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Everything posted by ehg

  1. That's a really nice big pike you caught Amazing that this fish was caught nearby one of North Americas largest city.
  2. Couldn't tell you exact spots, but you could catch bass, pike, catfish, panfish and maybe walleye there; when in season.
  3. Really one of your best spots for pike at this time, too bad there is only this afternoon and evening left until pike season closes.
  4. Really like fishing the most but with down time in winter i tried some painting. Have posted some photos of paintings here and received some encouragement in past. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22831 So i tried painting more and came out with some weird abstract thing. For those into the painting stuff, not sure what to make of this.
  5. Thanks for the report! The ice is pretty well gone down here. Pretty nice feed of walleye.
  6. Nice backup fishing boat for free. Had a 12 ft. Thornes and 9.9 for 25 yrs. It really was sea-worthy and quick. If you want to test out that motor the munincipal garbage bins work well like in this video.
  7. Good to meet you down there DSN! Went down Saturday for a bit and had lethargic pike follows, did see that salmon you spoke of. Was skeptical when you mentioned that but saw it yesterday, was a coho on its last legs. Wasn't a million lurkers there due to post but did run into OFNCer douG there for real. Pleasant fellow he was.
  8. Youse never cease to amaze on the variety and success in your reports We are lucky to have Bly on Team 1 there will be more contributions still to go surely. Happy birthday to your daughter! Have a great weekend.
  9. Hey Snag, good to meet you unexpectedly and that was a nice pike you caught. I like how the photo turned out, it really shows the girth and markings of the fish despite its twisting around. You sure have the magic touch for them T.O pike, no one else caught any at the time or had as many follows. Cheers, ehg
  10. Those are some really nice browns! Congrats on the fish, that place sure produces the browns and odd Atlantic.
  11. Seeing that it was a beautiful non-winters day, thought i would go take a few casts for some Toronto harbour pike. The waters were calm and people were out and aboot enjoying the spring sun. Took a few casts and then some guy with a fishing rod stopped by and seemed to recognize me. It was Grant who goes by 'Snag' on this board. We chatted and fished, he kept getting lots of follows. Eventually one of those pike bit his lure and the fight was on. After a short tussle the pike was landed and a picture was taken. The fish measured 33 inches but wouldn't stay still for pic. Nice fat healthy Toronto harbour pike. Great meeting you Grant, hopefully we will meet down there again! Thanks for showing how the piking is done there. ehg
  12. Apparently Browns evolved from Atlantic Salmon so there is many similarities leading to confusion. Slight case of 'ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny'. Brown? Atlantic? Fun stuff!
  13. Nice report as usual! At least you got some good eats out of that day. This picture is great. Don't see that angle too often.
  14. Good to see you get out there for some of that good fishing Stan. Can't get enough of fishing that place, it really rocks in January or February when no other boats are there. Here is a link to an Atlantic caught there in past. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...t=0&start=0
  15. The Canadiens were doing well until the Kostisyn brothers and Kovalev were linked with bikers or mob people or something, that is when it started taking a turn for the worse.
  16. 300 to 400 would be a reasonable price for that motor, since its older and used.
  17. Nice going on the continued additions to Team 1 totals. That's a real big crappie and real fine channel cat as well.
  18. That has to be one of the silveriest chromers i've seen. Good thing you stuck it out for that beauty.
  19. Congrats on the nice trout, that can be a good area there
  20. That north end ain't bad for muskies around where Pigeontroller mentioned. Caught a few last year(like pictured) trolling shallow runners over deep water, go figure.
  21. ehg

    40 million

    Getting pretty close to 40 million now It was 20 million just around two years ago, averaging about 10 milion views a year now! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...ic=2853&hl=
  22. Nice little report! Good to add some more fish to the team totals
  23. Nice job on catching that real nice pike. Brutal having to stick your arm way in the water to get it on the ice. Congrats that is tough work
  24. Looks like soon this site will hit 40 million page views, that is not bad for a provincial fishing internet board. I remember when i posted about the achievement of 3 million page views not too long ago it seems. This site is amazingly successful Congrats to the mods and administrators!
  25. Good to see you getting out for some great whitefish
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