nice fish
  21. That's a big largemouth for way up there. Superb catch! Congrats, ehg
  22. ehg

    A salmon painting

    Thanks Pam! I plan on painting again soon, still a neophyte at this but am finding inspiration from photos and paintings found in this section. Thanks again and wish you good health, ehg
  23. That is a big rainbow and not bad salmon. Thanks for posting
  24. Great report, pictures, and summary of techniques! The wildlife pics and video are nice addition. You are right where did the summer go? Good stuff as usual, ehg
  25. Nice walleyes and great wildlife photos! Congrats on the wedding. ehg
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