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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Those are pretty good size for white bass! Personally, i've never ate them or will from the Great Lakes system. The Thames does't sound much better. Here is a picture of one that is about the max size in Ontario.
  2. Pigeon is a great place to just catch a muskie. The other side of that island is good as well. Some nice muskies pictured there without the 10 000 casts. WTG ehg
  3. That's a nice musky! Pigeon really produces decent fish. All i used when i started fishing muskies up there(20 yrs. ago) was a chartreuse J-13. Congrats on achieving your goal. ehg
  4. I thought the same thing. On a 9.9 i'll go at least 1/3 on the throttle, maybe bit more. Like to see the rod tip thumping or if i'm trolling a spinnerbait at least feel the blades pulsing. Good luck on Pigeon, lots of decent muskies and structure there. ehg
  5. Never seen a member post a lynx they photographed here before. That is cool! Nice place there and good you had most of the family enjoying time up there. ehg
  6. Nice report and pics! That is a huge musky, must be a PB eh?
  7. I concur, easily fattest, girthiest smallmouth i ever have seen. Fricken amazing, ehg
  8. Perhaps the most nutritious, healthy food for all beings. Truly the apex of fish, as you say.
  9. This could be the best fishing article, post, or whatever i ever read. May be the greatest gift to this community. The choice of words and writing style are top notch. Almost skipped the pictures to read the verbage. The comment on the Alaskan ecosystem was almost an universal observation on all living systems. Thanks for taking the time and effort for posting this. ehg
  10. As someone mentioned use the search function. If you have no wheels and are looking for pike in T.O, the quoted post below would be your best bet on all fronts. Good luck with your endeavour.
  11. Great pictures and a great place. Further thanks, ehg
  12. Haven't seen the issue but i remember the fish! Will take a browse when by a newstand. I figured that was why it was pulled from this site. Money talks. Was it mentioned that OFNer's helped put him on the spot and many other tips?
  13. That is a fantastic and in depth report. Lots of good photos as well! Congrats on the high placing, sounds like a real test of patience and endurance. It was a great read even though i don't fish for carp. Thanks for taking the time and effort in sharing this. ehg
  14. Great report and nice fish! Like the details you provided. Good stuff, ehg
  15. Not sure what HD is saying, these fish go up river to mostly unsuccessfully spawn then die. It is a 'put and take' fishery of non- native species. I go up to Upper Credit a few times a year to get away from the lower trib madness. There is WAY more fish and WAY less fishermen than what you posted, also no kill, barbless, no bait etc, conservation... in the miles upon miles of river with nary another fisherman. But whatever, the main thing is you had fun fishing with your daughter.
  16. Those are some real colourful brookies with some decent size. The brown and bass are pretty good as well. Love that creek fishing for non- steelhead! Great post, ehg
  17. Excellent report! Great that you got out with your daughter, that's the best. That is one amazing brown and picture. Have to try there one day. Thanks for posting this, ehg
  18. WOW! Great fishing report Thanks for posting this, ehg
  19. Yup Bill, the season for stream brookies closes on Tuesday around here. Good Luck! I would concur with douG's statement. Thanks for further replies, ehg
  20. Don't worry Billy it only means you like fishing Had a dream not long ago that i caught a world record smallmouth bass right in front of my house while fishing in a sewer here in downtown Toronto. Best, most memorable dream ever.
  21. Ha! Ha! SNAG, i don't think it's a white sucker i've seen millions of those. they are long and skinny not stout. Thinking maybe a black or silver redhorse sucker, the light spots and mouth are weird.
  22. Usually i'm decent at identification but what is this thing?
  23. Thanks for replies! Those brook trout are real beauts. Done all the fishing from steelheading to musky to Quinte eyes etc... But this is probably my favorite fishing despite their size. Real gifts from nature these fish. Always C&R these fish now, have ate some in the past, they are delicious fer sure. Thanks again, ehg
  24. Nice fish! That musky looks like quite the chunk! Reading this post also makes me feel thankful for my daughters good health. ehg
  25. Great pictures and report again! That part of the Grand with the great smallmouths looks like a well kept gem. Probably not far from some urban encroachment i'd guess as well. Thanks for sharing this, ehg
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