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Everything posted by ehg

  1. ehg


    A Fishermans Prayer Early to bed, early to rise. Fish like hell and make up lies. Hey, Italo recovered from his way more serious debacle, this is just a blemish. Keep fishing, ehg
  2. Wow! Nice report and fish. Camping at this time of the year is pretty hardcore. At least you were rewarded for your efforts! cheers, ehg
  3. Great report! Congrats. Thanks for not wrecking the pictures by trying to erase the background. Looks like steelies are everywhere now. Vicariously, ehg
  4. Great walleye! Heard some rumblings that western L.Ontario could be a future walleye hotspot, you guys are showing some proof. Very, very few people fish for walleye down that way. Thanks for posting, ehg
  5. Great pictures and report! Thanks for posting!
  6. ehg

    Same Musky?

    No worries, MistyR1
  7. Alot of excellent info for the same question i was pondering. Who needs floatfishing.net? Great thread. Thanks! ehg
  8. The last weekend of April in the Kawarthas have now become crappie central. Can't wait! cheers, ehg
  9. ehg

    Same Musky?

    Thought that the second picture makes the fish look shorter. Its that bar of white, posterior to the caudal peduncle, that is unique in both fish. Most other things match up as well. Ya but whatever... Are you saying that muskies can be gay? Whatever floats your boat! cheers, ehg
  10. Did this post on last couple of versions of board. Trying out the new system Anyways, about 1998 caught a musky in about 45 ft of water while jigging for walleye. Realizing quickly that it was a musky i reeled it in nice and slow letting it decompress itself. Was using 6 lb. test but brought it in anyways since i was concerned the stinger would fuse the upper and lower jaws shut. A few years later i caught a musky on a shallow shelf adjacent to the deeper water. No big deal, used the cradle quick photo and released. A few years later flipping through musky pics these two were back to back. They sure looked somewhat similar, but the white bar above the tail fin was the give away. If there the same sure shows proper care and handling (C&R) helps when fishing these beasts. Fish looks stronger and healthier second time around. cheers, ehg
  11. Didn't fish as much as usual this year, but found the weedbeds on Pigeon deteriorated and choked with green slimy stuff. Found the fish harder to locate as a result. ehg
  12. Finding the new board a little confusing right now. So instead of PM i'll request my count from old board here. 777 i think it was at. Thanks, ehg
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