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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Recently had the tranny go in my 2002 Dodge Caravan. Luckily a buddy is a mechanic and for 850 dollar and a little labour cost, he was able to put a refurbished tranny in which so far seems worth it. I have put only 110 thousand km on vehicle so this first repair should help for awhile.
  2. That some fine fishing there, real nice looking quality fish meat as well.
  3. Another successful lunch hour there SNAG! Inspired by your posts went looking for open water on the T.O waterfront for pike and found some birds instead. Didn't catch any pike but saw some interesting birds. Got out the baitcaster and casted x-raps for first time this year Saw some of these nearby Also saw a duck i've never seen before, black head, white sides and constantly diving Anyways nice going on the pike Grant! Your posts inspired me to try as well.
  4. Nice report Grant, those are some real EARLY in the season T.O pike. Looks like lunchtime on milder days with Rapala husky jerks might bring some pike for those willing to try. Great stuff as usual from you.
  5. Worked as a chef but now disabled by same thing as OhioFisherman. Luckily i still can get out fishing now and then. Life is still good!
  6. I've been seriously into birding for 20 yrs. and have seen many sharp-shinned fly over my head while in the woods of N.Ontario. They seemed to always have sharply squared tails in flight. But whatever, it was the crow size comment that primarily made me think Cooper. Great photos again!
  7. It is surely a Cooper's hawk. The last pic of it in flight really confirms it with the rounded tail. Sharp shinned tails are sharply squared when in flight. Great pictures of a not often seen hawk. Kemper, i think you saw an osprey fishing in your story, lots one lake over in Pigeon.
  8. Another great photo/report! Amazing craftsmanship on those boats thanks for the glimpse.
  9. No doubt perhaps one of the largest muskies ever caught. Kudos on the release back to its environment to continue living. Probably the pinnacle of musky fishing especially since it was the goal. Awesome!
  10. Thanks for the report! Ice fishing at Quinte is always a treat, the opportunity for a huge walleye always exists. Great report again, ehg
  11. That is some awesome fishing and a great display of knowledge and skills! Thanks for sharing this.
  12. There really isn't a lengthy history for Obama, his presidency is a bit of a fluke. 4 years ago Illinois Senator Jack Ryan had to leave office due to a scandal, his wife was Jeri Ryan (Boston Public, Star Trek: Voyager). Seems he wanted her to have sex at private clubs he attended to her dismay, when this became public knowledge that was the political end for Mr. Ryan and opened the door for Obama to be Senator of Illinois. Four short years ago. Indirectly Jeri Ryans attractiveness is the reason for Obamas presidency. No matter what Obama will be seen as a person of 'colour'. The fact that he is now president is therefore historic. This will change the perception of the United States on the world stage, perhaps leading to a more positive climate of consciousness on this planet today. Despite the paranoid rantings of some, truly and historically there has never been a better time for women and children than there is in Canada and the USA today. What i've learned from this thread is that buying a Lund doesn't help you catch fish or gain historical intelligence.
  13. Great videos! In the last video some of those perch seemed to be waiting for the lure, even after they watched others getting pulled out.
  14. The complete boneless fillets in the second video, took only 5 seconds longer than that minute long dangerous first video method.
  15. Lots of nice walleyes there! That one fish is really big, any idea of its size?
  16. Another creative post there Grant Thanks for the laugh.
  17. Separation of the main 'general discussion' section into fishing, non-fishing, 'best of', 'in memoriam' etc.... Goes against what makes this board successful and active. Isn't there already a bunch of sub-forums, ...classifieds, members directory, hook-ups, fishing news, photography, etc....
  18. Real excellent report! The tons of photos along with the story made this great. That brookie is a real beauty, and i like the rare whitefish from Quinte ice as well. Great post, thanks ehg
  19. Again thanks for further replies! I did try one of those baits but need to go a little deeper, so i'll bring splitshots next time and thanks again. Not a big fan of ice fishing as well that's why i try this boat stuff. Quinte walleye through ice ain't bad however. Light north winds and staying warm(boot warmers) are some of the key things. I'll send a PM when i have more time.
  20. Actually found the red Power Pro to be difficult to tie in lower light conditions, the line kinda 'disappeared' compared to mono.
  21. Thanks for the replies, glad you enjoyed the few pictures! There was a few other boats out there as well, so some other folks are hardcore for fishing as well. Actually we both are born of French-Canadian descent; close enough though. Ya it's colder than ice fishing due to exposure and the lack ability to move around and warm up. Only spent 2 hours or so on the water. :canadian: Thanks mikeh, thought about posting pics of launching years ago when shoreline ice forced us to lower the boat down a cliff(behind me in the pic of large brown). I'll never go down the cliff again, that was too brutal and now i'm old. I think...
  22. Those are real nice lakers and pike! The lake trout look like a real healthy average size. Excellent report and effort as always. Great to get out with other OFNCers, any i've met have been top notch people.
  23. Those are some great fishing pictures, especially the trout close ups Nice new boat as well!
  24. One of my favorite type of fishing is trolling around the big lake in mid winter. Was surprised today to see a few others chose to do the same thing as well. Got to destination around 3 pm and saw some ice fisherman a little yonder, made me think that Quinte probably had some decent ice somewhere for some walleyes. Ended up throwing the boat in the big lake and trolled the softwater. Caught some brown trout and white bass which were the species targeted and desired. Here is the first and one of the smaller brown trout, buddy Dave caught. Here is one of the average size white bass It sure was a cold out there with -6 C/21 F temperatures but the trolling/casting took the chill away at times. Ended up catching one of my better brown trouts out there which made my winter so far. That fish probably fought and did runs for nearly 15 minutes, by the time it was landed my hands were frozen Thought i would post largest white bass of the day Just thought i'd share these photos and experience. Cheers, ehg
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