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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Just replaced the tranny on 02 Caravan about a month ago. Cost 1300 for refurbished transmission w/ labour. Seems to be about the going rate for used transmission replacement, not 3000. Good Luck
  2. Nice catches as usual! I guess Simcoe has strong ice still judging by your trucks being out there.
  3. Nice going on the pikes! Just have your logo ready to put in your teeth or whatever for pic. Now your gonna be more addicted to this fine sport.
  4. I can see now why those ('gweeches) sandwiches were so popular! Nice pikes as well, that firetiger pattern seems to be working for ya.
  5. Was going to post the same comment about 'run and gun'. Maybe there should be a float plane ice fishing tourney!
  6. I don't think any post is 'garbage'. Those with only a few words are usually just a bump of appreciation for ones effort. Being critical of criticism is hypocritical i guess though. ehg
  7. How about a fishing report from you, instead of constant criticism.
  8. Wow, more concern! I think this is similar to people driving thier vehicle out onto Simcoe to the whitie grounds. There is a risk involved but some have experience and do it quite often. We always try to stay close to shore as seen in pics.
  9. Having done similar reports for last 5 years or so; this is the first one that has brought up a question of safety. I applaud that because these posts are done with trepidation. I wouldn't encourage anyone to try this, but just like catching fish and posting pics of adventure. Thanks aniceguy! All the replies have been great. ehg
  10. Thanks for the quick reply. I'll talk to the doctors about that. Ya having MS can get you a medical marijuana card that gives legal possession and there is some stuff 'Sativex' which is THC isolated and administered through an inhaler but ..... i'll look into the amitriptyline first. Thanks for info, ehg
  11. Awesome hardcore report! Those rainbows are beauts, but that Laker pic is the best. Lots of ice everywhere. Love that kind of fishing!
  12. What was the name of the medication that helped you gain weight? I could use some. (If the doctors think OK) Always weighed 205 or so all my life, now i am 145 lbs due to MS. Oddly more weight will give me more ability. Good to hear things are working out for you.
  13. I was wrong! After posting i did a check and it seems like Brook Trout are only native to Eastern Canada. Here is a great informative link... http://books.google.ca/books?id=j35ZD6OS2J...result#PPA50,M1 Nice fish anyways, ehg
  14. That sounds like a decent fishing trip! Brookies must be 'Canadas' fish; from northern B.C, to Nipigon, to creeks around Toronto, right to Newfoundland those scrappy, tasty most beautiful fish are everywhere. Great post, ehg
  15. That would be my answer as well. Really like the north end of Pigeon Lake around there. Spent my summers there as a kid
  16. Actually that boat and that water and that weather did mix so that we had a amazing fishing day like some other folks we met out fishing that day in a similar way. Bill you are correct about the lippin. I'll have to check some musky photos
  17. WOW! What a huge burbot, definitely one of the biggest ever in Ontario. When there big like that there markings really standout. Congratulations!
  18. Nice to have those days off for fishing Seemed like each day was a little different. Not bad!
  19. Youse are right to show some concern, it's appreciated. It is very dangerous to do this in that boat but trust me safety is our primary concern when doing this, when the lifejacket is off or open is when we are sheltered and close to shore. I had some line clippers and camera in that jacket so lifejacket was unsnapped at those moments. When travelling both our lifejackets are on, even in past we used floater suits but we've done this over 50 times. Not a recommended way of fishing unless you have experience and are hardcore. Just like to catch fish.
  20. It really didn't feel as cold with the stronger sun these days, There was a guy out wakeboarding there by the beach. We were covered in ice from wave crashing and wind when we got back. Thanks for further replies!
  21. No matter what that is a nice healthy, huge laker there
  22. Always some surprise when ice fishing at Quinte... i've pulled out Longnose Gar, whities, even mudpuppies when icefishing there. That is a rare, nice big channel cat through the ice.
  23. Whenever the winds are from the north on a Saturday in the winter i like to try and get out on the big water. Today seemed like that type of day. Got to the launching area and the breeze was onshore however it was light. Was able to get to spot but it sure was choppy with increasing winds from the southeast unfortunately going across a large fetch of lake. Good thing we tried for a a bit before we got chased off the lake by whitecaps. The fishing turned out pretty good. It was cold - 10 C (14F) when we went out but we were to busy catching to feel it. As usual i will post a few pictures... Here is some of the scrappy little browns we catch. My buddy Dave with first one.. I caught one as well Here is a few more browns we caught always a lot of fun. Catch the White Bass here as well some pics of them. A nice doubleheader picture of big White Bass The next couple of fish we don't catch a lot at this place but today they were there., A couple of rainbow trout. A cute little guy that i luckily got a picture of before it shook out of Davids hands A bigger bow... A better pose Dave also briefly had on a huge bow that started doing cartwheels and flips in front of us after it got unhooked. Must had been well over 15 lbs or so. Also caught some OOS smallmouth way offshore when trolling which was a surprise. All fish were caught on Rattlin' Raps in shad colour. Quickly we had to leave as it started getting to rough, too bad as the catching was constant and there was an hour or more of light. It was probably a good decision judging by our brutal boat ride back. Hope you enjoy the pictures and cheers, ehg
  24. Thanks for sharing that great trip and pictures! It must have been a blast seeing those floats go down
  25. ehg

    20 years ago

    Reduction in stocking and effects of Zebra Mussels sounds like good reasons for decline in #'s. Zebra mussels changed the Bay of Quinte and Kawartha fisheries substantially as well.
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