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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Wow that's not bad fishing especially on the Upper Niagara. Bodes well for the future! Was under the impression that there was no muskies in the Upper Niagara, before reading this here post.
  2. 7 muskies in one day on any body of water can't really be beat! Congrats on the PB and great musky day
  3. Great report! Like the psychedelic backgrounds as well. That's a wicked mouth on that brown, congrats Bill. Thanks for posting. ehg
  4. That about describes this, size and brute force beat skill and experience. Couture is 45 though, his time is over anyways.
  5. Wow! You know how to get the big smallies there. I still remember that super fat fish one of your students caught. Thanks for sharing these. ehg
  6. Most of my PB's were caught 10 -20 yrs. ago. so some have no photo available... Steelhead- 30" + from Oshawa harbour in mid 1980's Smallmouth- 23.5" from Pigeon Lake in mid 1980's Pike- 42" from Toronto harbour March 2003 Walleye 16 lbs-Lake Simcoe March 1995 no pic of that one but couple of nice ones through ice at Quinte in late 1990's
  7. If Lesnar wins this i would be shocked! Couture has way more experience with 15 minutes of this brutal mayhem. That's why i initially posted this to get others opinion, which seem evenly split.
  8. Feel the same way but still find this match intriguing. I think the whole Kimbo Slice thing really hurt organized MMA.
  9. That is a great pile of fish. Looks like you got out there at the right time. Nice pics as well Tried to identify the trib by looking at creekbed substrate but i can't tell? lol nice stuff, ehg
  10. Snag, i think that is the first picture of a fish i caught. Found that picture in a box of old family picture albums. Actually caught that fish about 400 meters south of Thomas St. at first deep bend but that was 30 yrs. ago. Spent 90% of my time on that creek down by the now non -existent marina. I don't have a picture holding that fish, my father took the picture without my knowledge. this is earliest picture could find of holding fish. Some walleye my MOTHER and i caught at Pigeon in early 80's Caught all those on gold rapala J-9, still one of my best days of fishing. Wish i still had the hair though.
  11. Really, i can't tell who would win this. Couture has beaten alot of guys who were bigger than him and way younger, more skilled. He is 45 yrs. old though and Brock Leznar is a brute. Heck of a fight is gonna happen. I'm pulling for Couture
  12. Thanks for reply Paulus, it was nice to have oppurtunity so close. Had to move from the 'Shwa though. Thought i'd post this pic to show an old school rainbow from an eastern trib. Wilmot was all the rage then. Steelheading was similar back then, fresh roe under blackbird floats during or after rains was best. No drennan products, centerpins or 13 ft rods back in the day.
  13. Caught this fish in the Oshawa Creek on an orange Beno. It was actually caught in 1978 when i was eight years old. Really had no clue what i was doing but got new fishing rod(Cherrywood) and (Mitchell) spinning reel so i learned to cast. Put that lure on and casted a pool and wham! I was further hooked on fishing. Luckily i lived across street from Thomas St. bridge so much steelheading was done throughout the 1980's. Just found this picture while rummaging through things this evening.
  14. Seems like good report, not like Alaska but not bad. No matter what you seem to catch a bunch of fish eventually. Nice going, ehg
  15. Great report and a ton of nice fish! Haven't seen the fish caught on black jigs or egg- sucking leech pattern much this year. I have some of them, not that i'll catch anything or try them. Great report again, ehg
  16. Lived in the south- end of Oshawa for first part of my life and never had a break in on my families home or vehicle in the time i lived there, despite the violence and drugs that seemed pervasive. Moved to downtown Toronto 20 yrs. ago and it seems more civil but have had three vehicles stolen and vehicles broken into maybe 10 -12 times (lost count). Buying 'the Club' seven yrs. ago stopped cars from being stolen but im still getting smashed windows from druggies looking for change for a fix. I keep nothing in the car valuable, but have become good at going to junkyard and replacing windows myself.
  17. It's funny how fate works. Things can go from real bad to great as long as you are open to positive occurences. Now you have a chance at getting a nice musky before the season closes. As an aside, was recently reading about Jeri Ryan (Star Trek, Boston Public) and her divorce from former husband Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan was running for Senator of Illinois when details of there seperation became public. The scandal that followed destroyed his campaign opening it for Barack Obama's election as Senator of Illinois. Four years later Obama is President of United States Due to this stroke of fate. I'd rather have the oppurtunity to go musky fishing like you now, Jigger.
  18. Recently had some 'downloader' thing come off facebook. Ran Spybot and Lavasoft ad- aware and they found nothing. Ran AVG Anti-spyware and it found and removed the thing slowing and messing up my computer. Maybe try AVG it was free.
  19. Would be fun to catch those rainbows all day, with the nice weather and all.
  20. Great report and some fine pictures! Thanks for posting this, ehg
  21. If you can't find minnows, crankbaits or rattletraps in silver work well. Finding the break from 8 to 15 ft. is a good spot. Just staying in the flow and casting about should produce. Last time i was there the water was real clear so flatline trolling with lots of line out or long casts while drifting would be the best. There is a bridge on the east side which you shouldn't pass or security will appear and yell at you. Watch the winds and waves.
  22. That fish i would guess 8.5 to 9.5 lbs. Real nice fish for that type of water. For comparison, caught this walleye in Kawarthas over 10 yrs. ago. It was 30 inches. It gave the fight of its life. Quick picture, then when releasing it was dead. Kept it therefore and it was 9.25 lbs. You caught a nice, rare walleye for up there.
  23. Those are some amazing walleyes for sure. Lots of big walleyes for you this year so far. Probably more to come...
  24. That is a great muskie fishing day. Congrats on the PB! ehg
  25. Those wild steelhead are more 'chromey' and full bodied looking. Great set of pictures! ehg
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