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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. but, as a comic once said---"being bisexual doubles your chances of find a date for a Saturday nite" !
  2. Great report and pix, you lucky ess oh bee!! You trying to outdo Borger or sumpin'?? You're giving him a good run for the $$ anyway!
  3. trying to decide between 'up North' and 'way up North' ---my 2 favorite places!!!
  4. sounds like a lot more fun than downrigging. I guess you need some sort of 'autopilot' or whatever to keep your boat in one spot-----or maybe 500 ft of rope!?
  5. Few fish were caught on spinner baits and lost a tank that spit the bait as I was just about to grab the net. Just consider it as a 'remote release'
  6. I have 1 of those and I like it too. clamps to my canoe gunwale or a boat---very portable .not sure where I got it many years ago.
  7. Excellent post, BC "His step father still walks this earth today but it was a close call," What a scumbag!!I bet you get angry every time you think of that.
  8. I know that's a common problem with oxy. My wife was on it briefly after an operation and that prospect scared the livin bejeezus out of her as we had read and heard of how common and easy it was to slip into an addiction. http://oxywatchdog.com/oxy-stories/
  9. No doubt someone will chime in to contend it wasn't a real osprey---it was a native guy who figured out another way to destroy fish!! Or the osprey had the spirit of a native?!
  10. Some places maybe, but certainly not all. Insanity? Better than the insanity of living in the big city!! Must be a really big house to pay that. Services in those towns are not too bad. My son lives in Rob Ford's ward---we can't possibly match the service he gets!!. I think they send out the plows any time it gets cloudy in winter!!!
  11. I think small towns are a good balance between the madness of the GTA/Ham and the inconvenience of the boonies. A number of small towns along G. Bay from Owen Sound to Waub are quite civilized.
  12. We moved to Wasaga after we retired and really enjoy it. Town is big enough to have most all the services and, contrary to what many might think, most all the town is quite quiet.
  13. I've caught crayfish on the river here that are almost as big as some of those store bought lobsters! Let me know if you want any----you can have 'em for free! When I was still working we had a 'lobsterfest' on a Fri aft in June for a few years. We had them flown in from PEI and they came out to about $20 each.
  14. I have rented from Jack F at this link. http://www.wildernesscanoe.ca/content/satellite-phones-rent I tried it from home before I went and it worked OK. Never had a need to try it on our trip. I don't know if Globestar has cleaned up their act in the meantime. If they have Jack is a really nice guy to deal with.
  15. Wow! Even beats us with 7 all under 8! Lots of fun. As someone said"If we knew grandkids were this much fun we would have had them first"!! Congrats, big. I'm sure you will enjoy!
  16. You should see---well, maybe you shouldn't----the mess folks leave on the beach here in Wasaga!!! Dirty diapers, plastic of all sorts, cans, Timmies (of course). The parks folk clean it up of course but that's no excuse for that behavior!!
  17. Evidence? Evidence? We don't need no steenking evidence. We've got political dogma! Tons and tons of it. Seeee!!
  18. What----all the snow gone up there already??
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