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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Thanks for the updates! I won't be going there this weekend hopefully soon though
  2. I didn't see the jig hit you, your welcome for the responses
  3. I think you lost a pike or musky when it's teeth cut the line. Cool video anyways!
  4. Wow, that is a ton of fish pictures you posted. Sounds like great timing and the right choice of river for fish. Good to see you sharing the wealth of experience with those (Bill, Cliff) who have the same enthusiasm. Thanks for posting report, ehg
  5. Sorry to hear of your loss Thomas, getting out on the ice fishing might eventually lift your spirits.
  6. There is so many great fishing reports posted it's hard to cover them all. Leechman posted links above to some of the best. Also SNAG had a couple good ones recently like (Fishin...with Death) fun stuff. TBayBoy posted great photos and writeups, JohnnyBass had non stop great reports in the warm weather, Enjoyed Lake O reports from iceguy and troutguy in the summer. Lots of folks posted whatever there fishing trips provided and their efforts were appreciated. CCMT, jwl, mistyriver1, trapshooter, fishnsled, limeyangler, silvio, CC, Kemper, Mke the Pike etc...... The reports from Lakair and Quinte G2G's were standouts as well. Great site with lots of great fishing and (NF) posts
  7. Sometimes its worth it to try an unfrozen lake in the middle of winter. Usually the best fishing of the year can be had. Thought i'd share a couple of pics of many years ago from Lake O. Caught these fish from a 12 ft. Stearns as well. Since that time have been edumacated and always where a PFD now.
  8. All those Niagara muskies are really chunky. That's a healthy looking fish. Thanks for posting the picture
  9. Nice job by ccmt(Cliff) keeping track of tourney progress and results! This was a real close finish, considering all the fish species and entries. Thanks to all who contributed to make this work.
  10. ehg


    Is that a tiger musky it's eating? Are they in Europe?
  11. Sounds like a real good time, with some nice fish caught. Would be nice to see a picture of that 49 inch musky!
  12. Most pure muskies i have caught, have no spots on fins. Must be because they are Kawartha muskies with no pike around. For example, I would agree with that statement it's hard to tell. Great Lakes musky seem to have some spots on fins. Nice looking fish again there Rizzo.
  13. All those fish are tiger muskies. The third fish has spots on its fins, pure muskies have no spots on fins. That third fish is a real chunky beaut!
  14. That's a real fine musky there! The fins on it are lobed a bit with some spots, has some pike in it. Sounds like a great day was had.
  15. Your story and your son will never be forgotten by me. As a father i'm always reminded. Godspeed
  16. Forgot about Little Bald, almost seems like an extension of Pigeon. So then there is three.
  17. Smoked eel is great! Always getting some from the sushi chefs in my work places. Very healthy source of Omega 3's. Tried it for the first time at a Holiday Inn in Sault Ste. Marie when i was 10 yrs. old. Unfortunately there is a sense of closed mindedness to these 'no frill' threads.
  18. Didn't really think about this before but fished only two lakes this season. Pigeon Lake (warm season) Lake Ontario(cold season) Fished a few river systems (Credit, Saugeen) for little brook trout as well.
  19. When younger and livin' in the bush, what is pictured below was a mainstay
  20. Those are some huge walleyes! At least you are still catching them, congrats to both of you on some great fishing. The fish in the second pic has a blue-ish tinge to it. Thanks for sharing those, ehg
  21. Some areas have an abundance of large female fish and an abundance of forage to continue successful populations of their kind. The Bay of Quinte (walleye) and Ottawa R./ St. Lawrence (musky) come to mind, through time. Species that historically thrive in these areas would probably survive an occasional harvest of an extremely large, old fish. This should allow for less controversy when one exercises their choice to harvest or not. Personally i would let them go, unless they would be good to eat.
  22. That is a real good story of the thought process involved in catching that historical muskie. Caught on the 10 inch Jake no less! Thanks for providing this.
  23. Nice! Lots of wildlife and great pictures! Thanks for posting that. ehg
  24. Use to go to Quinte very often on the ice. The earliest date was Boxing Day in the 1990's. As others said the ice is sketchy because of currents. The green buoys, or channel markers on west side of Belleville were always a good start early in season. Long Reach area always produced as the ice thickened. Emerald shiners on a silver Swedish Pimple worked off the bottom seemed to work. Good Luck, ehg
  25. Very sad news indeed. My heart goes out to Speedtroll and his family.
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